Animal Rights/Liberation
Recent papers in Animal Rights/Liberation
In this paper we make an argument for limiting veterinary expenditure on companion animals. The argument combines two principles: the obligation to give and the selfconsciousness requirement. In line with the former, we ought to give... more
Abstract: This essay considers the ways in which Hegel's theory of ethical life (Sittlichkeit) can provide us with a different understanding of our ethical obligations to animals. I argue that animal abuse and its toleration constitutes a... more
• Peki ya bitkiler? • Peki ya insan sağlığı? • Sadece vejetaryen olsam yetmez mi? • Tanrı’nın gözünde diğer hayvanlardan daha değerli değil miyiz? • Peki ya şefkatle yetiştirimiş hayvanlardan elde edilen ürünler? • Hepimiz vegan olursak... more
With the publication of an extended editorial titled 'Animal Studies and Art: Elephants in the Room' by Giovanni Aloi, Editor in Chief of 'Antennae', the journal embarks on a new and challenging year-long project constituting somewhat of... more
Most people hold that it is wrong to sacrifice some humans to save a greater number of humans. Do people also think that it is wrong to sacrifice some animals to save a greater number of animals, or do they answer such questions about... more
Presentación de la traducción del capítulo 5 del libro de Piers Beirne, Confrontando el abuso a animales. Ley, criminología y relaciones humano-animal (2009). Incluye la traducción realizada por Ana Zacil Vieyra Ramírez y revisada por... more
Vegan Bir Dünya, yazarın Veganköy adını verdiği, bütün yaşam şartlarının veganlık üzerine örüldüğü bir köyün hayali ile başlıyor. Burası sempatik ve yaşanılası bir köy olması yanı sıra sizleri içerisine çekecek birçok pratik çözüm... more
Here in Hawaii, the only ones in the rat race are mongooses, along with Federal and State officials wanting to kill both rats and mongooses. However, there is a big flaw in the recent Federal and State proposal for statewide eradication... more
Contemporary Muslim scholar Said Nursi's (1877-1960) view of animals is highly spiritual. His positive thinking philosophy extends to the natural environment and includes animals considered harmful to humans. His view of not killing... more
Extraterritorial jurisdiction stands at the juncture of international law and animal law and promises to open a path to understanding and resolving the global problems that challenge the core of animal law. As corporations have relocated... more
An interview with Animal Liberation Press Officer Jerry Vlasak.
Literaturbericht | Literaturbericht TIERethik, 8. Jg. 12(2016/1) | 129 | 1.2 Arianna Ferrari & Klaus Petrus (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Mensch-Tier-Beziehungen 482 S., Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2015, 29,99 EUR Menschen und andere Tiere leben... more
This is a topic proposal for my researched based argument in Global Research Seminar Class with Dr. David Colon. I hope to write my researched based argument on the relationship between humans and animals in Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee and... more
Despite increasing public attention to animal suffering, little seems to have changed: Human beings continue to exploit billions of animals in factory farms, medical laboratories, and elsewhere. In this wide-ranging and perceptive study,... more
The investigative custody (2008) and judicial proceeding (2010/11) against the Austrian artist Chris Moser on behalf of his animal protection activities in the "Verein gegen Tierfabriken" - "ein rechtsstaatlicher Wahnsinn" (DDr. Michael... more
This article aims to supplement the three “golden rules” of rewilding – or three Cs – the Cores, Carnivores, and Corridors – by a fourth C – Compassion, in discussing the case of Oostvaardeplassen in The Netherlands. The cores refer to... more
This chapter highlights several criticisms of zoos, then provides a vision for new zoos: “nooz.” Offering a new name to these institutions makes a clear break from the old model, which is fundamentally exploitative. The common denominator... more
This paper offers an exploratory analysis of social movement theory as it relates to the nonhuman animal rights movement. Individual participant motivations and experiences, movement resource mobilization, and movement relationships with... more
This 5-part series of articles (written as an undergraduate major in Philosophy and Government) at the College of William and Mary) is the first major study of the animal rights and animal liberation movement that was fully emerging in... more
A partir da realização de seis entrevistas semi-estruturadas e da etnografia virtual de grupos da rede social Facebook, a presente pesquisa busca analisar os processos de aprendizagem da culinária vegana, perpassando pelas especificidades... more
The Belgian radical environmental group Aardewerk invited me to give a presentation on my research, so I quickly invented this title (it's a bit too Star Warsy, perhaps) and combined material from two of my papers on hunting. Not sure how... more
Applying Bernard Suits’ conceptual definition of game-playing, and his outline of a conceptual definition of sport, I ask and answer the following question: can hunting be a sport? An affirmative answer is substantiated via the following... more
In this essay I will look at the symbolism that meat holds within our ‘modern’ ‘Western’ society. I will begin by briefly introducing the study of food in general within the social sciences, setting a framework of reference for the... more
In den Human-Animal Studies und den kritischen Tierstudien hat sich Ted Bentons Interpretation des marxschen Werks als die einflussreichste Lesart des tierischen Marxismus oder marxistischen Animalismus etabliert. Benton ist emeritierter... more
A NARRATED POWERPOINT presentation of my article "The harmful, nontherapeutic use of animals in research is morally wrong" Nobis, N. (2011). The harmful, nontherapeutic use of animals in research is morally wrong. The American Journal of... more
El presente trabajo de investigación busca aportar a la discusión en torno al antiespecismo como posicionamiento político que pone en cuestión la relación existente entre los humanos y los demás animales, hoy determinada por el carácter... more
The following is a draft excerpt from my forthcoming book, Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. It concerns the the commodification of nonhuman animals, particularly endangered species. Climate... more
Meat can be considered as a regular or even integral part of the human diet, and it has been for around 2.5 million years. Our great ancestors, hominins, were the first ones who started consuming raw meat of animals by hunting down large... more
Tekst przybliża genezę ruchu wegańskiego, opisuje proces zdobywania tożsamości i tworzenia nazwy. Śledzi także ślady wzamianek o weganizmie w polskich publikacjach lat 80. XX w.
La industrialización de animales para la fabricación de diferentes productos de consumo en la sociedad occidental ha sido cuestionada desde el siglo XVII. Si bien la base filosófica de los discursos tanto a favor como en contra pueden... more
In a qualitative content analysis of The Vegan Society’s quarterly publication, The Vegan, spanning 73 years and nearly 300 issues, the trajectory of one of the world’s most radical and compassionate counter cuisine collectives is... more
Cet ouvrage, centré sur la question interdisciplinaire de la rencontre entre les animaux humains et non humains, cherche à créer des passerelles entre les différents courants des études animales. Des chercheurs issus des sciences de... more
Alicja Dłuż ewicż (Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickewicża, Pożnan ) Ro wnos c jest podstawową żasadą etycżną, Nie żas stwierdżeniem faktu (Singer 2007, 43) Etyka utylitarystyczna Petera Singera -szanse i możliwości przekształcenia praw zwierząt... more
This paper seeks, from the philosophy and modern science, showing how scientific research are conducted in the United States. In order to address this issue goes to understand the legal and moral status of animals in society. Animals are... more
In this paper I employ a narrative method to explore the learning processes of adult activists engaged in activism. Drawing on the story of one animal activist, I explain the embodied learning processes in a direct action environment. I... more
J. Vink, The Open Society and Its Animals, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan 2020. This book is an interdisciplinary study centred on the political and legal position of animals in liberal democracies. With due concern for both animals and the... more