
Catacombs of Rome Research Papers -
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
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      Ancient HistoryDentistryHistory of Public HealthCatacombs of Rome
Archives de sciences sociales des religions, 183 (juillet-septembre 2018), p Malgré la multiplication des études qui, au cours des dernières décennies, ont analysé le phénomène des reliques sous divers angles d'observation, un thème n'a... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyArchival StudiesHistory of Medicine
PREMESSA I lavori di consolidamento eseguiti nel 2012 e lo scavo condotto nell'estate del 2013 presso le catacombe di Priscilla, sotto la direzione della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra, nella figura del professor Fabrizio... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Late AntiquityCatacombs of RomeEarly medieval pottery
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      Early ChristianityJewish - Christian RelationsLate AntiquityCatacombs of Rome
Bachelor's thesis (Dutch) about the importance of the martyr's cult for pope Damasus I.
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      Early ChristianityLate AntiquityCatacombs of RomeEarly Christian Archaeology
Vorwort; Plan der Katakombe Pietro e Marcellino; I. Probleme und Aufgabe; II. Der Impressionismus von der spaetsecerischen bis zur spaetgallischen Zeit; III. Der nachgallienische Realismus und der tetrarchische Expressionismus; IV. Der... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtEarly Christian ArtCatacombs of Rome
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      Early Christian ArtChristian IconographyEarly Christian ArchitectureCatacombs of Rome
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      Art HistoryEarly ChristianityByzantine StudiesLate Antiquity
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      Catacombs of RomeCaesar Baronius / Cesare Baronio
Tra i tanti scavi eseguiti da padre Fasola nelle catacombe di Roma, quelli effettuati nelle catacombe ebraiche di Villa Torlonia sono senz'altro fra i più interessanti e importanti 2 . Prima di parlare di questi lavori e di analizzare... more
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      Late AntiquityImperial RomeChristianity and RomeJewish Catacombs of Rome
Il presente volume prende avvio dalle riflessioni generate dall'analisi di tutti gli affreschi nelle catacombe cristiane di Roma, per identificare e catalogare le c.d. gammadiae, rappresentate sul lembo del pallio dei personaggi, e... more
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      Classical ArchaeologyArt HistoryHellenistic HistoryEarly Christianity
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      Greek EpigraphyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Jewish Catacombs of RomeCatacombs of Rome
The Seven Hills of Rome are on the east of the Tiber in the heart of the Ancient City and are said to be the origins of the empire. Back in the day (there is proof of civilization on the hills from as early as 1,000BC) the seven hills... more
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      Roman HistoryRome, City ofTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Archaeology of pre-Roman Italy
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      Gender StudiesEarly ChristianityEarly Christian ArtChristian Iconography
Doubtlessly, Callistus, Bishop of Rome (217?−222?), was added to the list of honored martyrs of the City of Rome (Depositio martyrum). But whether or not he actually was martyred, as the Acta Callisti suggest, is controversially debated.... more
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      HagiographyPatristicsEarly ChristianityCult of Saints
Once you start to unravel the threads woven into the fabric of our history it may be a surprise as to how far the pull will go and with mere pieces of cloth left, is it possible to put them together in a new meaningful way to understand... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryAncient History
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      Baroque art and architectureEarly Modern print cultureCatacombs of RomeEarly Christian Archaeology
The late Antique mosaic of Orpheus decorated a small room, approximately 18 m2 in area, connected with two even smaller ones, in 4 m2 and the other 2 m2 in area, belonging most likely to a small funerary chapel (or tomb) discovered in the... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisSemiotics
The inscriptiones parietariae ad memoriam Apostolorum, written during a very important phase for the history of ancient , are a result of an -essentially Roman -attendance that still expresses herself mainly according to concepts of the... more
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      ChristianityNew TestamentEpigraphy (Archaeology)Early Christianity
The generally acknowledged period of Roman persecution of Christians spans at least from the mid-first century AD with the Great Fire of AD 64 under Nero until the early fourth century AD with the issue of the Edict of Milan in AD 313... more
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      ChristianityCatacombs of RomeCounterreformationRoman Archaeology
The art of the catacombs was born in Rome between the second and third centuries and is manifested especially in the pictorial decorations of the cubicula and other hypogeal environments. The extremely simplified artistic typology echoes... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesEarly ChristianityEarly Christian ArtLate Antique and Byzantine Art
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate Antiquity3D Modelling (Architecture)
cristiana presso l'Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, si occupa principalmente di Roma tardoantica e della riscoperta delle antichità cristiane nell'età moderna. Oltre a numerosi saggi, è curatore o autore dei volumi: Arte Resistenza... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyArchival StudiesEarly Modern History
La Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana è un periodico annuale destinato ad accogliere la pubblicazione scientifica di studi e ricerche attorno alle testimonianze monumentali del cristianesimo durante la tarda antichità e l'alto medioevo.
