Basque Studies
Recent papers in Basque Studies
Slightly earlier version of my paper in 'Sport, identity and ethnicity', edited by myself, Oxford: Berg, 1996
« L'esprit humain a toujours été fasciné par les baleines. Le sujet n'a toutefois guère captivé les historiens canadiens, sans doute parce qu'au Canada la pêche à la baleine a presque toujours été pratiquée par des étrangers », Mario... more
This study examines bead assemblages from Basque sites north of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence and from Native burials south of the Gulf in French Acadia, with a view to determining which varieties may be ascribed to these two cultural... more
Who was Catalina de Erauso, the Lieutenant Nun? Swashbuckler, brawler, hard-headed businessperson, soldier, gallant, celebrity, transvestite, nun? How can one fail to be fascinated by her? A woman, yet a man; a soldier, yet a nun;... more
On the night of September 20,1615, the eve of the feast of St. Matthew, an expedition of Basque whalers lost their ships in a fjord near Trekyllisvik, Iceland, during a terrible storm. This led to a series of events that culminated in... more
Ahozko literatura lantzeko ariketa (EGA)
Patxi Salaberri Zaratiegi, euskaltzain urgazlea eta Onomastika batzordekidea o. Sarrera Gaur aurkezten dugun lan hau Irufieko Udalak Iruna eta euskara izen-pean 1995eko abenduan antolatu jardunaldietarako prestatu genuen lanaren ume da,... more
Lan honetan potmodernitatearen ezaugarriak deskribatu dira Pter Zimaren lana jarraituz, eta ezaugarri horiek euskal kontagintzan aztertu.
Teenagers inhabit a virtual universe with their own model of entertainment, learning and communication. This research work defines the consumption, creation and diffusion patterns of online audiovisual contents young students of Guipúzcoa... more
Marching against Gender Practice: Political Imaginings in the Basqueland begins with the question: why is it so problematic for the majority of people in the Basque town of Hondarribia to accept the broader participation of women in their... more
Blas, A. (2016): “Identity, Territoriality and Basque Secessionism: The Issue of Navarre“, Ibarra Güell, Pedro and Kolås, Åshild (eds), Basque Nationhood: Towards a Democratic Scenario. Oxford, Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main,... more
Investigation into the role of the Lyndon Larouche organization and Spain's Anti-ETA death squads in the 1980's.
This article explores the mobilization dynamics of a school-based minority language revitalization initiative in the French Basque Country, known as the Ikastola Movement. Bringing the study of language revitalization into dialogue with... more
In this book, I explore the dynamics of Basque participation in the process of EU policymaking. I am particularly interested in addressing the little-explored question about the implications of the European system of multilevel governance... more
Mi tezih dohtorá / Nere doktore-tesia / Mi tesis doctoral / My PhD Thesis. Autor como Juan Porras Blanco del libro digital ‘Negación’ punk en la sociedad vasca. Investigación socioantropológica de un simbolismo liminal. Leioa (Bizkaia,... more
Social and visual anthropologist Olatz González Abrisketa, a professor at the University of the Basque Country, has produced an ethnographic and philosophical account of the highly ritualized Basque ball game, pelota, in which she argues... more
Aintzane Legarreta Mentxaka, "La Vida Vasca de Kate O'Brien" [original title: 'Mary Lavelle'] [commissioned]. El Correo Culture Supplement. 15 September 2018, p. 10. …………………………………… Kate O'Brien (1897-1974) es una de las novelistas más... more
This chapter discusses recent scholarship on Catalina de Erauso-'the Lieutenant Nun'-one of the more controversial figures of the early seventeenth century. Erauso fled from a convent at age fifteen; from then on, she dressed as a man and... more
[Spanish language article] .................. Esta es la primera publicación sobre ‘El Aliento y el Barro’ (‘The Spirit and the Clay’), by Shevawn Lynam, en Euskadi o en el estado. Da a conocer la novela como un documento único sobre la... more
Comentários à declaração de independência feita pelo Parlamento da Catalunha em 09.11.2015.
Euskal nortasuna definitzeko ekarpena antropologia eta mitologiaren ikuspuntutik.
This paper looks at the strikingly parallel development of five distinct projects of nationalist mobilization(Catalan, Basque Galician, Portuguese, and Castilian) within the Iberian Peninsula during the first quarter of the 20th century.
per a catalanoparlants (O de com dues llengües tan diferents s'assemblen tant), Argentona, Voliana Edicions, 2016, 292 pp., ISBN: 978-84-944848-7-2
Asistimos en la actualidad a un creciente interés por la personalidad y la obra de quien no se limitó a ser mujer y colaboradora de Ramón Menéndez Pidal. Es de estricta justicia destacar la importancia de María Goyri como pedagoga, como... more
Hay coincidencia en señalar que el Boletín Oficial del Estado fue el primer sitio web informativo de actualización diaria que se publicó en España. Era el año 1994 y desde ese momento el desarrollo de los cibermedios españoles ha tomado... more
The paper comprises two sections: (1) the 100-word list, (2) a focus on Basque sound-changes.
NB: Proto-forms according to glottalized format for Basque and Caucasic, traditional for PIE.
NB: Proto-forms according to glottalized format for Basque and Caucasic, traditional for PIE.
This new series provides a forum for exchange on a myriad of alternative histories of marginalized communities and individuals in the Near and Middle East and Mediterranean, and those of Middle Eastern or Mediterranean heritage. It will... more
Presentation at “The Way We Think: A Research Symposium on Conceptual Integration and the Nature and Origin of Cognitively Modern Humans.” University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Demark, August 19-23, 2002. Document includes Supplemental... more
French Historians never studied Norsemen south of river Loire. The strange thing is that nobody ever noticed this "oblivion". If Historians had crossed river Loire, they would have discovered the "kingdom" of Bjorn Ragnarsson in Gascony... more
La obra de Eduardo Chillida se caracteriza por su constante pregunta por lo desconocido, la búsqueda de unión y el diálogo con el otro. Para el artista vasco, que no sólo ha dejado una importante obra plástica y gráfica sino también un... more