Most downloaded papers in Democracy
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive,... more
membahas mengenai demokrasi dan jenisnya serta bagaimana perkembangan demokrasi
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
This article demonstrates historically and statistically that conversionary Protestants (CPs) heavily influenced the rise and spread of stable democracy around the world. It argues that CPs were a crucial catalyst initiating the... more
Consideramos importante el tema de la participación ciudadana en los procesos de políticas públicas porque constituye un elemento fundamental y condición de posibilidad para la gobernanza democrática, y puede llegar a constituir un... more
The massacre of almost 50 Maidan protesters on February 20, 2014 was a turning point in Ukrainian politics and a tipping point in the conflict between the West and Russia over Ukraine. This mass killing of the protesters and the mass... more
In many of the established democracies of Europe and North America, populist alternatives to democratic governance are gaining popularity and political power. In attempting to make sense of these developments, I argue, unlike many, that... more
With the deadly ISIS advance, the sudden rousing of Shia militias and the threat of Kurdish secession, Iraq faces a host of deep-seated and intractable problems. Together, these events raise a number of serious questions, not just for... more
This article offers a fresh critique of the work of political scientists and historians who have propagated the Eurocentric history of democracy. The paper argues that such work can be dissected and critiqued along several key lines:... more
In this paper we argue that the use of the communicative theory of Jürgen Habermas in planning theory is problematic because it hampers an understanding of how power shapes planning. We posit an alternative approach based on the power... more
This article suggests that although there is not much of an explicitly defined anthropology of populism, anthropologists have nevertheless been working for many years on the things we talk about when we talk about populism.... more
Power is present in each individual and in every relationship. It is defined as the ability of a group to get another group to take some form of desired action, usually by consensual power and sometimes by force (Holmes, Hughes & Julian,... more
The Legacy of Iraq critically reflects on the abject failure of the 2003 intervention to turn Iraq into a liberal democracy, underpinned by free-market capitalism, its citizens free to live in peace and prosperity. It argues that mistakes... more
Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1952) fue un intelectual austro-norteamericano que trabajó como profesor en la universidad de Harvard, en los Estados Unidos. El paper retoma su más célebre libro “Capitalismo, Socialismo y Democracia”. Una clara... more
During the final quarter of the twentieth century, the democratic peace thesis - the idea that democracies do not fight one another - moved to the centre of scholarly and political debate throughout the Western world. Much of this work... more
Megaproject Planning and Management: Essential Readings contains the seminal articles from the growing body of research on megaproject planning and management along with an original introduction by the editor, Bent Flyvbjerg. The leading... more
DEMOKRASİ ve SİVİL TOPLUM ÖRGÜTLERİNİN ENGELLERİ: PATRONAJ VE NEPOTİZM * Vehbi Bayhan Öz Bu makale, Türkiye gibi Doğu toplumlarında, demokrasi ve sivil toplum örgütlerinin gelişmesini engelleyen, patronaj ve nepotizmi vurgulamaktadır.... more
At the same time that case studies are widely used and have produced canonical texts, it may be observed that the case study as a methodology is generally held in low regard, or is simply ignored, within the academy. For example, only 2... more
A contradiction lies at the very centre of the neoliberal project. On a theoretical level, neoliberalism promises to bring about a purer form of democracy, unsullied by the tyranny of the state. Indeed, this claim serves as the moral... more
In establishing an anarchic framework for understanding public space as a vision for radical democracy, this article proceeds as a theoretical inquiry into how an agonistic public space might become the basis of emancipation. Public space... more
The chapter examines the democratic mechanisms of governance evident in the various civilizations of Ancient Mesopotamia (Iraq). The chapter draws on examples from extant literature such as the earliest myths and legends, through the... more
Askerler; ordu-millet geleneğiyle şekillenen Türk devlet sistemi içerisinde her dönemde devletin belirleyici unsurlarından olmuştur. Askerlerin devletin karar alma mekanizması içerisindeki bu ağırlığının temel nedeni, işgal altındaki... more
This special issue asks, “Do classics exist in megaproject management?” We identify three types of classics: conventional, Kuhnian, and citation classics. We find that the answer to our question depends on the definition of “classic”... more
Dalam makalah ini, penulis akan membahas tentang sejarah perkembangan demokrasi di dunia termasuk Indonesia. Selain itu juga akan membahas sistem demokrasi yang dianut oleh beberapa negara di dunia. Dan tentunya membahas tentang sistem... more
Quedan rigurosamente prohibidas, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del «Copyright», bajo las sanciones establecidas en las leyes, la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra por cualquier medio o procedimiento, comprendidos la... more
This paper examines the short-lived rule of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt after the Arab Spring and argues that the Muslim Brotherhood had abandoned Islamist values without embracing democratic ideals. It identifies a pathway to reform... more
This paper sets out an ambitious critique of contemporary political scientists, political historians and others concerned with the history of democracy. It argues that overwhelmingly the history of democracy relies on an overtly... more
This article examines the openly adversarial neoconservative foundation under George Bush to the supposedly more ‘engaged’ diplomatic interaction under Barack Obama. What will be exposed is a fairly uninspired and non-innovative American... more
This article explores how technology and our recent access to, and abundance of, informa-tion, are affecting democracy, and the role of public relations professionals in a post massmedia society. The article reviews pros and cons of new... more
Across multiple societies, we see a shift from regimes of truth (ROT) to “regimes of posttruth” (ROPT) characterized by proliferating “truth markets.” ROT corresponded to disciplinary society, tighter functioning between... more
This article is a manifesto for anarchist geographies, which are understood as kaleidoscopic spatialities that allow for multiple, non-hierarchical, and protean connections between autonomous entities, wherein solidarities, bonds, and... more
This series of works presents drafts from the economics section in the critique of capital. This is to become a published work. The goal of the authorship is a thorough, citizen's critique of capitalism from the layman's perspective. In... more
This paper emphasize on the advantages and disadvantages of democracy system and how political condition in malaysia
"In cities around the world, individuals and groups are reclaiming and creating urban sites, temporary spaces and informal gathering places. These ‘insurgent public spaces’ challenge conventional views of how public spaces are defined and... more