Ancient Greek Medicine
Recent papers in Ancient Greek Medicine
Complete English translation of the article published originally in Russian (2015). Summary It is commonly believed that the epic Theogony of Epimenides of Crete derives from the corpus of pseudepigrapha... more
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
This first ever translation into Czech of the famous Hippocratic treatise "On the sacred disease" is preceded by an introductory essay and followed by a commentary.
Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica [accepted]
Medicine and Healing in the Premodern West traces the history of medicine and medical practice from Ancient Egypt through to the end of the Middle Ages. Featuring nearly one hundred primary documents and images, this book introduces... more
Erasistratus di Keos, Herophilus of Chalcedon
This paper is about the history of a question in ancient Greek philosophy and medicine: what holds the parts of a whole together? The idea that there is a single cause responsible for cohesion is usually associated with the Stoics. They... more
The poster presents the notion of divine in the late 5th century BC Hippocratic treatise De morbo sacro (On the Sacred Disease)
This book uncovers the usage of psychoactive cannabis in ancient Greece and Rome in their medicine, religion, and recreation. It surveys the archaeological and textual evidence of cannabis in ancient Europe and nearby cultures.
This chapter focuses on the therapeutic qualities of literature and literary production in Aelius Aristides’Hieroi Logoi. By offering a comparison between writing and narrating as a basic modality of therapy in medical treatises and in... more
The difference between ancient Greek medicine and ancient Greek philosophy has often been seen by scholars in terms of two targets of expertise: the body and the soul. In this paper, I argue that we can better understand the boundaries... more
'Holism' , strangely enough, given the absolute quality it indicates, is a concept that can only be grasped through negative examples: what it is contrary to, the paradigms to which it constitutes an alternative. Definitions of 'holism'... more
Aretaeus of Cappadocia is considered as one of the greatest medical scholars of Greco-Roman antiquity after Hippocrates. He presumably was a native or at least a citizen of Cappadocia, a Roman province in Asia Minor (Turkey), and most... more
This thesis examines the representation of the scented female body in the literary culture of late Republican and early Imperial Rome. Recent years have seen increasing scholarly interest in odour and olfaction in antiquity, building on... more
Three Latin versions of the Hippocratic Oath are displayed in parallel: those of Nicolas of Regium (1380), Anuce Foës (1595), and Albrecht de Haller (1771). This paper may serve as a useful handout for Latin composition while introducing... more
L'objet de la correspondance fictive, intégrée à la Collection hippocratique, au sujet du cas de Démocrite, n'est pas réductible à l'ambiguïté du rire du philosophe qui paraît d'abord relever de la folie avant de s'avérer l'expression... more
Book review: Erica C. D. Hunter and Mark Dickens, eds., Syrische Handschriften. Teil 2: Texte der Berliner Turfansammlung/Syriac Texts from the Berlin Turfan Collection, Verzeichnis der orientalischen Handschriften in Deutschland 5.2
This essay examines how medical-scientific discourses about the nature of hybrid bodies lie in the background of Phlegon's discussion of a centaur . Centaurs have a long history as a byword for creatures that cannot possibly exist.... more
Critical Days is a late antique compilation of passages from four Hippocratic treatises. This is the first study to consider it seriously as an independent text. I conclude that Critical Days values practical considerations over theory... more
This article explores the connection between the theme of wealth/poverty and medicine in Greco-Roman Antiquity. Special attention is devoted to the changes implied by the transition towards Christianity. The Church has played a... more
Esta traducción y comentario de esos dos tratados de Galeno estaba destinada a ser publicada en la editorial Ediciones Clásicas en la colección de traducciones de Galeno que dirigía J.A. López Ferez. Como quiera que fue entregada en el... more
Since music affects emotions and dispositions, it plays a fundamental role in the political philosophy of both Plato and Aristotle. This paper discusses how education utilizes various keys and modes, in particular how the works Laws and... more
G The primary purpose of the NHS is '… to secure through the resources available the greatest possible improvement to the physical and mental health of the nation'. 1 To achieve this, decisions about the delivery and provision of... more
The paper attempts to explore the connections between Galen, the most famous son of ancient Pergamon, and the specific culture of his home city. What was the influence or significance of Pergamon's various institutions (including library,... more
Gorgias' Helen is an essential sophist text. The first comprehensive commentary on the work, this book considers its philological, literary, philosophical and historical significance in every aspect. The introduction places Helen in the... more
Este libro tiene el objetivo principal de introducir al lector en los principales temas y debates de la historia de la medicina en la Antigüedad, prestando especial atención a las cuatro principales culturas médicas del mundo antiguo:... more
Byzantine medicine remains a little known and misrepresented field not only in the context of debates on medieval medicine, but also among Byzantinists themselves. It is often viewed as 'stagnant' and mainly preserving ancient ideas, and... more
The word pharmacy (Polish farmacja) is commonly derived from an Egyptian source. But the suggested etymology cannot be accepted for a number of reasons. Firstly, the term in question descends (through the medium of Latin) from Greek... more
Dans le contexte de l'Antiquité, où l'avortement est envisagé sous l'angle de sa fonctionnalité, à savoir celui de la satisfaction des besoins privés d'une femme et de sa famille, comment se situaient les médecins de l'époque vis-à-vis de... more
Prayer is indeed good, but while calling on the gods a man should himself lend a hand.
Émile Littré: Hippocrate. Oeuvres Completes (Traduction Nouvelle, avec le texte grec en regard) VOLUME I: Paris: J.-B. Baillière, 1839
Building on recent research in how preachers in Late Antiquity embraced Graeco-Roman medical knowledge in their understanding of anthropology and studies that apply to an understanding of ritual contemporary research on the senses and... more