Most downloaded papers in Aesthetics
7] 1 Origin here signifies that from where and through which a thing is what it is, and how it is. What something is, how it is, we name its essence (Wesen). The origin of something is the provenance of its essence. The question of the... more
Millions of people around the world today use digital tools and platforms to create and share sophisticated cultural artifacts. This book focuses on one such platform: Instagram. It places Instagram image culture within a rich cultural... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
(Note added fall 2015: I notice this file is being read a lot. It is an older version; it has been updated for the book "Visual Worlds." If you would like to cite it please write me for the new version.) Recently art history and art... more
Our lack of awareness of Being results in bewildering experience. The intrinsic inner radiance, the inner light of Being arises out of primordial luminous spaciousness, the unbound openness of unbound pure potentiality. When this... more
It is not easy to understand the nature of the guru and understanding the nature of the guru can be bewildering. There is often bewilderment about the guru. One source of the bewilderment is that people think that the guru is an... more
Affect has historically been conceptualized in one of two dominant ways. The first perspective, which has its roots in psychology and neuroscience, tends to view affect as an elemental state. This tradition is reflected in Silvan S.... more
Resumen Se aborda el fenómeno del individualismo contemporáneo, las transformaciones de la intimidad y la fragilidad de los vínculos humanos. Se muestra cómo las sociedades telemáticas dan lugar a nuevas formas de fuga y ausencia del... more
Carl Jung describes how the human unconscious is the hidden cosmological archetypal dimension of our being in the world. There is the personal unconscious that reflects personal history and experience either forgotten or foreclosed. There... more
Embodiment or embodied awareness is a way of understanding the body. The body is not simply the external body, the body is the lived body. Both the 10 th century Kashmir philosopher Abhinavagupta and the contemporary French... more
This essay appears in PMLA. Uploaded Dec. 27, 2015
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
The paper discusses Derrida's concept of hospitality which perfectly describes the experience of loosing the sense of feeling at home and reveals the disintegrating entrance of the Otherness into a coherent home space. Jacques Derrida's... more
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Security"
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Security"
In the paper the aesthetical category of industrial architecture is discussed. Through a brief historical overview of the development of industrial architecture, the aesthetic and formal qualities of this building typology were... more
This essay is for introductory classes. It includes discussions of the time of viewing and of narrative forms in art.
Every era has to reinvent the project of "spirituality" for itself. (Spirituality = plans, terminologies, ideas of deportment aimed at the resolution of painful structural contradictions inherent in the human situation, at the completion... more
Instagram is the perfect medium of the "aesthetic society." In such society, production and presentation of beautiful images, experiences, styles, and user interaction designs is central for its economic and social functioning. Aesthetic... more
In the original vision of artificial intelligence (AI) in 1950s, the goal was to teach computer to perform a range of cognitive tasks. They included playing chess, solving mathematical problems, understanding written and spoken language,... more
“Life as Art from Nietzsche to Foucault” presents a constructive argument for how one may construct one’s life through aesthetics. The study begins with an examination of dandyism, which gives a negative point of reference for framing the... more
RESUMO: Este trabalho visa apresentar como a carboxiterapia pode contribuir no manejo do fibro edema gelóide (FEG), flacidez de pele e cicatrizes atróficas. Aspectos fisiopatológicos do FEG, da flacidez de pele e das cicatrizes atróficas... more
Cover: Thessaloniki, Rotunda: detail of angel (photo: B. Kiilerich) main reason for Pacatus' admonition. 5 At Silahtaraga on the outskirts of Constantinople, slightly under life-size marble statues of Artemis, Selene, Helios (Fig. 1.1)... more
This essay addresses the questions raised by the distinctly human trait of creating images. For instance, why do humans create images and what are their features that make them special? How are image-making and the uses of images related?... more
Nel corso degli ultimi trent'anni la rapida evoluzione delle tecnologie digitali ha determinato la comparsa di nuove tipologie di immagini e di nuovi dispositivi di visione, introducendo forme inedite di visualizzazione e di... more
The Philosophy of Design is an introduction to the fundamental philosophical issues raised by the contemporary practice of design. The first book to systematically examine design from the perspective of contemporary philosophy, it offers... more
We live in an age of the mobile image. The world today is absolutely saturated with images of all kinds circulating around the world at an incredible rate. The movement of the image has never been more extraordinary than it is today. This... more
In his later life Maurice Merleau Ponty changed his understanding of how human beings know Being and how human beings know phenomena. His mature understanding went far beyond the early phenomenology of Husserl. His understanding and... more
Despite massive interest in visual culture and an abundance of theories on images, basic questions still animate researchers: What is an image? How does it work? Why is it powerful? This article reviews the growth of Visual Culture... more
Art writing normally contrasts art with "everyday life." This book explores art as integral to the everyday life of modern society, providing materials to represent class and class conflict, to explore sex and sexuality, and to think... more
isbn-13 978-0-521-78065-0 hardback isbn-13 978-0-521-78554-9 paperback isbn-13 978-0-511-06898-0 eBook (EBL)
In the summer of 2013 at the Tibetan Center in Poolesville, Maryland the great Lama YangThang Rinpoche gave instruction on the practice of the great compassion, or as he described the practice, as being the practice of Absolute... more
Estéticas fronterizas: diferencia colonial y opción estética decolonial Este libro indaga la dimensión estética de la modernidad para hacer visible una perspectiva inédita: su colonialidad; primero como teo-estética en los siglos XVI-XVII... more
Resumen: El presente artículo se propone dar cuenta del elusivo fenómeno de la conciencia desde la original perspectiva de la neurofenomenología de Francisco Varela, quien a partir de nociones tales como neuroplasticidad, enacción y... more
The study of Indian art should begin with some question. But how was this art made? What were its guidelines? What was its purpose? These answers emerge from the study of Indian philosophy at large and Indian aesthetics in particular.... more
Resumen Consultado Peter Sloterdijk acerca de ¿qué obras recomendaría?, responde: En primer lugar, El nacimiento de la tragedia, de Nietzsche, una teoría del arte. En segundo lugar, a Andy Warhol, con su libro: The philosophy of Andy... more