
Blended E-Learning Research Papers -
Following the actual trends in European education, " Babeş-Bolyai " University offers to the foreign students the possibility to study and/or improve their skills in Romanian. Our objective in this paper is to present how Clipflair, a... more
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      Computer Assisted Language LearningBlended E-LearningComputer Assisted Language Learning/TeachingBlended Learning
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementPsychology
У монографії розкриті педагогічні аспекти змішаного навчання, наведена педагогічна технологія проектування змішаного навчання та різноманітні інформаційні технології для його підтримки. Звертається увага на методи формування критичного... more
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      Inquiry Based LearningBlended E-LearningEducational ResearchStudent Motivation And Engagement
The world is changing rapidly, so is academics. E-learning has altered the area of academics and education. ICT enabled learning has given ideal services to students by providing any type of content on demand which is proportional to the... more
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      PsychologyComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyComputer Science Education
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      PsychologyInformation TechnologyEducationEducational Technology
The inevitable presence of online technology has permeated the lives of Filipinos as information available on the Internet has become more accessible. Communication done online, via video call and real-time feedback through messaging, can... more
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      Music EducationBlended E-LearningBlended Learning and the Use of Information Technology in Education
Science is a body of knowledge that explains the phenomena of our world through observations and experimentation. Many nations have developed because of the attention they give, and the investment they put into science education. However,... more
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      Educational TechnologyBlended E-LearningPedagogyDistance Learning
This paper presents findings from the practical implementation of Bloom's taxonomy into the class of Intercultural Business Communication that has been taught for several years at the Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of... more
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      CommunicationBlended E-LearningBlended LearningHybrid Learning
Reaching a large and diverse community of practitioners in developing countries to strengthen their capacities in agricultural research and development is a challenge for the CGIAR . One of its priorities is to build and strengthen... more
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      Agricultural EducationBlended E-LearningOnline LearningAgricultural extension
Since 2002 the «Zurich E-Learning Certificate» offers lecturers and academic staff from the three main universities in Zurich the possibility to take part in a professional development program which supports the acquirement of... more
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      E-learningBlended E-LearningBlended LearningE-learning 2.0
The objectives of the study were to show the basic differences between Distance, Blended and Online learning, and establish their common challenges from literature. Approximately 35 categories/sets of research results or findings from... more
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      Computer ScienceDistance EducationInternet StudiesMobile Learning
This study addressed several outcomes, implications, and possible future directions for blended learning (BL) in higher education in a world where information communication technologies (ICTs) increasingly communicate with each other. In... more
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      PsychologyBlended E-LearningICT in EducationBlended Learning
Although extensive research has been carried out on virtual learning environments and the role of groups and communities in social networks, few studies exist which adequately cover the relationship between these two domains In this... more
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      Human Computer InteractionSocial NetworksE-learningSocial Networking
In blended learning classrooms, children access digital curriculum and receive traditional instruction in a physical setting hence implementing intricate blended learning requires working closely with teachers to help them determine... more
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      Mathematics EducationBlended E-LearningReadingBlended And Mobile Learning
A mock examination is an exam that does not count for credit. It is taken before an official examination and gives students the opportunity to practice for the later, important exam. The mock examination provides students with information... more
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      Blended E-LearningBlended And Mobile LearningBlended LearningBlended learning in higher education
Резюме: Целта на статията е да се сподели опитът ни в обучението по ботаника в БФ на СУ от използването на смесено обучение в реални учебни зали с осигуряване на постоянен електронен достъп до преподавания материал и провеждане на онлайн... more
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      BotanyBlended E-LearningBlended LearningBlended learning in higher education
The object of this experimental study is to measure the effectiveness of a blended learning environment which is laid out on the basis of features for face to face and online environments. The study was applied to 110 students who attend... more
