Recent papers in Ceramic
Развитието на колекционерството и антиквариата през последните десетилетия наложи една нова специалност – експертизата на културни ценности. Тя става още по-необходима, като се има предвид появата на много фалшификати както на... more
The overwhelming majority of medical instrumentation are executed form metalic materials, form the category of austenitic steinlees steel and titan alloys, which poses a good rezistance to corrosion, appropriate mechanical properties, and... more
Soft TiB2-BN-C hetero-modulus ceramics were sintered with the assistance of in-situ reactions during the hot pressing of TiN-B4C precursors. TiB2 formation was observed already after the hot pressing at 1100 °C, remaining the only phase... more
The effect of composition, sintering parameters, frequency and temperature on the dielectric parameters of ZnO-based ceramic semiconductors (cersems) having small amounts of Bi203, Sb203, CoO, MnO 2, La203 and/or Cr20 a has been... more
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine effect of compressive cyclic loading on fatigue resistance and microleakage of monolithic CAD/CAM molar ceramic and composite crowns. Materials and Methods: Thirty-two extracted molars were... more
Precise control over scaffold material, porosity, and internal pore architecture is essential for tissue engineering. By coupling solid free form (SFF) manufacturing with conventional sponge scaffold fabrication procedures, we have... more
Objectives: The objective of this systematic review was to assess the 5-and 10-year survival of combined tooth-implant-supported fixed partial dentures (FPDs) and the incidence of biological and technical complications.
The in vivo behavior of infrared-heated, RF magnetron-sputtered hydroxylapatite (HA) and calcium pyrophosphate (DCPP) coated titanium discs was investigated. The discs were implanted subcutaneously in the back of six goats for 2, 4, 8 and... more
In this study, erbia (Er2O3)-doped Bi2O3 ceramics were prepared from sol–gel derived nanocrystalline powders. The morphological properties were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was carried out... more
The most commonly used bearing couple in prosthetic hip or knee joint replacements consists of a cobalt-chrome (CoCr) metal alloy articulating against ultrahigh-molecular-weight polyethylene. Ceramics have been used as an alternative to... more
The Cost as well as the time taken by the construction work has always attracted attention of Civil Engineers to be supplemented by some cheaper and fast settling construction material. This paper focuses the advantages of using Concrete... more
Статья посвящена предварительной характеристике комплекса керамической посуды из раскопок Старого Арсенала в Киеве – территории женского Вознесенского монастыря XVII – начала XVIII в. Выделены наиболее многочисленные виды сосудов и... more
RESUMEN Esta Tesis Doctoral se ha conformado para dar a conocer e intentar revitalizar, el amplísimo repertorio de culturas que han manejado la representación a través del barro y la cerámica, en los territorios de América Latina. Por lo... more
Macroporous ceramics with pore sizes from 400 nm to 4 mm and porosity within the range 20%-97% have been produced for a number of well-established and emerging applications, such as molten metal filtration, catalysis, refractory... more
Poza kilkoma pionierskimi publikacjami w badaniach i literaturze na temat historycznego detalu architektonicznego niewiele — jak dotąd — uwagi poświęcano ceramicznym i cementowym okładzinom posadzkowym. Artykuł jest próbą przybliżenia... more
"Los ceramistas tradicionales del Perú, a la tecnología prehispánica, incorporaron durante la Colonia técnicas. En la costa norte Simbilá y Chulucanas se ponen en práctica el paleteado, el uso de labradoras y el negativo. Cajamarca era... more
The buried clay pot or pitcher method is one of the most ef®cient traditional systems of irrigation known and is well suited for small farmers in many areas of the world. Buried clay pot irrigation uses buried, unglazed, porous clay pots... more
Focused on uncoated ceramics, this tutorial paper is divided into two main sections. The first section deals with the operational phases required prior to firing (drying, piling, fuel supply). Then, the second chapter deals with the... more
f. giudice, r. panvini (a cura di) Il greco, il barbaro e la ceramica attica Immaginario del diverso, processi di scambio e autorappresentazione degli indigeni volume primo monografie della scuola di specializzazione in archeologia... more
Na području antičke luke u Zatonu kraj Nina pronađena je pri hidroarheološkim istraživanjima velika količina keramičkoga materijala, među kojim autor izdvaja i obrađuje dva zoomorfna reci-pijenta. Interdisciplinarnim radom autor nastoji... more
Les poteries des sites néolithiques de Chalain et de Clairvaux (Jura), entre 3200 et 2900 av. J.-C., ont fait l'objet d'une étude technologique à approches multiples. Une des principales questions posées par ce travail est de savoir si... more
Macroporous ceramics with pore sizes from 400 nm to 4 mm and porosity within the range 20%-97% have been produced for a number of well-established and emerging applications, such as molten metal filtration, catalysis, refractory... more
23/10/2013: 8th International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies, Carbonia-S. Antioco. Il ruolo centrale del santuario moziese nell’archeologia dei Tofet è riconosciuto da tempo, così come l’affidabilità della sequenza... more
Las cerámicas neolíticas peinadas y pintadas andaluzas y su relación con los soportes muebles orgánicos de la "Cueva de los Murciélagos" de Albuñol (Granada) RESUMEN: Se realiza un breve análisis sobre las decoraciones pintadas de los... more
Gas-turbine engines used in transportation, energy, and defense sectors rely on high-temperature thermal-barrier coatings (TBCs) for improved effi ciencies and power. The promise of still higher effi ciencies and other benefi ts is... more
Con l'intento di apportare nuovi dati alla conoscenza della classe della ceramica comune 1 , ancora così poco studiata, vengono qui presentati dei lotti di materiali conservati nel Museo Civico "F.L. Belgiorno" di Modica, provenienti... more
Decorative and applied art is born in the interaction of traditions and the constant search for new forms. The enormous potential of the knowledge gained over the past decades in the study of objects from archaeological excavations,... more
The objective of this study is to evaluate, in vitro, the thickness of immediate dentin sealing (IDS) materials on full crown preparations and its effect on the fracture load of a reinforced all-ceramic crown. SIXTY PREMOLARS RECEIVED... more
a b s t r a c t Objectives: Midterm-evaluation of a 5-year prospective clinical splitmouth-investigation on survival rate and long-term behavior of all-ceramic partial coverage restorations (PCRs) on molars. Pressed ceramic and CAD/CAM... more
In this Hertzian fracture study 5mm thick soda-lime glass plates were impacted by 5 mm steel projectiles with velocities of ~30 to ~91 m/s at angles between 45º and 60º --0/360º being vertical. Results were recorded photographically for... more
Bir höyük yerleşimi olan Domuztepe Narlı Ovası’nda ve Kahramanmaraş kent merkezinin 40 kilometre güneyinde yer almaktadır. Yerleşim 1993 yılında bir Amerikan-İngiliz heyetinin Kahramanmaraş ilinde gerçekleştirdiği yüzey araştırması... more