Recent papers in Byzantium
Taft R. F. The Great Entrance. A History of the Transfer of Gifts and other Preanaphoral Rites of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. [A History of the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, vol. II]. Roma, 1975. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta;... more
In The Proceedings of the 2nd Scientific Symposium on Neo-Hellenic Ecclesiastic Art, 26-28 November 2010, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Dept. of Theology, School of Theological Studies/ Byzantine and Christian Museum... more
Trachoma is an ancient disease that has survived until the present day and represents the most common cause of infectious blindness globally. This study reviews the main Greek medical sources of the period from the 1st to 7th century AD... more
In late 1180, after the death of Emperor Manuel Komnenos, Prince Bohemond III of Antioch put aside his imperial bride, Theodora Komnena, to marry an Antiochene woman named Sybil. What followed was an internal uprising against the ruler... more
Wstęp Mirosław J. Leszka, Kirił Marinow................................................... 1 I Konstantynopolitańskie porty IV–XII w. [Constantinopolitan harbours in the 4th–12th centuries] Mirosław J. Leszka......... 5 II Wszystkie... more
The main function of religious art is to embody the abstract idea of God in a form that allows its easiest perception. A central problem of any religious system is God’s presence and its adequate description. Theophanic events are never... more
Conflict, Bargaining, and Kinship Networks in Medieval Eastern Europe takes the familiar view of Eastern Europe, families, and conflicts and stands it on its head. Instead of a world rife with civil war and killing, this book presents a... more
A critical reflection on Marcus Plested´s Orthodox Readings of Aquinas
In: Проблемы истории и археологии Украины: Тезисы докладов ХІІ Международной научной конференции, посвященной 215-летию Харьковского национального университета имени В. Н. Каразина (Харьков, ноябрь 2020). Харьков: ООО «НТМТ», 2020. С.... more
The paper presents an experience of the analytical mapping of the route of the Kiev mission of “Roman I Lakapin’s basilikos” — the hypothetical author-compiler of Constantin Porphyrogenitus’ De administrando imperio’s chapter 9th. DAI’s... more
INDICE: La Sapienza bizantina. Il contributo della Storia dell’arte (1896-1970) - Antonio Iacobini Le missioni di studio in Oriente e il Centro di Documentazione di Storia dell’Arte Bizantina (1966-2006) - Andrea Paribeni Il... more
An in-depth study of MSS Vat. gr. 704, Oxon. Bodl. Barocci 48 and some other later manuscripts, such as MS Vat. gr. 1444, provides a new reconstruction for both the authorial composition of the Solutiones quaestionum and the De numero... more
Byzantium in Early Turkish Republican Novels
Discusses use of purple dyed fabrics in Antiquity and Byzantium
ORDER HERE: The Last Empire of Iran is an exhaustive political and military history of the Sasanian state (AD 220s – 651). I wrote this book for several reasons. There are very few... more
Campaigns of Germanicus, AD 13-16 describes briefly the campaigns, joint and combined ops., tactics, strategy, foreign policy, espionage, intelligence gathering, and strategy between ca. 60 BC and AD 150 with particular focus on... more
Русский текст ниже The article is dedicated to inappropriate borrowings and flawed methodology in publications of Prof. Nikolay Bolgov from Belgorod University. The article presents evidence that a large number of articles and books... more
Deze paper behandelt de parafrase van Manuel Moschopoulos op het eerste boek van de Ilias, meer bepaald zijn parafrase op de eerste 317 verzen ervan. Eerst wordt een historische context geboden om het werk te kaderen in de periode waarin... more
Der Artikel stellt einen Auszug aus folgender Veröffentlichung dar: Stefan Heribert Huppertz-Wild: Otto III., Adalbert von Prag und das Herrscherbild im Aachener Liuthar-Evangeliar, Europäischer Dialog der Adalbert-Stiftung, Düsseldorf... more