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      Computer ScienceEducational TechnologyBlended E-LearningOnline Learning
This study analyzes students' and teachers' perceptions of after school online courses (ASOC) undertaken by an institutional private middle school, which manages several campuses across Turkey. The aim of ASOC is to support... more
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      PsychologyPerceptionInstructional Systems TechnologyInstructional Design
There is a strong need for educators to change the way they conduct aviation education to bring up future professionals in the industry. To cope with the COVID-19 challenge, creative online distance learning approaches become necessary.... more
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      EngineeringBlended E-LearningAviationBlended Learning
Il contributo intende analizzare alcuni aspetti dell’educational technology, prestando particolare attenzione alle politiche promosse in Italia, alle competenze digitali possedute da studenti e docenti, alle metodologie innovative e agli... more
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      Latin LiteratureEducational TechnologyE-learningBlended E-Learning
The purpose of this study is to analyse the influence of Spiritual Intelligence to transformational leadership style displayed by student leaders. Students are the future leaders in organizations, be it in the public or the private... more
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      PsychologyBlended E-LearningClinical Sciences
This paper explores a sample of data collected from a UNICEF Eastern Caribbean rapid assessment on teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in eight countries. The primary investigation method was mixed and captured data from... more
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      Teaching and LearningBlended E-LearningLearning and TeachingEducational Equity and Justice
Since information and communication technologies were introduced into education, the number of courses delivered in an online or blended learning (OBL) format has increased significantly. However, not all teachers are experienced in... more
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      Blended E-LearningOnline LearningTeachers' professional developmentDigital capital
Teaching Naked is a call for shifting mindsets about the way institutions of higher education package and source their product. Using the idea of removing technology from the classroom to the valuable time away from class, José Bowen... more
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      Blended E-LearningBlended LearningHybrid Learning
"Elinizdeki bu kitap, sosyal psikolojinin konularını en geniş kapsamıyla ele almakta, klasikleşmiş deneysel ve saha araştırmalarını en güncel bilimsel çalışmalarla harmanlamaktadır. Bu bakımdan, akademisyen ve öğrencilerin... more
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      EntrepreneurshipPsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychological Assessment
This presentation places online education in a disciplinary context, charting historical, pedagogical, institutional and cultural dimensions of e-learning. The evolution of online academic conferences is of particular relevance. Online... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningDistance EducationAcademic Development
The objectives of this research were: 1 ) to find the effectiveness of the blended learning management activity package 2) to compare the learning achievement 3) to study memory retention and 4) to study the satisfaction with the blended... more
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      Blended E-LearningBlended And Mobile LearningBlended LearningBlended learning in higher education
Although we are aware of the shortcomings mentioned, we think that the results of the study on the effectiveness of blended education, and to increase the concentration of educational programs that contribute to the renaissance of the... more
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      E-learningHigher EducationBlended E-LearningAssessment in Higher Education
Students' feelings of relatedness (i.e., feeling connected to others) are crucial for success in any learning environment; however, online courses often limit relatedness development, either by removing spontaneous interaction (e.g.,... more
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      E-learningDistance EducationMotivation (Psychology)Blended E-Learning
„Alles Lebendige bildet eine Atmosphäre um sich her.“ (Goethe 2016, S.55) An erster Stelle soll veranschaulicht werden, inwiefern der Atmosphärenbegriff für den Bereich der Pädagogik signifikant ist. Wie hat sich dieser, eher... more
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      Blended E-LearningFace-to-Face CommunicationBlended LearningAtmosphere
This chapter synthesizes current research related to blended (hybrid) learning environments that combine online and face-to-face instruction. Research data highlights growth trends in blended learning implementation across higher... more
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      Blended E-LearningBlended And Mobile LearningBlended LearningBlended learning in higher education
Blended learning is now being widely experimented with for the purposes of enhancing the education process, especially when it comes to leaning foreign languages. The presence and development of many an application on the market makes the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageComputer Assisted Language LearningBlended E-LearningStudent Motivation And Engagement
This is a link to the K-12 Blended Teaching Readiness Instrument and the research that led to it's development.
