Ancient Ports and Harbours
Recent papers in Ancient Ports and Harbours
This is an updated version of my ‘Bibliography on Ancient Egyptian Shipbuilding, Seafaring, Harbours, and Navigation.’ The previous version was published in July 2022, and some two hundred entries were added to this list. I apologize if... more
Publishers digital clusterproject "digitising patterns of power (dpp): peripherical mountains in the medieval World" (austrian academy of Sciences) Long-term project "tabula imperii Byzantini (tiB)" (austrian academy of Sciences)... more
Le port romain cie Pise vient cI'être reclécouvert.
in Agde, port de commerce aux XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, Cahiers du GRHISTA, n°3, 2011, p. 7-20.
Справедливы слова Геродота о том, что Египет – это дар Нила. Без плодородных земель нильской долины и речного судоходства, соединившего страну воедино, цивилизация Древнего Египта никогда не достигла бы своего небывалого расцвета.... more
In the Early Middle Ages, the contraction of long-established (Roman) Mediterranean trades and their displacement towards Northern Europe led to the progressive downsizing of Italian seaports and to the development of river and lagoonal... more
In 2014-2016 the remote examination of the sea bottom part of the Kerch bridge route was held on the area of over 400 hectares and more than 7,000 magnetic and acoustic targets were identified. The most interesting archaeological site... more
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EN: The exhibition aimed at creating a visual impression of the main port towns of Gujarat throughout ages. It presented for the first time in India maps, engravings and other archival documents conserved at the Bibliothèque Nationale de... more
This periodical began publication in 1935. Two fascicles are issued each year, which contain articles, shorter notes and book reviews about the Christian East, that is, whatever concerns the theology, history, patrology, liturgy,... more
Hypoteses on the pier structure at the Harbour of Cosa, examined through the technical analysis of archaeological and historical evidence on the modern function of the ancient Harbour area with regard to the draining of internal waters.
ABSTRACT: The following 83 questions follow the documentary (no.7), National Geographic, Quest for the Phoenicians (55 minutes). It is a good documentary detailing diverse aspects of the heritage and achievements of the Phoenicians: WEB... more
The project »Harbours in the North Atlantic AD 800-1300« (HaNoA) focuses on harbours and landing sites in areas settled by the Norse across the North Atlantic. The harbours that are investigated within this project mostly provided natural... more
The founding of the New Paphos harbour at the end of the 4th c. BC and its description by the author of the Stadiasmus has been widely discussed. Most of the researchers agree on its location in the south part of the ancient city, under... more
The city of Schleswig is located at the inner end of the Schlei fjord, where the smallest part of the Jutland peninsula between the North Sea and the Baltic Sea is situated. Due to this favorable topographical situation, large amounts of... more
Studies of ancient urban culture did pay little attention to harbour cities so far. This is astonishing, since several of the most prominent ancient urban centers such as Miletos, Carthage, Alexandria or Ephesos were harbour cities as... more
Η μελέτη των λιμανιών και άλλων παράκτιων υποδομών, ειδικότερα σε σχέση με την Ιστορία του Περιβάλλοντος, εξακολουθεί να αποτελεί ένα ιδιαίτερα ανεξερεύνητο πεδίο στην Αρχαιολογία. Η αντανάκλαση αυτής της αλληλεπίδρασης, είναι ιδιαίτερα... more
This thesis focuses on the site of Vada Volaterrana in modern day Tuscany in the context of its Mediterranean connectivity. In this study, Mediterranean connectivity in the ancient Roman world addresses how harbor sites interacted with... more
Pelabuhan Silo merupakan salah satu pelabuhan di wilayah Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Pelabuhan ini dibuka setelah perusahaan NV SMP (Steenkolen Maatscappij Parapatan) membuka usaha pertambangan batu bara di wilayah Teluk Bayur. Pelabuhan ini... more
Nel lavoro si analizza l'evoluzione geografica e storica dell'area del Capo Mannu (San Vero Milis) sulla costa occidentale della Sardegna. L'analisi fa emergere il ruolo che a partire dal neolitico recente hanno svolto le saline naturali... more
את מיטב כישרונותיו, אוצרותיו ויכולותיו השקיע המלך הורדוס בקיסריה, העיר שנבנתה מהיסוד, ובעיקר בנמל המרשים שלה שנבנה — לראשונה בעידן הרומי — ללא מפרץ טבעי. התוצאה הייתה עיר רומית מפוארת ששימשה שער כניסה ייצוגי לממלכת הורדוס. חורבנו של הנמל... more
For a long time, marketplaces were an underrepresented field of research in medieval archaeology. Numerous urban excavations and re-evaluations of evidence from older excavations, however, have significantly increased our level of... more
N. Carayon, “The impact of Honor Frost on Phoenician port studies in the Levant”, Under the Mediterranean: 100 years on… The Honor Frost Foundation conference of ‘Mediterranean Maritime Archaeology’ to commemorate the Anniversary of the... more
Ginalis, A. and Athanasoula, M. 2018. Οι παραθαλάσσιες υποδομές της Ρωμαϊκής και Βυζαντινής Σκιάθου. In Ταμείο Αρχαιολογικών Πόρων & Απαλλοτριώσεων (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium “Βουτιά στα περασμένα” (6th March,... more
La difesa dell'isola, le città capitali, la celebrazione della monarchia 17 A cura di stefano Piazza | LA SICILIA DEI VICERé NELL'ETà DEGLI ASBURGO (1516-1700) € 22,00 Edizioni Caracol Frammenti di Storia e Architettura -D (Documenti)... more
Les recherches récentes sur la fiscalité antique s’intéressent de plus en plus et avec raison à l’étude du vocabulaire et des catégories anciennes. Cet article s’intéresse à la catégorie des droits portuaires nommée ellimenion dans les... more
I present a synopsis of a reconstruction of water transport infrastructure below the Giza Pyramids Plateau in the 4th Dynasty (c. 2500 MB) based on evidence from contours in the floodplain as of 1977, core drillings and trenches for the... more
L'analisi delle lucerne provenienti dai contesti della IV fase 1 presenta notevoli motivi di interesse e di rilievo. I 57 esemplari recuperati, di cui molti in buono stato di conservazione, sono riferibili ad un ambito cronologico assai... more
Recent evidence from Kottapatnam, a coastal site on the east suggests early contacts and trade between south India and southeast Asia starting from the first millennium BC. The site has yielded stamped ware, celedon ware and other... more
David Blackman and Boris Rankov published Shipsheds of the Ancient Mediterranean in 2013. This publication, based on the results of the research project “Shipsheds in the Ancient Mediterranean,” contains an extremely problematic study of... more
Hội An was formally established as the Nguyễn Lord’s foreign trading port in the late sixteenth century. It was a major entrepôt in the East Asian trade network in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, attracting Japanese, Chinese,... more
Version mise à jour en février 2022 : peu après la publication de cet article nous avons modifié le classement et chronologie de la pièce de monnaie de l'épave Monaco A (p. 184). La datation de l’émission entre 186 et 189 ap. J.- C. ne... more