Conflict in Libya
Recent papers in Conflict in Libya
Because of its extensive Mediterranean history, France had a particular responsibility when the Arab revolutions broke out in 2011. The strategies defined by Paris in Libya and Syria, implemented through foreign policy, have proved to be... more
Current foreign policy under the Obama administration is examined (from the Cheonan incident to the Arab Spring) and there is a brief examination of what may lay in store for America's future.
Democracy in a post-colonial Africa has not replicated the “Westminster model” that was inoculated upon the continent by its former colonial masters. African democracy, which is flawed mainly in comparison to the West, has posed different... more
In this article I am making a comparison between France's diplomatic recognition of the National Transitional Council of Libya in 2011 and its diplomatic recognition of the Chinese communists in 1964. In both cases France took a leading... more
(Tanıtım Bülteninden) "Arap İsyanları Güncesi", Kuzey Afrika ve Ortadoğu'daki değişimi Türkiye'de en yakından izleyen habercilerden birinin, 3 yıl süresince Tunus, Mısır, Libya ve Suriye'ye gerçekleştirdiği seyahatlerde şahit oldukları... more
تعد المجالس البلدية القوية إحدى سمات ومكونات أي نظام ديمقراطي قوي، وبعد الثورة الليبية كانت هناك آمال عريضة بأن تكون المجالس البلدية المنتخبة خطوة على طريق التحول الديمقراطي، بما يخدم تحقيق معنى اللامركزية الإدارية ومصالح وطموحات المواطن... more
The African Union gate-keeping role as a regional organization is saddled with the responsibility to find effective solutions to problems inherent within the region. This manifest role as contained in the AU Constitutive Act and the... more
Основой для анализа является теория гражданских войн, в рамках которой были проанализированы текущие военные конфликты в Афганистане, Ираке, Ливии, Сирии и на Украине с самого начала боевых действий в этих странах. Выявлено, что бои в... more
My PP presentation for
General Diplomatic Studies and Practice #GDSP
Department of International Studies #CISD
on #CoerciveDiplomacy
#US #Libya
#India #Pakistan
General Diplomatic Studies and Practice #GDSP
Department of International Studies #CISD
on #CoerciveDiplomacy
#US #Libya
#India #Pakistan
كان فرغ جيبك يكثر عيبك - If your pockets get empty, your faults will be many. This Libyan proverb which the author uses himself before the table of contents magnificently summarizes the whole book and anticipates the conclusion. If the... more
The ugliness of kleptocracy is often easy to see; in fact, it is inescapable. Those who have visited Libya report that for an oil state it has very unimpressive infrastructure. Indeed, it is littered with half or less finished... more
Turkey through its military intervention has made strategic inroad in Libya, but this has heightened regional tensions and made the Libyan conflict into a potential regional flash point.
In this contribution, the author compares the Amazigh movement in Tunisia with that of Libya. It seems clear that the fall of Ben Ali’s regime allowed the emergence of Amazighity in Tunisia. On several occasions, the Amazigh have had to... more
Viewed from a normative standpoint, the Libyan and Syrian conflicts may be read as the moment of inflection in the liberal normative order pioneered and diffused by the "West," with the traditional recalcitrance of the "Rest" now becoming... more
En esta tesina se analizan desde un punto de vista multidisciplinar los procesos de transformación social, económica e institucional vividos en Libia a lo largo de las cuatro décadas de gobierno de Muammar el-Gadafi (1969-2011)
Bulunduğu konum itibariyle Afrika’nın kuzeyinde ve Akdeniz’de stratejik önemi haiz olan Trablusgarp (Libya), Türkiye açısından tarihsel ve stratejik bağlamda incelenmesi gereken bir bölgedir. Tarihi ismiyle Trablusgarp, bugünkü ismiyle... more
The emerging principle of a "responsibility to protect" (R2P) presents a direct challenge to China"s traditional emphasis on the twin principles of non-intervention in the domestic affairs of other states and nonuse of military force.... more
This report outlines major remarks around the capacities of Libyan civil society following a desk review and a series of individual meetings with representatives from women led CSOs in west, east and south of Libya. It identifies... more
