Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
Recent papers in Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
Inspired by the commercial desires of global brands and retailers to access the lucrative green consumer market, carbon is increasingly being counted and made knowable at the mundane sites of everyday production and consumption, from the... more
Geoeengineering the climate by reflecting sunlight or extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has attracted increasing attention from natural scientists, social scientists, policy makers and the media. This article examines... more
Most research on international climate finance and the private sector has focused on tracking the private sector’s contribution the ‘100 billion USD goal’ within the UNFCCC context. In recent years, it has become evident that the range of... more
Integral to the reproductive processes of the biota of several forest, shrub, and grassland biome-types, wildfire ignites some 3,400,000km2 of Earth’s vegetated surface annually. Though a highly complex phenomena coupled with not one, but... more
Climate change is a global problem that has reached the level of crisis today and has transboundary effects. These effects have important consequences especially in cities where population and economic activities are concentrated.Rising... more IPCC SPECIAL REPORT ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND LAND (SRCCL) Chapter 3: Climate Change and Land: An IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land... more
Bangladesh is likely to be one of the most vulnerable countries in the world to climate change due to geographical location and geo-morphological conditions. Bangladesh experiences extremely disastrous situations like a cyclone, flood,... more
Global climate action plans risk resulting to climate maladaptation and shocks when prudent measures are inapt. Adaptation strategies require multidisciplinary approach from all sectors with periodic monitoring and evaluation which are... more
Increasingly high-profile research is being undertaken into the socio-environmental challenges associated with the overproduction and consumption of food from animals. Transforming food systems to mitigate climate change and hidden... more
A Chapter 8 of The Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Roadmap in Lao PDR is based on Strategy on CC of Lao PDR (in March 2010 ), Climate Change Action Plan for 2013-2020( in April 2013) and Intended Nationally Determined Contributions, these... more
Forest provides multiple goods and services, including wood supply, carbon accumulation, ecosystems services, water purification, protection against natural hazards and recreational services. Forests in Europe have been accumulating... more
El desarrollo sostenible en la práctica requiere de sistema de cooperación local expresados en una gobernanza participativa que permita tanto al gobierno cuanto a la población civil y entes privados tomar decisiones técnicas y políticas a... more
Dans la présente étude, nous avons appréhendé les perceptions paysannes sur les pratiques agroforestières (RNA et Plantation) en zone agroécologique nord-soudanienne du Burkina Faso ainsi que les facteurs qui affectent son adoption. Des... more
Climate justice can be defined generally as addressing the disproportionate burden of climate change impacts on poor and marginalized communities. It seeks to promote more equitable allocation of these burdens at the local, national, and... more
The book has five sections. The first section, “Unbelievable”, explains why people have such difficulty taking action against the climate crisis. We Are The Weather’s second section, “How To Prevent the Greatest Dying”, presents a... more
Natural and anthropogenic climate changes, specifically from sea-level rise, are drastically reshaping coastal waterways and shorelines. However, few regional predictive models capture the longitudinal minutiae of hyper-local changes. In... more
Since the adoption of the Malta Convention (Council of Europe 1992), the strategy of cultural heritage management in many countries has changed from ex situ to in situ preservation of archaeological remains. The question is whether this... more
In this brief paper, I look at the UNFCCC's carbon trading, CDM, and JI schemes with a skeptical eye. While these schemes have good intentions to lower GHGs, I claim they are relatively infective. Developing and developed countries have... more
Dimension essentielle de nos existences, le temps est une clé d'entrée encore peu utilisée dans la fabrique et la gestion de la ville. On a souvent aménagé l'espace pour gagner du temps mais on a rarement aménagé le temps pour gagner de... more
Biomass briquettes can be considered as the best alternative energy source compared to wood fuel. Clean energy in households is a tool to improve human health, lower climate change impacts and save hundreds of millions of people,... more
This thesis investigates the interrelationships between settlement distributions, maize agricultural subsistence, and fluctuations in prehistoric climate in the Durango District of southwestern Colorado between A.D. 650-840, also known as... more
Principal co-authors: Gene Ray, Aurélien Gamboni, Janis Schroeder, Kate Stevenson. Additional co-authors: David Cross, Marguerite Davenport. Visual art contributed by artists Denise Bertschi, Ursula Biemann, Giulia Bruno, Chris Jordan,... more
Birds are among the most widely studied organisms on earth and represent an important indicator group for learning about the effects of climate change – particularly in regard to the effects of climate change on tropical ecosystems. In... more
Climate change has brought many challenges during the last decades facing scenarios under which it occurs, the consequences and victims left and the response by the States and the International communities trying to prevent or mitigate... more
India, a union of states, is a Sovereign, Secular, and Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary system of Government. 28 States and 8 Union territories. Healthcare percolates to the last mile (villages) through a hierarchical structure... more
Structured questionnaire was used to elicit information on the perception of 36 randomly selected commercial poultry farmers about climate change in Zaria area of Kaduna State. Questions that bother on egg production parameters of poultry... more
"The main objective of this paper is to make a Preliminary risk management plan using the Environmental risk map of the greater city of Cairo demonstrating the most high-risk administrative areas in the city, supported by field evidence... more
Over the past decade, California has managed decouple the growth of greenhouse gas emissions and the economy, reducing per capita emissions by 17% while maintaining one of the most robust economies in the U.S. With nearly 200,000 clean... more
Consistent with the national socio-economic development frameworks such as GPRSII, MDGs and the Accra Agenda for Action (AAA) and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the overall goal of the Environmental Sanitation... more
Au Cameroun, l’État s’est engagé à développer les activités de reboisement (Programme national de reboisement [PNR], Agence nationale d’appui au développement forestier [ANAFOR]). Mais à ce jour, peu de forêts artificielles ont été créées... more
This paper reports on the recent trend of climate changes taking place in Mulanje, one of the major tea producing districts in Malawi, with a focus on precipitation and temperature. The study analyzed trends in weather time series (air... more
Presentation on Karen Barad's intra-action, Dietrich Bonhoeffer's "better worldliness" and mobilizing Christians for climate change mitigation. Given at Harvard Divinity School "Ways of Knowing" conference, 2014.