
Corruption Research Papers -
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      Political ScienceCorruption (Corruption)World BankCorruption
Capítulo do livro Direito Administrativo e Corrupção
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      CorruptionAnálise econômica do direitoCorrupçãoCorrupção No Brasil
IL QUELQUE CHOSE À VOIR avec l'idée de corruption ? Les oeuvres d'art ontelles à nous apprendre, du moins à nous faire sentir, quant à la corruption ? A priori, pas grand-chose. Et pour une raison bien précise, dont les conséquences sont... more
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      ArtPolitical ScienceLanguage ChangeCorruption
This Court should not follow the Panel’s suggestion that Petersons’ challenge to personal jurisdiction be waived because no party made this argument to either this Court or the Court of Appeals. Under our system of government, the role of... more
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      LawCivil LawAccess to JusticeSocial Justice
This edition has been dedicated to Democracy, Corruption and Development in Africa. It addresses the following issues: a) Democracy: Are regular elections enough? Do election observer missions matter? b) How can Africa strengthen its... more
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      Development StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationEmpowermentMasculinity
Africa is not poor, it is poorly led. – Omoruyi Aigbe ABSTRACT Africa's colonial legacy has been blamed for the socioeconomic, security, political challenges, the tension and hostility among the many ethnic groups, especially in... more
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Demonetisation is the mechanism by which the government states to withdraw the money which is current legal tender. The government being sovereign can take such decision. The effect of this announcement is that the currency notes in... more
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      CorruptionBlack MoneyDemonetization
This contribution analyzes the socio-cultural, political and legal factors underlying the rise of corruption to the rank of emergency in criminal law. In the increasingly fiercer fight undertaken by the state and by supranational... more
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      Criminal LawDireito PenalCorruptionDERECHO PENAL
This whole pleading is worth reading. In my opinion the litigant's anger is justified.
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      Constitutional LawPhilosophy Of LawPolitical CorruptionCorruption
In the Matter of: Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; DLJ Mortgage Capital, Inc.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Acceptance Corp.; Credit Suisse First Boston Mortgage Securities Corp.; and Asset Backed Securities Corporation... more
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      Fighting and Preventing Corruption through LawJudicial reviewJudicial independenceJudicial Politics
This chapter explores the use of music and digital media in the Chanjo campaign against corruption in Tanzania, focusing on mediations of agency. Building on Latour (2005), I use the concept mediated agency to refer to a process in which... more
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      MusicAnthropologyMobile TechnologyAfrica
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      PrivacyFighting and Preventing Corruption through LawPolitical ScienceSurveillance (Sociology)
Public procurement is a major way in which public money is spent and public services provided. As such, it should be conducted with the utmost integrity and efficiency. Moreover, the rise of New Public Management theory which advocates... more
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      Public ProcurementCorruption
Fresh off a California court victory in the Cindy Brown vs. Bank of New York Mellon case, this report showcases the ongoing crisis of inequalities in access to civil justice facing all Americans regardless of income or race and sets the... more
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      LawCivil LawSocial JusticePhilosophy Of Law
Generally characteristic of poor nations are special or vulnerable populations of the poor, especially the helpless and malnourished. The global health phenomenon Covid 19 brings to the fore an interplay of how the physical and mental... more
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Globalization, which has had its expansion after the fall of the Iron Curtain and the opening of borders after the fall of the ruler of Eastern Europe -Soviet Union brought the development of many spheres of social life. The development... more
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      Criminal LawTerrorismInternational Criminal LawJuvenile Justice
The beginning of Vladimir Putin’s third term was characterised by the politicisation of corruption. Opposition forces focused on corruption and criticised the regime for tolerating it. This article explores how the regime reacted to... more
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      Russian StudiesRussian PoliticsAnti-CorruptionCorruption
Il Volume è stato realizzato nell'ambito del P.R.I.N. su «Corruzione e pubblica aministrazione» (coordinato dal prof.
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      Public AdministrationCorruptionAnticorruptionPublic Administration and Policy
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryAccountabilitySpanish History
We have a problem in the arena of divorce and custody. We have a system that is not impartial and often serves as a breeding ground for disingenuous and unethical actions committed by players in the legal arena and sometimes (knowingly... more
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      Family LawPolitical CorruptionMarriage and DivorceCase Management and Judicial Function
As demand for infrastructure around the globe and especially in developing economies continues to outstrip supply, it is pertinent that the public authority partners with the private sector to design, fund, build or rehabilitate, operate... more
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      Criminal LawFighting and Preventing Corruption through LawPublic Private PartnershipsCorruption
The present volume focuses on the relationship between office-holders and local communities in premodern Europe. It aims to further our understanding of popular political participation in practices of controlling officers by shifting the... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryAccountabilityHistory from Below
This volume focuses on the relationship between officers and local communities in premodern Europe. Its starting point is that communities played a central role in holding officers to account and thereby contributed fundamentally to... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
"The Nigeria Police Force is widely perceived by the public as the most corrupt and violent institution in Nigeria in a way that is not evidently insincere. In light of the generalization and banalization of police corruption and... more
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      ViolenceHuman RightsSociology of Crime and DevianceAfrica
The publication reviews the policies and institutional mechanisms for countering police corruption in several EU member states. To be effective, anti-corruption efforts should be based on a system of independent and mutually accountable... more
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      CorruptionPolice and Policing
Since the 2003 revolution that brought to power President Mikheil Saakashvili, the post-Soviet Republic of Georgia has implemented a major programme of police reforms, including the mass dismissal of corrupt officers, the restructuring of... more
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      Political SciencePolicePost-Soviet StudiesGeorgia
Corruption risks can occur before, during, or after the investigation of a crime. They arise from the actions of individual police officers and their police departments, but the degree of risk is affected by the actions of supervisory... more
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      CorruptionPublic Corruption
We show how a price analysis of stable relations between customer and supplier in the public procurement of homogeneous goods can help differentiate opportunistic from honest behaviour among economic agents. We consider two types of... more
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      Public ProcurementTransition EconomiesCorruptionRelational Contracting
Stafne declaration documents "mistakes" (misrepresntations) of legal cabal Davis Wright Tremaine (DWT) to use federal court jurisdiction to foreclose on Americans in federal court in violation of 28 USC 1935.