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      ChristianityIconographyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesLate Antique Archaeology
Nel seguire il progressivo sviluppo della prassi epigrafica di committenza cristiana si considera l’età di Costantino prevalentemente come il momento -quasi improvviso- dell’emersione finalmente libera di formulari, termini, segni,... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesEarly ChristianityGreek Epigraphy
L'errore, dovuto evidentemente all'accostamento con i padri oratoriani Giovanni Severano 3 e Paolo Aringhi 4-che sono, come è noto, i continuatori e divulgatori dell'opera bosiana sugli antichi cimiteri ipogei cristiani di Roma antica-,... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Modern HistoryHistoriographyJesuit history
Sommario Il saggio esamina le fonti storiografiche consultate da Pascoli per la composizione del poemetto latino Pomponia Graecina, ambientato in età neroniana. Tali opere sono messe in relazione con le esigenze narrative e simboliche del... more
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      PhilologyHistoryArchaeologyComparative Literature
Il libro si rivolge a tutte le persone che desiderano accostarsi per la prima volta all’archeologia cristiana e, nello specifico, agli studenti delle università e degli istituti pontifici ed ecclesiastici. L’esperienza d’insegnamento... more
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      History of ChristianityJewish - Christian RelationsLatin EpigraphyChristian Iconography
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      Christian IconographyCatacombs of RomeEarly Christian ArchaeologyChristian Epigraphy
Tra i mesi di agosto e novembre 2012 si è svolta, in maniera non continuativa, una breve indagine archeologica nella catacomba di S. Callisto che ha interessato il cubicolo L 2 "di Orfeo" situato nell'Area I del cimitero, immediatamente a... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)Archaeological Excavation
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    • Catacombs of Rome
The Routledge Handbook of Early Christian Art surveys a broad spectrum of Christian art produced from the late second to the sixth centuries. The first part of the book opens with a general survey of the subject and then presents fifteen... more
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      ArtEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityByzantine Manuscripts Illumination
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      ArchaeologyChurch HistoryChristianity and RomeReception of Antiquity
“Mary and Early Christian Women is a great leap forward in Marian studies, and in peeling away layers of deliberate patriarchal obfuscation. A remarkable achievement!” - Mary Ann Beavis, Department Head, Religion and Culture, St. Thomas... more
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      Art HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesWomen's Studies
"This magisterial compilation personalizes and historicizes the history of religion in the city of Rome. After introductory essays on the documentary sources for the various Greek, Roman, Oriental, Jewish, and Christian cults in question,... more
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      Sociology of ReligionRoman HistoryHistory of ReligionHistory of Christianity
In this essay I will analyse some inscriptions and graffiti that present features of the non-standard variety of Latin, the so-called Vulgar Latin. The case studies that I will take into consideration, namely some Pompeian graffiti, an... more
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      Pompeii (Archaeology)Latin EpigraphyLatin LanguageAncient Graffiti (Archaeology)
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      ChristianityEarly ChristianityPaganismAncient Greek Religion
Thematic essay about the relevance of ritual contexts for the interpretation of early Christian art.
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      PilgrimageEarly ChristianityEarly Christian ArtCatacombs of Rome
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      HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRelics (Religion)Religious Studies
la gran pérdida de estos objetos sagrados, ya sea por la secularización ocurrida en México en el siglo XIX, por la facilidad de su traslado a otros sitios, o simplemente el robo y su destrucción, lo que limitó, hasta cierto punto, el... more
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      Relics (Religion)Colonial Religion in Latin AmericaCatacombs of RomeRelics and Relic Veneration
editoriale Con il presente fascicolo, la rivista "Studi romani", pubblicata senza interruzioni dal 1953 al 2014, inizia una nuova serie. l'esigenza di creare una nuova serie della rivista è stata principalmente dettata dalla volontà di... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyArchival StudiesEarly Modern History
Das vorliegende Buch ist eine Festschrift aus Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von Herrn Prof. Dr. Johannes G. Deckers, dem ehemaligen Professor für byzantinische Kunstgeschichte an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Der Band vereint... more
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesLate AntiquityByzantine Archaeology
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      Early ChristianityEarly Christian ArtChristian IconographyCatacombs of Rome
La Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana è un periodico annuale destinato ad accogliere la pubblicazione scientifica di studi e ricerche attorno alle testimonianze monumentali del cristianesimo durante la tarda antichità e l'alto medioevo.... more
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      ArchaeologyIconographyEarly ChristianityLate Antiquity
Tra la fine deI IV ed i primi deeenni deI seeolo seguente si assiste, eom'e noto, eon il progressivo abbandono delle sepolture ipogee, sieuramente piü eostose e eertamente meno pratiehe rispetto alle subdiali, ad una lenta fase di... more
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      ArchaeologyLate Antique ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyLate Antiquity
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      Early ChristianityChristianity and RomeEarly Christian ArtEarly Christian Architecture
I miei più sinceri ringraziamenti sono rivolti al prof. Fabrizio Bisconti e alla prof.ssa Daniela Calcagnini. 1 WILPERT 1895. 2 Sempre sulla cappella greca WILPERT 1894a; WILPERT 1894b. 3 Gli studi più completi e recenti sul monumento sono
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      Late Antique ArchaeologyEarly ChristianityLate AntiquityEarly Christian Art