Decolonial Thought
Recent papers in Decolonial Thought
This critical essay describes and demonstrates the uses and unique contributions of performative writing as a form of inquiry into the materialities and mobilities of sociocultural communicative phenom- ena. Embracing an Anzaldu an... more
When we—that is, Pavitra and Debashree—sat down to articulate our understanding of a decolonial and feminist media studies, we knew that we were entering a conversation that had long been underway. Anticolonial movements of the twentieth... more
The book Nonidentities. Tillion, Fanon, Bourdieu, Derrida and the Dilemma of Decolonization presents the histories of four French-writing, XXth century intellectuals whose biographies were associated with Independence War-era Algiers.... more
Resumo: Os feminismos latino-americanos encarnaram desde meados de 1990 uma discussão sobre suas possibilidades de ação que questionava o fato de que muitos projetos feministas feitos por feministas ocidentais fossem levados à cabo na... more
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
Federally-recognized tribes must adapt to many ecological challenges arising from climate change, from the effects of glacier retreat on the habitats of culturally significant species to how sea level rise forces human communities to... more
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
Malayalam translation of an Interview with Mustafa Tropac. Published by World Bulletin.
In this chapter, we contribute to the decolonial feminisms that are expanding our understanding of extractive geographies and political ecologies of the subsoil. In this, we take extractivism to denote both the material processes of... more
Iris Ruiz is a Lecturer in the Merritt Writing Program at UC, Merced, which is located in the heart of the Central Valley and is a designated Hispanic Serving Institution. She teaches courses in advanced composition, journal editing,... more
For the last two decades, my sexual-emotional relationships have happened within what has come to be known as non-monogamy, a field in which I am an activist, theorist, consultant and who knows what else. And despite all that, and despite... more
This article draws on the epistemologies of the south, namely decolonial theory, to point to the analytical and interpretive limitations of northern theories of globalisation. It gestures toward decolonial globalisation studies to provide... more
Although a great number of academic researchers have introduced reconciliation in their work, they have not explained what it means from Indigenous perspectives. How do we need to understand and practise it in our everyday practice? Why... more
A collective intellectual biography that sheds new light on the Annales school, structuralism, and racial democracy. Would the most recognizable ideas in the French social sciences have developed without the influence of Brazilian... more
Finding Common Ground through Creativity, a community-based action research project was activated with the purpose of engaging the community, cross-culturally, by exploring the values and connections surrounding land. The project was to... more
This course provides an overview of social justice theories in communication studies. As a discipline, communication draws from theories across the social sciences, humanities, and philosophy, leading to an eclectic mix of theory that is... more
It is through specific genealogies of scholarship on race and coloniality, Indigenous feminisms, and Black feminisms that we can escape the well-rehearsed trope of 'land as body'. Within a comparative hemispheric American studies... more
Entrée "Ecoféminisme radical" dans Feu! Abécédaire des féminismes présents, ouvrage collectif coordonné par Elsa Dorlin. La suite :
Meditation on decolonizing the discipline of philosophy, combating epistemic extractivism, and exploring the abolition of the canon. A defense of decolonizing philosophy as a counter-catastrophic task, and of decolonial philosophical... more
Employing the tools of postcolonial studies, this paper examines the manner in which the legacy of colonialism continues to influence the analysis of the Quran in the Euro-American academy. While Muslim lands are no longer directly... more
I advocate that museums are active institutions in the life of our communities and I argue that the decolonization of knowledge is a simultaneously academic and citizen endeavor to which museums are particularly apt. To develop this... more
This text is a non-linear bricollage of reflections that surfaced at a keynote address at the Lapes conference in San Francisco in 2017. In this event, I invited participants to ponder and wonder about existence, reality, meaning, and... more
Este artículo se centra en el denominado «giro epistémico decolonial » que se ha desarrollado en el ámbito latinoamericano en las últimas dos décadas y que recientemente ha inspirado trabajos en torno a lo islámico en Europa occidental.... more
The authors approach this paper from their own positionality, incorporating their experiences at a Predominantly White Institution (PWI) while pursuing their doctoral education into a discussion of colonialism throughout the United... more
In Brasilien spielt der Prozess des Nation-Buildings eine zentrale Rolle. Von der 'Rassendemokratie' über das 'Land der Zukunft' bis zum 'Land für Alle'-die Bemühungen das riesige Land mit seiner sehr heterogenen Bevölkerung zu vereinen,... more
Women’s movements have a long, diverse history. Yet, the diversity and plurality of these female voices and modes of action have been often occulted. Feminist ARTivists are increasingly expressing their demands across the continent,... more
Most introduction to psychology textbooks include a chapter or section on Abnormal Psychology. Typically, this will be framed as a sub-discipline of psychology that focuses on the study and treatment of human behaviors that have been... more
Assim como Oswald de Andrade afirmou: “Só a antropofagia nos une. Socialmente. Economicamente. Filosoficamente.” O intuito desta comunicação é, em primeiro lugar, analisar e explorar o potencial filosófico da antropofagia enquanto... more
Despite the fact that it is not the only country facing critical social problems related to inequalities, Colombia is also the only one in Latin America facing an internal armed conflict that has lasted over 50 years. Extremely... more
In late September 2016 former Prime Minister, respected legal scholar and constitutional law reformer, Rt. Hon Sir Geoffrey Palmer QC and public law specialist Andrew Butler released, as part of a New Zealand Law Foundation funded study... more
Whilst North to South knowledge transfer patterns have been extensively problematised by Southern and decolonial perspectives, there is very little reflection on the practice of research capacity development (RCD), still strongly focused... more
RESUMO: A partir de uma análise em uma perspectiva descolonial da obra do artista chileno Alfredo Jaar, mais especificamente The Kissinger Project, Florencia San Martín revisita alguns fatos históricos relevantes para a América do Sul,... more
Taking Documenta 14 as a case study, and especially the demands towards this institution presented in the Artists against Evictions letter of April 2017 (eflux), the chapter focuses on the intricate ideological conflicts defining the... more
This essay examines the visual and written cultures of grizzly eradication and settler violence in U.S. California. In addition to unpacking the ways that settlers transformed the California Grizzly into a gendered symbol of imperial... more
El pensador camerunés Achille Mbembe propone la noción de “necropolítica” para entender los procesos tanatopolíticos que se experimentan en los espacios periféricos del sistema-mundo moderno. Aunque el camerunés se apoya en las... more
Found in *Teaching Arabic Literature in Translation* edited by Michelle Hartman (MLA Publications 2018; pp 41-61), this essay is an exploration of the potential pedagogical spaces of alternative methodologies and theories for teaching... more
In this course, students will be introduced to the sustainable development goals (SDGs), the concept of development and different discourses around them. Two key concepts, advocated by decolonial and feminist scholar-activists, for the... more
This newspaper column from 2003 examines how Indians in Trinidad and Tobago are misled, guided by so many fears, the encouragement of feelings of victimhood, and smallness of vision. There is an important contribution for Indians to make... more
This article takes a close and critical look at the question of "how can we help refugees from war-torn countries," frequently asked by Westerners.
IDEARABIA. 15. ________________________________________________________________________________ © I D E A R A B IA 2 0 2 0 PEDRO MARTÍNEZ MONTÁVEZ | El prologuista del volumen (Boaventura de Sousa Santos, termina su... more
Este ensayo, aborda la doble filiación del neologismo «colonialidad», tanto en Roselene Dousset-Leenhardt como en Aníbal Quijano (ambos mencionan que se trataría de un neologismo), abriendo un campo novedoso de investigación y... more