Recent papers in Aesthetics
Seminar held for the Department of Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, TU Wien, Summer Semester 2018.
One month after Glen told me that he had terminal cancer, I was sitting with him at his dining table in Pasadena, California, discussing an autobiography that he intended as his final book. Glen asked me, "What should I include in my... more
This essay focuses on the salient place given to staging both the modern regime of translation and the institution of literature alongside a dramatization of anthropological difference in Liu Cixin's acclaimed science fiction trilogy,... more
Libro dedicado al pensamiento de Bataille, incluyendo en primer lugar un importante texto inédito hasta ahora en español (una conferencia sobre el juego y el placer no incluida en las Obras Completas publicadas en Francia). A través de... more
A partire dai primi anni del XX secolo, anzitutto in area germanofona e poi in Italia e in altri contesti, all’interno delle concezioni che hanno insistito sull’autonomia come carattere distintivo dell’arte, si è fatto ricorso a più... more
There is a well-documented Pre-Reflective Hostility against Machine Art (PRHMA), exemplified by the sentiments of fear and anxiety. How can it be explained? The present paper attempts to find the answer to this question by surveying a... more
Arthur Danto's extensive body of criticism is naturally informed by his theory of art. In addition to considering his aesthetics from the standpoint of its intensive formulation in texts like the seminal " The Art-World, " or elaborations... more
Arts-based Education in Outdoor Learning is a compendium of artistic endeavour created for the purposes of learning. The contents stem mainly from teaching BA undergraduate Outdoor students at the University of Central Lancashire in... more
Invitation to… is an examination of the ellipsis as an unintended improvisational tool in literature.
L’appréciation esthétique oscille le plus souvent, tel un pendule, entre deux sortes d’illusions : celle de l’objectivité du beau (comme si la beauté pouvait être un attribut de la chose même), et celle de sa subjectivité (selon la... more
Not really a book review, but thoughts on a book for a blog post.
Matsumoto, Naomi. 'The Operatic Mad Scene: Its Origins and Early Development up to c. 1700' (PhD Dissertation, University of London, 2005). This thesis investigates the origins of the operatic mad scene, its development up to c.1700,... more
Poter accedere a qualsiasi immagine, in qualsiasi momento, in qualsiasi luogo. I nuovi media prospettano straordinarie vie di fruizione. Ma come orientarsi in questo scenario? La nostra cultura visuale è capace di tenere il passo della... more
El presente texto es el prólogo para mi traducción de Q. Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica" (Santiago: Roneo, 2020), que co-escribimos M. Ramírez y yo. Contiene una explicación general del 'realismo especulativo' y el rol... more
In conseguenza di gravi traumi, talvolta per un nonnulla, la storia di ognuno di noi può subire un radicale cambiamento: la vita che avevamo progettato per anni è costretta a una deviazione improvvisa e irreversibile. Dal trauma sorge una... more
Addendum: Footnote 24 on page 590 should be to pages 88-89 of the following: Martin Heidegger. Bremen and Freiburg Lectures: Insight into That Which Is and Basic Principles of Thinking. Translated by Andrew Mitchell. Bloomington:... more
Tiger C. Roholt explains why grooves, which are forged in music's rhythmic nuances, remain hidden to some listeners. He argues that grooves are not graspable through the intellect nor through mere listening; rather, grooves are disclosed... more
Indice Introduzione©7 1. La negoziazione delle estetiche organizzative©9 1.1. Negoziazione, aggregazione e discriminazione©9 1.2. Estetica organizzativa al plurale©14 1.3. Estetica come consapevolezza metodologica©17 1.4. Se l’estetica... more
Neugier ist eine entscheidende Triebkraft, die Neues entstehen lässt, Wissensgewinn fördert und biologisch tief verwurzelt ist. Dies zeigt sich auch daran, dass die Erfüllung der Neugier, also die Reduktion des Nicht-Wissens, das... more
Introduction to special issue of Paradoxa on the uncanny in mass culture at the end of the 20th Century.
An insurance man, a rocker, a partisan, a deportee, a bandoneonist.... What can such different figures have in common? Very little, you might say, apart from the fact that they are among the main protagonists of "contemporary music", a... more
Αποτελεί μια σύντομη (<2000 λ.) και επιλεκτική παρουσίαση (περιδιάβαση) της αισθητικής θεωρίας του Χέγκελ.
Krešimir Purgar has assembled a striking collection of essays on Image Studies. I have not been able to stop reading them. They cover a huge range and represent intelligent and well informed opinions containing important topics of... more
This paper is dealing with new industrial architecture as emerging, re-birthed phenomenon in architectural practice. Although the industrial buildings are not a new building typology, industrial architecture was not always, so to say,... more
Both for Kant and for Nietzsche, aesthetics must not be considered as a systematic science based merely on logical premises but rather as a set of intuitively attained artistic ideas that constitute or reconstitute the sensible... more
This essay compares the aesthetics of the sublime in the work of Gilles Deleuze, Jean-François Lyotard, Julia Kristeva, and Frederic Jameson.
An exploration of the philosophical and mystical potential of the art of Victor Ekpuk and the Nsibidi symbolism of the Ekpe esoteric order of South-South and South-East Nigeria and South-West Cameroon which inspires his work, in the... more
The idea of 'art as research' and 'research as art' have risen over the past two decades as important critical focuses for the philosophy of media, aesthetics, and art. Of particular interest is how the methodologies of art and science... more
Four different areas of concern can be singled out within ‘ancient aesthetics’, if we take the latter term to describe ancient authors’ attempts to theoretically comprehend beauty and the arts: i. The attempt to understand beauty (to... more
El tema de esta tesis es la educación musical en la filosofía de Platón. En la República de Platón, la etapa educativa más importante es la niñez; los vehículos de esta educación son la mousiké para el alma (o mente) y la gimnasia para el... more
The domain of the sublime is vast, and in any period hard to define. In this essay, I attempt to explore the concept of the sublime in relation to seventeenth-century landscape painting, mainly from Italy. I have chosen some key works... more
The Structure of Iki and the Listening to the Voice of Being. Reflections on Language between Shūzō Kuki and Martin Heidegger This essay aims to establish the possibility of a dialogue between different linguistic and aesthetic... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more