Action Science
Recent papers in Action Science
Il volume presenta framework teorico-concettuali, prospettive metodologiche ed esperienze di formazione che condividono l’interesse verso gli apprendimenti che gli adulti costruiscono attraverso la partecipazione ai contesti sociali... more
This article presents a case study focusing on the dynamics present within an organizational context and aiming at analyzing trajectories of educational practice and professional development designed in a company in northern Italy, mainly... more
Work-based learning is Joe Raelin’s unique way of incorporating a number of action strategies―such as action learning, action science, and communities of practice―into a comprehensive framework to help people learn collectively with... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Som følge av økt grad av gjensidig avhengighet i oppgaver og kunnskap i teams forstås effektiv kommunikasjon som sentralt for koordinering. Som følge at oppgaver i dag ofte er karakterisert ved usikkerhet og tidspress anses... more
Body image concerns have been predominantly studied in cultural groups that equate thinness with attractiveness and beauty. A large body size, however, has many positive connotations among Polynesians and may be a contributing factor to... more
Awareness-in-Action is a critical integral philosophy grounded in what appear to be the presupposed perspectives and practices of human awareness-in-action in all its myriad forms—from writing, speaking, and conversing to giving, taking,... more
One goal of the NATO SAS-105 Symposium is to develop strategies to influence capabilities of military and civilian organizations in order to better harmonize ways to achieve desired strategic effects and outcomes. The paper describes how... more
[The Process of facilitating organizational learning in reflective consultation : A case of small and medium sized enterprises in Taiwan ] The purpose of this study is to present an enterprise case of organizational learning and the... more
This article provides a historical perspective on developments underlying the relationship of teacher-based action research and curriculum inquiry. The exploration of the relationship begins with a historical journey tracing the roots and... more
Participation and design. The collective process of sense making in urban projects by Emanuela Saporito Tutor: Agata Spaziante Co-tutor: Matteo Robiglio Among the ever growing scepticism and supporters and experimentations, the topic of... more