Literature that deals with the 2011 Libyan intervention tends to ignore the practical means of the intervention, and instead focuses on its justifications. In particular, rational-actor and two-stage decision-making models often... more
Desde mediados del siglo XX hasta la actualidad, se ha cuestionado la labor del Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) para hacer frente a tragedias humanitarias. Un intento reciente de superar este problema ha sido la... more
After more than a year of efforts, the Libyan National Army’s (LNA) military campaign to capture Tripoli has collapsed. Turkey’s military intervention in favour of the Government of National Accord (GNA) has been crucial in preventing... more
Η Αλ Κάιντα του Ισλαμικού Μάκρεμπ είναι μία τζιχαντιστική τρομοκρατική ομάδα, η οποία δρα στη Βόρεια Αφρική. Οι στόχοι της οργάνωσης έγιναν ευρέως γνωστοί το 2008, όταν ο Abdelmalek Droukdal έδωσε συνέντευξη στους New York Times.... more
This paper will seek to demonstrate how the use of constructivist theory can best explain the decision by Obama to adopt and implement the emerging norm of R2P. Through this constructivist lens, it will be argued that the adoption of the... more
The fall of Muammar al-Qadhafi in October 2011 marked the end of the Libyan uprising, led to the close of NATO’s intervention “Operation Unified Protector” (OUP), and ushered in a delicate political transformation which failed to come to... more
The "Arab Spring" which first broke out in Tunisia and disseminated to many countries in the Arab world has become one of the most actual topics of the international political agenda in the recent years. The protests that began against... more
With Gitte Hojstrup Christense and Annemarie Peen Rodt.
لم تبدأ الأزمة على الساحة الليبية في شهر يوليو الماضى كما هو معلن وإنما هى نتيجة تطورات لثورة السابع عشر من نوفمبر والتي تحولت إلى ثورة مسلحة، حيث استخدمت السلاح في سبيل التخلص من نظام القذافي وفي ذلك الوقت كانت الجهود متضافرة بين كافة... more
المقصود بالأزمة الليبية في هذه الورقة هو الاضطرابات وأعمال العنف التي تشهدها ليبيا وبخاصة بعد صراع الشرعيات بين المجلس الوطني الليبي المنتهية مدته والبرلمان الليبي الذي انتخب دون توافقات ما بين الداعين لانتخابه وأنصار المجلس الوطني الليبي... more
Despite a recent resurgence in research on the politics of migration, foreign policy analysts have yet to approach cross-border population mobility as a distinct field of inquiry. Particularly within the Global South, scant work has... more
In "Gheddafi: le mia verità", il raìs illustra la sua dottrina politica e sociale. Si tratta di un testo ideologico, pensato per masse incolte, in larga parte ispirato alla tradizione socialista, che attinge a piene mani dal pensiero... more
La responsabilité de protéger est devenue ces dernières années un enjeu central dans les relations internationales pour faire face aux crises politiques et aux conflits civils. Elle se fonde sur une interprétation de la souveraineté comme... more
Benghazi is the second city of the country with a population estimated between 715,000 and 812,000 inhabitants within its present administrative boundaries. Its historical districts of Old Benghazi have experienced severe damage during... more
Wojna domowa w Libii – determinanty, przebieg, implikacje Wstęp Wydarzenia będące następstwem wybuchu " arabskiej wiosny " dotknęły wielu państw Bliskiego Wschodu i Afryki Północnej, będąc przyczyną zainicjowania reform... more
This dissertation is part of a larger effort to understand rebel political orders and provides both a conceptual framework for analysing local jihadist governance and an in-depth analysis of the governance functions performed by the... more
National dialogues have emerged in recent years as powerful tools for peace-building across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. Today there are attempts to launch national dialogues in Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Mali, Lebanon,... more
Pe 20 octombrie 2011, Libia 1 şi poporul libian au avut prilejul să se bucure de sfârşitul erei Muammar Gaddafi 2 , după ce forţele rebele au preluat controlul asupra unei zone importante din oraşul Sirte şi au reuşit să-l captureze (şi... more