Corporate Environmental Responsibility
Recent papers in Corporate Environmental Responsibility
Environmental performance metrics are measuring sticks against which companies can gauge their progress toward environmental goals and related business strategies. Good metrics represent infmmation that has been purposefully distilled... more
After the emergence of Life Cycle Engineering as an effective tool for analyzing the various environmental impacts of a product in the stages of design/development, manufacturing, service and disposal, a necessity arises to analyze the... more
This paper deals with a very important subject for both developed and developing countries, one that has yet to be thoroughly analyzed from an environmental perspective: corporate social responsibility. Our analysis is highly relevant in... more
Many of the undesirable impacts of human activities derive from the operations of private sector companies to meet the demands of customers, who like the Governments that encourage and incentivise economic growth want the benefits of... more
This book equips readers with the knowledge, insights and key capabilities to understand and practice business activities from ethical and sustainable vantage points. In our interconnected global business environment, the impacts of... more
Given the uprising interest in the environmental responsibility issues among small businesses, the purpose of this paper is to design to probe into the relationship between stakeholders’ influence and environmental responsibility of... more
Given the absence of a comprehensive regulatory framework, international recommendations and best practices on corporate responsibility in the area of climate change are emerging. Due to their financial materiality, climate change risks... more
Stakeholder paradigm has been gaining currency over the past few decades and technological breakthroughs have been influential in building its momentum. Hyper-Transparency is emerging as a building block and as an indispensable... more
Human activities continue to degrade the natural environment in myriad ways, and at the heart of the problem is industrial activity—the extraction of resources, production, transportation, and use of goods, and the eventual disposal or... more
Maritime shipping is integral to the global economy. Over 80 per cent of traded goods travel by ship. While states and the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have stalled in the regulation of the environmental impacts of ocean... more
Multinational Corporations are present in virtually every corner of the world, generating not only economic growth but foremost human rights abuses linked to environmental degradation. In view of this, the United Nations Human Rights... more
This guidance sets out how company directors and managers can lead their organisations in taking responsibility for protecting the environment that is most affected by their operations.
Given the absence of a comprehensive regulatory framework, international recommendations and best practices on corporate responsibility in the area of climate change are emerging. Due to their financial materiality, climate change risks... more
Responsible business leadership involves responsibilities, challenges and opportunities. Responsible business leaders need to engage with younger generations upon whom the future of mankind depends. They need to open up to them and... more
Our futures and those of our companies are not assured. Unsustainable growth, lifestyles and business activities are damaging the environment, reducing biodiversity, depleting natural capital and contributing to global warming and climate... more
There are four crimes against peace mentioned in the Rome Statute, 1998, which came into force in 2002. These crimes are Genocide, under Article 6; Crime against Humanity, under Article 7; and War Crime and Crime of Aggression, both under... more
ÖZ Bu çalışmanın amacı Türkiye‟de 1980‟den bugüne çevreci örgütlerin değişimini incelemektir. Çalışmada, Türkiye‟deki çevreci örgütlerin çeşitliliğini ve otuz yıllık süre içinde geçirdiği dönüşümü analiz etmek üzere Batı Avrupa ülkeleri... more
The increased awareness of public opinion regarding the impact of economic activities on the environment and the growing pressure from stakeholders, as well as the regulations implemented by national and international bodies, are pushing... more
More than 8.6 billion kilograms of glyphosate have been used worldwide since the 1970s. Herbicide tolerant crops became the lynchpin of the technological revolution for large-scale farming first in the United States and Canada, and now in... more
The paper focuses on the exploration of the different Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies that are employed by the headquarters and the subsidiaries of various multinational companies (MNCs). In order to do so, a research... more
Green ICT Policy encompasses the frameworks an organization has developed and put in place to apply environmental sustainability criteria throughout its value chain. The lack of appropriate green policy alignment to application of ICT... more
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, işletmelerin ürün ve süreçleri ile kirlenmesine katkıda bulundukları çevreyi korumaya ve kollamaya yönelik olarak gerçekleştirdikleri faaliyetleri ortaya çıkararak, bu faaliyetlerin sosyal sorumluluk açısından... more
This study focuses on why some companies in developing countries go beyond environmental regulations when implementing their corporate environmental social responsibilities or citizenship behavior. Drawing mainly upon the new... more
Multinational Corporations are present in virtually every corner of the world, generating not only economic growth but foremost human rights abuses linked to environmental degradation. In view of this, the United Nations Human Rights... more
The marine plastics crisis sparked a wave of corporate interest in the circular economy, a sustainable business model that aims to eliminate waste in industrial systems through re- cycling, reduction, reuse, and recovery. Drawing on... more
This paper addresses the safety culture as a concept in the context of digital fabrication. The aim of the paper is to provide a basis for the understanding and adoption of safety culture in digital fabrication, makerspaces and fab labs.... more
The objective of this study is to focus on corporate activities conducted to protect and preserve the environment, and to evaluate these activities with respect to social responsibility in a developing country setting. This study also... more
Given the absence of a comprehensive regulatory framework, international recommendations and best practices on corporate responsibility in the area of climate change are emerging. Due to their financial materiality, climate change risks... more
Most, if not all, matters before a board, from corporate purpose, objectives and priorities to corporate activities and their impacts, should now be viewed through an ESG lens. Strategic direction and corporate policies should encompass a... more
Corporate activities are polluting the environment, degrading bio-systems, reducing biodiversity, over-exploiting scarce natural capital, contributing to global warming, accelerating climate change and damaging the life chances of future... more
The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been widely investigated, but a generally accepted theoretical framework does not yet exist. This paper argues that the idiosyncrasies of large firms and SMEs explains the different... more
This paper deals with a very important subject for both developed and developing countries, one that has yet to be thoroughly analyzed from an environmental perspective: corporate social responsibility. Our analysis is highly relevant in... more
This paper deals with a very important subject for both developed and developing countries that has yet to be thoroughly analyzed from an environmental perspective: corporate social responsibility. Our analysis is highly relevant in our... more
Concluding comments and recommendations delivered in the closing session of the 2021 Annual Conclave of India’s Institute of Directors. The theme of the two day event was ‘Creating a Future-Ready Board for Investment and Inclusive Growth’.
Topic: This paper reports on our experiences in running a pilot ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) project that addresses the issue of 'sustainable growth' by engaging SME owners and managers in facilitated workshop discussions on... more