Children and Youth
Recent papers in Children and Youth
The wider cultural universe of contemporary Eveny is a specific and revealing subset of post-Soviet society. From an anthropological perspective, the author seeks to reveal not only the Eveny cultural universe but also the universe of the... more
The Role of Temporary Marriage (TM) in Promoting Early Child Marriage (ECM) in Iran Kameel Ahmady Published by (Preprint): Springer Nature Scientific Publishing Email: URL: Abstract... more
The COVID-19 infection fatality rate for children under the age of 17 is less than 0,003%. Children are at extremely low risk of severe illness from COVID-19, and children do not spread the illness in any significant way. Once a vaccine... more
Purpose: One of the most widely applied methods to assess upper-body strength in children and adolescents is the handgrip strength test. While in adolescents it has been determined which elbow position, and which type of dynamometer are... more
This study assessed the feasibility of a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) community match programs at the national level. Following a standardized protocol, 71 intake families (parents and... more
Ce livre analyse les discours, les modèles et les contre-modèles d’une adolescence féminine qui charrie encore aujourd’hui son lot d’inquiétudes. À travers une analyse socioculturelle de la notion d’adolescence, Laura Di Spurio retrace... more
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the communication and problem solving skills of the program supervisors who responsible for youth camps run by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in terms of several variables. Material and... more
There is a particular urgency in this political moment to understand children's experiences with current events. Drawing from data generated following the 2016 presidential election, this paper focuses on three racially and linguistically... more
Securitizing Youth offers new insights on young people’s engagement in a wide range of contexts related to the peace and security field. It presents empirical findings on the challenges and opportunities faced by young women and men in... more
It is a general belief that whenever there is a new invention or discovery, it usually comes up with an attendant challenge or consequence whether positive or negative. Different inventions and discoveries have flooded the nook and... more
The Oskar Schindler Humanities Foundation established The Irving and Jeanne Glovin Award in 2003, to foster research into the meaning and underlying principles for “good human conduct.” The Foundation is interested in stimulating... more
This qualitative study uses life course theory along with risk and resilience as a foundation from which to examine the life histories of 14 adolescent mothers recruited from an urban homeless shelter. Semi-structured individual... more
Entry in The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion (2020)
Although training is often used in child welfare as an intervention to promote effective performance on the job (transfer of learning—TOL) as well as staff retention, there is not a preponderance of empirical evidence to support this... more
There has never been a more urgent time to address mental health and addiction. In Health in Mind: A Philanthropic Guide for Mental Health and Addiction, the Center for High Impact Philanthropy at the Penn School of Social Policy &... more
A Generations of Hope Community (GHC) is an intentionally created, geographically contiguous intergenerational neighborhood, where some of the residents are facing a specific challenge around which the entire community organizes. In this... more
The current report reviews the developmental, psychological, and environmental factors that influence the conduct and behaviors of children and youth (generally, ages 6-25) seeking refuge in the United States. During immigration... more
"Thanks to their huge market success, animations from The Disney Company and blockbuster franchises like Harry Potter have dominated 'family film' production. Yet there is a long, varied and largely untold history of films made for... more
This paper suggests that long-term foster care, especially when it is provided within an American Indian Cultural Environment (AICE), may be a culturally-appropriate alternative form of permanency for American Indian children.... more
Housing problems present barriers to family unity and reunification among families in the child welfare system, yet few programs address both child welfare and housing needs. To date, the field lacks data for understanding families with... more
Научно-популярная заметка.
Названия разделов:
Детские игры в культурологическом аспекте;
Детские игры-потешки и старинные обряды;
Детское игровое пространство и время;
Подростковое антиповедение;
Мелкие бесы.
Названия разделов:
Детские игры в культурологическом аспекте;
Детские игры-потешки и старинные обряды;
Детское игровое пространство и время;
Подростковое антиповедение;
Мелкие бесы.
"Come away, O little child, To the waters and the wild With a faerie hand-in-hand; For the world's more full of weeping Than you can understand." ~ from William Butler Yeats, "The Stolen Child" Set against the historical backdrop... more
This qualitative study focuses on the exploration and description of the training needs of caregivers who work in Child and Youth Care Centres (CYCCs) with children with attachment disorders. Information was gathered through focus groups... more
Qualitative research provides opportunities to study bullying and peer harassment as social processes, interactions and meaning-making in the everyday context of particular settings. It offers the possibility of developing a deep... more
The present study was undertaken to incorporate sibling information and account for sibling bias when modeling longitudinal child welfare outcomes using a generalized linear model such as logistic regression. The paper is divided into two... more
We examine some new ways of imagining carbon, energy, and energy futures as a possible option for motivating public desire to stop climate change. We argue that refram-ing how we see carbon is core to the project of stopping climate... more
North and South Vietnamese youth had very different experiences of growing up during the Vietnamese War. This book gives a unique perspective on the conflict through the prism of adult–youth relations. By studying these relations,... more