Written in 1851 – 1869, Skarlatos Byzantios' three-volume masterpiece constitutes a feat of 19th c. scholarship, presented here for the first time in an annotated English translation. Drawing on Classical, Byzantine, Western European and... more
Стаття опублікована в: Проблеми гуманітарних наук: Наукові записки Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету ім. Івана Франка. Дрогобич. 2002. Вип. 9. С. 213-222. Микола Мельник Візантія і релігійні вірування печенігів У статті... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Η Ἔκθεσις Κεφαλαίων Παραινετικῶν είναι το μοναδικό κείμενο που μας κληροδότησε η γραφίδα του Αγαπητού Διακόνου. Το έργο αυτό, αποδέκτης του οποίου ήταν ο αυτοκράτωρ Ιουστινιανός Α΄ (527-565), γνώρισε πολύ μεγάλη διάδοση ήδη κατά τους... more
Dans l’Antiquité, christianisme et philosophie se font face comme deux voies d’accès à la vérité : l’une, par le moyen de la foi, l’autre, par la recherche rationnelle. Les rapports du christianisme et de la philosophie sont cependant... more
This paper aims to discuss the importance of diplomacy as a major factor in the survival of the Byzantine Empire for 1123 years – from the inauguration of the empire’s capital, Constantinople on May 11, 330 CE, until the fall of... more
A memorial lecture on Julian Chrystomides, given at the Hellenic Centre, London (16 October 2015). It presents preliminary thoughts on the study of innovation and the notion of innovation in Byzantium.
Οι περισσότεροι παλαιοί δυτικοί ιστορικοί αντιμετώπιζαν κάποτε το Βυζάντιο ως μια τρόπον τινά παρηκμασμένη "ανατολική Ρωμαϊκή αυτοκρατορία". Σήμερα ωστόσο είναι κοινώς αποδεκτό ότι η συμπάθεια ή αντιπάθεια για τους Βυζαντινούς, τους... more
В истории «даров волхвов» из монастыря святого Павла на Афоне можно проследить по историческим источникам следующие периоды: 1) «дароносивые златые сосуды, иже принесоша Христу с дары волсви» в XI-XII вв. хранились в ризнице св. Софии; 2)... more
Advanced doctoral students whose dissertations are substantially concerned with the history of cartography are invited to contact the editor of this section (Dr Elizabeth Baigent, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford OX2 6PW, UK;... more
This paper follows the footsteps of scholars such as Averil Cameron who argue that Orientalism might be a useful approach to studying the reception of Byzantium. Therefore, it discusses the »Oriental« nature of the imagery of Byzantium –... more
Slavery may no longer exist as a legal institution, but we still find many forms of enslavement in contemporary societies. It is a troubling paradox, and one this book addresses by considering a period in which the definition of slavery... more
The Florence Manuscript, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Laur. Plut. 75.3, has preserved a collection of medical remedies traditionally attributed to an otherwise unknown female author called Metrodora. In this article, I reinforce the... more
The Byzantine emperor Leo VI (886–912), was not a general or even a soldier, like his predecessors, but a scholar, and it was the religious education he gained under the tutelage of the patriarch Photios that was to distinguish him as an... more
This paper collects and evaluates all available data from the Byzantine and Eastern (Armenian, Arabic, Syrian, Turkish) sources that demonstrate that the Battle of Mantzikert (August 26, 1071 AD) was not, at least in diplomatic terms, a... more
The Patria is a fascinating four-book collection of short historical notes, stories, and legends about the buildings and monuments of Constantinople, compiled in the late tenth century by an anonymous author who made ample use of older... more
Доклад «’’Звенигородский чин” прп. Андрея Рублева: современные проблемы изучения» на III Чтениях памяти В.А. Плугина на историческом факультете МГУ 14 ноября 2017 г. В докладе полностью доказана по данным всего комплекса источников... more
El deporte y los juegos son unas de las manifestaciones más antiguas de la humanidad. El deporte, tal y como lo conocemos actualmente, tiene una concepción de competición. Tiene también concepciones nacionales (los estados, las ciudades,... more