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      LawCriminal LawConstitutional LawCivil Law
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      CapitalismEuropean UnionCorruptionScandals
All rights reserved 1 2 3 4 13 12 11 10 This volume is a product of the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not... more
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      EconomicsHealth CareEconomic GrowthCancer
This paper deals with the population and the problem of unemployment in LDCs. The economies of the LDCs are characterized by high population growth. They are facing great challenge in generating adequate job opportunities for their... more
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      EconomicsUnemploymentPublic Private PartnershipCorruption
This note looks at the challenge of capacity building in post conflict countries, including options for creating capacity and the trade-offs between speed and longer-term impact, the need to ensure that aid management agencies include... more
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      Organizational CultureLeadershipPolitical ScienceStakeholders
CHAPTER 8 Economic Reforms, Growth, and Governance: The Political Economy Aspects of Bangladesh's Development Surprise Wahiduddin Mahmud, Sadiq Ahmed, and Sandeep Mahajan Bangladesh emerged from its war of independence desperately... more
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      Development EconomicsDeveloping CountriesAgricultureEconomic Development
[rejected; see additional commentary*] Comment on “Effects of n−3 Fatty Acid Supplements in Diabetes Mellitus: ASCEND Study” N Engl J Med 2018 Aug
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      Nutrition and DieteticsCardiologyCardiothoracic SurgeryFood Science
Ovaj izvještaj istražuje pokretače neprijavljenog gospodarstva u Hrvatskoj, dosadašnju organizaciju borbe protiv neprijavljenog rada i preispituje aktualni te potencijalni pristup politika i mjera u rješavanju problema neprijavljenog rada... more
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      SociologyEconomicsDevelopment EconomicsLabor Economics
What has happened to Tacloban after super typhoon Haiyan flattened it in November 2013 and killed almost 8,000 people? How are the locals coping with the loss of their loved ones and the need to rebuild not only their houses but... more
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      CorruptionHuman Rights and Corruption
This article shows the need for the current units of governance to cut the long tentacles that corruption has chocked our public institutions with. Through existing cases, The judiciary has a chance to act on evidence provided by EACC to... more
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Even if certain actuations of these gods-that-be were already malicious and inimical to public interest, so many Filipinos still persist in believing that the decisions and actions of their “superstars” were right, and anyone who oppose... more
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      Cultural SociologyPhilippinesFilipinoCorruption
Economists always have disputes over the relationship between corruption and economic growth. From the end of 2012 to the present, the Communist Party of China has launched a fierce anti-corruption campaign so that a large number of... more
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      Political EconomyChinaCorruption
Leo Huberts' recent book starts and ends with a moral imperative: “Integrity is the thing to have, for politicians and public servants, for managers and employees in the business sector, for all of us in our personal lives” (1). This... more
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The great European dream was to diminish militant nationalism' (Antony Beevor). The future remains open, and some degree of nationalism may be constantly present, but one thing can be expressed with confidence: the European Union has... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceOrganized CrimeCo-operation
The killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhou reportedly by agents of Israel‟s Mossad service in Dubai a year ago1 serves as a quick reminder that extrajudicial executions, assassinations and other targeted killing operations are taking place and are... more
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      CriminologyCriminal LawEthicsInternational Law
This paper has not undergone the review accorded to official World Bank publications. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the International... more
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      Community DevelopmentHealth CareEconomic GrowthFertility
One can restructure institutions, but if individual-level motivations for corrupt behavior are not understood, these restructuring may not be effective. We introduce an evolutionary-game modeling to deal with the problem of corruption... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsEvolutionary Game TheoryApplied Economics Letters
Around the world police institution has been established for ensuring peace, enforcing law and protecting life and property of public. Policeplays a vital role in controlling crimes in society and their services are considered as good,... more
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      Police AccountabilityCorruptionPublic Policy
Анотація У статті проаналізовано міжнародний досвід правого захисту викривачів корупції. Проведено порівняння чинного українського законодавства в даній сфері. Наводяться пропозиції щодо необхідності посилення захисту викривачів... more
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Law, as a set of sources including legislation, administrative regulations, custom, and judicial decisions, is one of the causes of systemic corruption, intended as the generalised practice of various forms of abuse of entrusted power for... more
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      CriminologyEuropean LawPolitical CorruptionAnti-Corruption
Corruption poisons corporations in America and around the world, and has devastating consequences for the entire social fabric. In this article, we focus on organizational corruption, described as the abuse of authority for personal... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsApplied EthicsBusiness and Management