Archaeological Ethics
Recent papers in Archaeological Ethics
It was a February afternoon in 2009, in the prehistoric antiquities room of the Archaeological Museum of Naxos, when I first talked with Colin Renfrew about the publication of all the Early Cycladic figurines found in excavations. Our... more
Apart from wars, other contexts of social conflict have recently become a setting in which archaeologists are faced with acute, sometimes armed, violence. On the African continent, a region often overlooked in discussions of “archaeology... more
Human societies have a long history of incorporating elements of the past into the present; never more has this been the case than today. For centuries, if not millennia, creative artists and writers, architects and fashion designers,... more
"Earlier provisional title was "Archaeology, Tourism, Museum...." "This chapter is divided into two distinct sections that are positioned in a point-counterpoint structure of dialogue. These two position statements invoke the... more
Includes discussion of material identified from Medici Dossier and Schinousa Archive.
Society for American Archaeology 84th Annual Meeting Albuquerque, New Mexico Saturday, April 13, 2019 [340] Forum · #METOO IN ARCHAEOLOGY (SPONSORED BY SAA ETHICS COMMITTEE) 110 Galisteo 1:00–3:00 PM Moderators: Heather Thakar,... more
In recent decades, archaeologists have responded to internal dialogues and external critiques by facilitating greater involvement of descendant peoples and other source communities in many aspects of archaeology. Although significant... more
Apart from wars, other contexts of social conflict have recently become a setting in which archaeologists are faced with acute, sometimes armed, violence. On the African continent, a region often overlooked in discussions of “archaeology... more
The critique of archaeology made from an indigenous and postcolonial perspective has been largely accepted, at least in theory, in many settler colonies, from Canada to New Zealand. In this paper, I would like to expand such critique in... more
Семененко А.А. О недопустимости распространения псевдонаучных данных через систему образовательных учреждений школьного и профессионального образования (на примере тиражирования псевдоколесничного «арийского» мифа в учреждениях... more
During the construction period of the controversial Merowe Dam in Sudan, foreign archaeologists were surveying and excavating in order to save the cultural heritage of the land to be flooded without considering the local people's attitude... more
Ethics has abandoned its niche status to become a shared concern across archaeology. The appraisal of the sociopolitical context of archaeological practice since the 1980s has forced the discipline to take issue with the expanding array... more
Several million dollars’ worth of Egyptian antiquities are sold on the market every year. The majority of these items seem to have surfaced for the first time since 1973, the date of the Archaeological Institute of America’s ‘Resolution... more
Posthumanist or new materialist tools, positions and conversations contain some useful ideas for archaeologists to think with, but others that I find deeply problematic. In this opinion piece, I organize my thoughts around three... more
Introduction to a special journal issue on public interest anthropology applied to cultural heritage and tourism. All papers in this special issue on public interest anthropology applied to cultural heritage and tourism were originally... more
Vasilenko A.I.VICTOR GEORGIYEVICH SAMOYLENKO IS A CHIEF OF THE LUGANSKARCHAEOLOGICAL INSPECTIONIn this article told about work of the Lugansk archaeological inspection in 1991-1995. Theemployees of this organization conducted... more
Семененко А.А. О научной недобросовестности авторов коллективной монографии по истории Южного Урала эпохи бронзы. Отзыв на книгу: Южный Урал в начале эпохи металлов. Бронзовый век / А.В. Епимахов и др. // История Южного Урала: В 8 т. — Т.... more
In 1999, Zia Pueblo demanded $74 million dollars from the State of New Mexico for the unauthorized use of its zia sun symbol (AP 1999, Upton 2005). The flag’s design was created by Harry Mera, a physician and anthropologist at the Santa... more
PLEASE NOTE: the epigraph in the author's Word and PDF versions reads तत्सवितुर्वरं रूपं ज्योतिः परस्य धीमहि | यन्नः सत्येन दीपयेत् || But it is reflected on version with two mistakes. I do not know why. When You download... more
The synthesis of biological anthropology, archaeology, and social theory provides a bioarchaeological model to reconstruct nuanced aspects of demography, diet, disease, death, daily activities, and bio-distance, even in the absence of... more
When war comes, what is to be a researcher in the Humanities?
All things archaeological - from archaeological method, the connections between archaeology and modernity, through a process-relational paradigm, to the heritage industry and archaeology as a mode of cultural production, with an outline... more
Семененко А. А. Эталон колесничного погребения или Почему урало-казахстанские погребения с повозками эпохи бронзы не являются колесничными? — Воронеж: Электронная монография на правах рукописи, 2020. — 677 с. + 575 илл. — ISBN... more
English translation of a Dutch paper, original Journal reference: Wijnen, J.A.T., 2015. Conflictarcheologie versus Slagveldarcheologie. Archeobrief volume 19 nr 2. pg. 2-6. Matrijs, Utrecht This paper is based on a discussion paper on... more
This tip-of-the-iceberg course reviews the history of archaeological theory, from its earliest manifestations through to what’s going on in the current issues of American Antiquity or Journal of Social Archaeology. In doing so, we will... more
"Looting Matters" issued its first post on 17 July 2007. This publication considers how the blog emerged from an established research project with Christopher Chippindale on the material and intellectual consequences of collecting. The... more
This article recounts an untold chapter in the life of archaeologist Froelich Rainey, specifically his ambition to collaborate with Soviet scholars and deploy his personal networks to foster mutual understanding across the Iron Curtain... more
Семененко А. А. Лернейская гидра: псевдонаучная псевдоколесничная псевдоархеологическая псевдореконструкция СНГ и данные объективного исследования. — Воронеж: Электронная монография на правах рукописи, 2021. — 608 с., 65 + 487 илл. — ISBN... more
This article introduces the first of what will ultimately be two collections of case studies in archaeologist-responsible/responsive artifact collector collaboration. Focused on the United States, the articles in this issue of Advances in... more
This is an essay on the subject of free labor in archaeology. By presenting a diverse material of laws, ethical documents and interviews the inclusion of free labor in archaeology is discussed. The discussion is made through the case... more
Горащук И. В. Рецензия на книгу: Семененко А. А. Эталон колесничного погребения или почему Урало-Казахстанские погребения с повозками эпохи бронзы не являются колесничными? (электронная монография на правах рукописи). — Воронеж, 2020. —... more