Most downloaded papers in Decolonization
Decolonizar la Educación. Pedagogía, Currículo y Didáctica Decoloniales
Abstract Our goal in this article is to remind readers what is unsettling about decolonization. Decolonization brings about the repatriation of Indigenous land and life; it is not a metaphor for other things we want to do to improve our... more
Issue 35: Decolonizing Art Institutions Edited by Ronald Kolb & Dorothee Richter With contributions by Sabih Ahmed, Marie-Laure Allain Bonilla, Binna Choi, Eyal Danon, Claire Farago, Yolande van der... more
Reservados los derechos para todos los países. Ninguna parte de la publicación incluido el diseño de cubierta, puede ser reproducido, almacenado o transmitido de ninguna forma, ni por ningún medio, sea este electrónico, químico, mecánico,... more
Employing the tools of postcolonial studies, this paper examines the manner in which the legacy of colonialism continues to influence the analysis of the Quran in the Euro-American academy. While Muslim lands are no longer directly... more
This article examines the politics of knowledge production in the field of Islamic Studies, including Islamic Legal Studies, in the context of the Qur’an and Islamic law. It thinks broadly and freshly about Islamic Studies, categorizing... more
Background: The colonial origins of schooling and the implications these origins have on leadership is missing from educational leadership literature. Indeed little has been published on decolonizing and indigenous ways of leading... more
Mediante este artículo cuestiono el diseño industrial como profesión que soporta el patrón civilizatorio moderno-capitalista, cuyas nocivas repercusiones son planetarias a comienzos del siglo XXI. Ante ello, planteo la posible generación... more
Current debates about the Anthropocene have sparked renewed interest in the relationship between ecology, technology, and coloniality. How do humans relate to one another, to the living environment, and to their material or technological... more
Between the late 1940s and the 1970s, Europe's empires in Africa and Asia were largely dismantled; in the late 1970s, postcolonial studies as field of scholarly inquiry, primarily in the humanities and interpretive social sciences, began... more
This thesis proposes that the contemporary socioecological concerns humans share regarding our collective future hinges upon a renewal of our Earth ethic. I take indigenous and traditional voices seriously, and in doing so, collate some... more
Hybridity as an interpretive construct in the archaeology of colonialism has encountered many pitfalls, due largely to the way it has been set adrift from clear theoretical anchors and has been applied inconsistently to things, practices,... more
24/ António Costa Pinto portuguesa,,41. Um sector relativamente coeso nas suas críticas a Portugal era o Escandinavo, sobretudo a partir do final dos anos 60, que aliás passará rapidamente a apoiante humanitário e político dos movimentos... more
This article is about decolonization in general and decolonization in Palestine in particular. One way to consider decolonization is by asking, as in the title, when does the settler become a native? But what kind of question is that? Is... more
Este libro reúne los trabajos de aquellas voces alrededor del encuentro del III Congreso de Estudios Poscoloniales y IV Jornadas de Feminismo Poscolonial, en Buenos Aires (2016), organizado conjuntamente con las universidades:... more
While the recent proliferation of sociological engagements with postcolonial thought is important and welcome, central to most critiques of Eurocentrism is a concern with the realm of epistemology, with how sociology comes to know its... more
This Ph.D. is an ethnographic-activist-based project. It first examines the genealogy of popular nationalist-statist and religious enforcements of postcolonial cisheteronormativity in Egypt through the examination of two case studies, the... more
" Those machines whose output was so great that all men might be clothed; those new methods of agriculture and new agricultural implements, which promised crops so big that all men might be fed—the very instruments that were to give the... more
Modernity and a True Return to Nature 0. Point of Departure Question How are human-nature relations and the attainment of virtue through human-nature relations understood in the classical urban theory of Geddes and Mumford? How is... more
Este trabalho tem como propósitos (1) fundamentar e caracterizar as categorias analíticas de cisgeneridade e cisnormatividade, propondo-as como relevantes para reflexões políticas, acadêmicas, existenciais sobre as diversidades de corpos e... more
In this chapter (the first in James Akerman, ed., Decolonizing the Map: Cartography from Colony to Nation [University of Chicago Press, 2017]), I take a synoptic view of cartography and decolonization in the twentieth century and make... more
And now what? This anxious question torments many of us in the current socio-political moment: that of Trumpism and Brexit; of resurgent xenophobia and racism expressed through election results and policies around Europe; and of the... more
Rodolfo Kusch, el filósofo argentino, nos ofrece la mirada descolonial más clarificante, más auténtica y comprometida. América Profunda es su libro clave. Altamente recomendado y publicado aquí para el grupo de artistas que investigan con... more
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the notion of decolonizing interpretive research in ways that respect and integrate the qualitative sensibilities of subaltern voices in the knowledge production of anti-colonial... more
Decolonizar las Ciencias Sociales. Investigación Decolonial
"In this paper, we articulate foundational concepts for a supervision framework from a critical postcolonial perspective: intersectionality, power, and relational safety in context. We identify opportunities, challenges, and dilemmas... more
A revised and expanded version of "The Return to the History of Salvation" (Hebrew).
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European colonialisms (circa. Late 1400) are complex, particularized, and changing political- economic-social-religious systems of domination. In the pursuit of capital accumulation and appropriation, Western European colonialisms... more