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      Blended E-LearningICT in EducationBlended LearningTechnology Integration in Schools
مقارنة بين بعض نظم إدارة التعلم الالكتروني
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      Teaching and LearningEducational TechnologyE-learningMobile Learning
نظام إدارة التعلم تالنت Talent LMS
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      Teaching and LearningEducational TechnologyE-learningMobile Learning
İnovasyonun On Tipi kitabı ile inovasyon yapmak isteyenlere reçete veriliyor. Adım adım ve yalın bir şekilde inovasyonun nasıl geliştirilebileceği konusunda önemli sırlar ortaya koyuluyor. Bu kitap, özellikle teknoloji odaklı inovasyon... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryEntrepreneurshipManagement
Lic. En Idiomas Extranjeros Villavicencio, Noviembre 2019 INTRODUCCIÓN La presencia de tecnologías en el mundo ha posibilitado, entre otros aspectos, múltiples formas de enseñar y aprender, combinando espacios y tiempos síncronos y... more
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      Blended E-LearningInvestigación En Educación
Definisi Blended Learning
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      Blended E-LearningBlended And Mobile LearningBlended LearningBlended learning in higher education
Microsoft Excel adalah sebuah program aplikasi spreadsheet yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft Corporation untuk sistem operasi Microsoft Windows dan Mac OS X. Microsoft Excel dapat digunakan untuk mengorganisir, menghitung, menyediakan... more
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      Blended E-LearningMicrosoft Excel
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es mostrar la absoluta factibilidad y aplicación de técnicas de enseñanza-aprendizaje propias de la educación a distancia (e-learning) en el marco de la educación presencial logrando, de este modo,... more
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      Blended E-Learningeducación a distancia - TIC - motivación -alfabetización académica - trabajo y educaciónTICs aplicadas a la EducacionTics and education
Una serie di incontri, rivolti agli studenti della prima classe di un Liceo Linguistico di Viareggio, finalizzati a reinventare la didattica del latino grazie all’ausilio della gamification - spesso in BYOD -, del cooperative learning e... more
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      Latin LiteratureEducationEducational TechnologyLanguages and Linguistics
يهدف هذا الكتاب إلى تقديم المفاهيم الأساسية والمتخصصة لجودة تصميم المقررات الإلكترونية وفقا لمعايير مؤسسة "كواليتي ماترز" بأسلوب شيّق يتضمّن تشكيلة واسعة من الأشكال والجداول والمربعات الحوارية التوضيحية والتفاعلية، مع مجموعة من الملاحظات... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducational TechnologyE-learningMobile Learning
The introduction of online elements to museums and cultural sites has opened up new ways for visitors to engage with the past, with nature, with culture, and all other treasures of the museum. However, docent training has lagged behind... more
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      Museum StudiesBlended E-LearningMuseum EducationPedagogy
Australian post-secondary institutions have embraced the incorporation of Learning Management Systems (LMSs) into traditional classroom-based instruction and distance learning models. Given that an increasing number of Chinese students... more
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      E-learningBlended E-LearningOnline LearningLearning Management Systems
E-learning platforms are a powerful tool that provides substantial improvements in the academic performance of students in distance learning courses and constitute an important support for the acquisition of skills. This paper explores... more
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      Instructional DesignEducational TechnologyE-learningDistance Education
The paper is based on action research carried out in King Khalid University. The major portion of this paper presents the Blended Learning Communication Problems facing the Saudi Arabian Undergrad Learners of Intensive English. Then, it... more
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      English LiteratureBlended E-LearningBlended learning in higher educationEnglish language teaching
This article presents a descriptive comparative study on two methods of teaching, the traditional and blended learning pedagogical approach in a Business Communication course. Forty-four (44) students from the two controlled groups were... more
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      Information SystemsInformation ScienceInformation TechnologyCommunication
Uno de los temas clave de la agenda de investigación actual relacionada con la Tecnología Educativa hace referencia a los nuevos escenarios de aprendizaje y sus implicaciones. Para comprender mejor la investigación sobre los escenarios de... more
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      Blended E-LearningGestión del ConocimientoCompetencia Digital En La UniversidadDiseño y Gestion de Entornos Virtuales de Formación
Trong giáo dục chính qui (formal education) thuật ngữ chương trình giáo dục (đào tạo) -curriculum -xuất hiện lần đầu tiên trong ấn bản phẩm vào năm 1918 với tư cách là một thuật ngữ khoa học (J.F.Bobbit, 1918), và sau đó trở thành một... more
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    • Blended E-Learning