
(PDF) Masarik A Commemoration Rememberance Reconciliation

Masarik A Commemoration Rememberance Reconciliation

2022, International Handbook of Practical Theology

There are events in the liveso fi ndividuals,c ommunities,a nd even entire nations, which have as erious impact.T ragic events. Someo ft hese affect manyp eople. Among these, for example, are military conflicts,t errorist incidents, natural disasters,m ining accidents¹,a ir disasters,s hip and ferry wrecks and mass traffic accidents. Events originallye xperienced as individual losses make up another group, but families affected in this way, remember them together. Commemorative acts remembering traffic accidents or mountaineering victims² are one such example. We must not overlook commemorations for loved ones who have died naturallya nd whose familymembers honour them in commemorative acts, oftencarried out in privatei napastoral context. Political prisoners who died or were executed in prison during the rise of socialism in Czechoslovakia mayb ec onsidered as pecial group;c ommemorations take place as part of memorial gatherings for political prisoners. Similar in character are commemorative acts in significant places of human suffering.A se xamples of such we can mention Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland; the execution room with ag uillotine and equipment for execution by hanging in Prague Pankrác prison, where1 ,075 people weree xecuted under German occupation (referred to in the Czech Republic as sekyrárna (the axe-room) from the words ekera(axe)), or the Czech villageL idice, whose inhabitants werem assacred after an assassination attempt on Heydrich duringt he Second World Wara nd the villagew as razed to the ground. In such places,m emorialst akep lace on anniversaries even several decades later,and these are intended as areminder and ashow of respect for the memory of the victims. This article will explore such intentions,a sw ella st he array of additional goals of commemoration, remembrance, and reconciliation.  Fore xample,the miningd isaster on 8 th August 1956 where 262m iners died in the Boisd uC azier mine in the Marcinelle parish,which is part of the town Charleroi in Belgium.  Fore xample, am emorial servicet akes placea nnuallya tt he Symbolic Cemetery near Popradské mountain-lake in the HighT atras (Slovakia). OpenAccess. ©2 022A lbin Masarik, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative CommonsA ttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.