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Revista de Historia Naval nº 76, 2002
A raíz de un incidente ocurrido en la ensenada de Nutka, en 1789, España y Gran Bretaña estuvieron a punto de ir a la guerra. Tras intensas negociaciones, ambos países suscribieron el llamado Tratado de San Lorenzo, en El Escorial, el 28 de octubre de 1790, que entre otras cosas permitía que los balleneros británicos pudiesen operar libremente frente a las costas americana e ingresar a puerto en caso de emergencia. Para el teniente general de la Real Armada y virrey del Perú Francisco Gil de Taboada, dicho acuerdo implicaría un inmediato aumento del contrabando, actividad que debía ser evitada a toda costa. Para ello gestionó la autorización de las autoridades metropolitanas para construir cuatro bergantines de guerra, logrando que el 7 de noviembre de 1791 se emitiera una real orden disponiendo la construcción de dos bergantines de 229 toneladas, del porte de 20 cañones de a 6, en el Real Arsenal de Cartagena. El costo de ambas unidades fue asumido por el virreinato peruano, que en julio de 1794 pagó 1.912.413 reales 30 maravedíes de vellón a los astilleros reales de Cartagena.
Monteagudo Revista De Literatura Espanola Hispanoamericana Y Teoria De La Literatura, 2007
Erd Congress of the Spanish Society of modern Greek studies, 2005
This presentation describes the relationship between the Spanish painter Gregorio Prieto (1897- 1997) and Greece. This relation was initially motivated by the encouter between the artist and Anghelos Sikelianos. Sikelianos introduced a new concept of Greece to Gregorio Prieto through the Festival of Delphi. This new concept of “Greekness” would later became a very important source of reflexion from an aesthetical and existential point of view. As the result of Prieto´s visit to the Festival, many documents and letters between Prieto and Palamás as well as pictures and press notes, have remained along with Prieto´s plastic productions drawings and oil paintings. Delphi implied a new way of considering the current world and the kosmos as a link between Antiquity and Posmodernism, past and present, paganism and christianism. But, above all Gregorio Prieto met his alter ego at Delphi: The Charioteer.
Govert Westerveld, 2020
We can only fully understand the work of La Celestina if we know the bibliography of the Lucena sons and his father the protonotary and ambasador Juan Ramírez de Lucena. And I dare say the same about the history of chess and the new game of draughts.
The Grove - Working Papers on English Studies, 2020
The entire life is like a game whose rules are purely arbitrary and mean next to nothing Paul Bowles The Ascent After a strong cup of coffee and a long drink of cool water, the mountaineer made a mental check of the contents of his backpack: sleeping bag, emergency kit, several maps of the region, compass, binoculars, flashlight, batteries, lighter, sweater, change of clothing and socks, loaf of bread and half a pound of cheese; on his belt, canteen and hunting knife. He would also take his Rolleiflex, should he feel the urge to take some shots in mid hike. The brown ridges of the Ramapo Mountains were silhouetted like giant humps against the milky light of dawn. Seeing them now, eroded to gentle hills by the effects of wind, rain and the tongue of the ancient glacier, who would think that three million years ago, these same mountains presented a topography similar to the Rockies! A peak or a cliff of a certain height rose naturally here and there. Over the course of many moons and many suns, the Munsee Indians, the Algonquins, the Ramapos were lords and masters of that fertile reserve, abundant in deer, bear and pheasant. With the arrival of pale face, everything changed: nature must be conquered! Luxuriant forests were felled to provide fuel for the iron foundries (abundant in the region), skillfully forged iron which became a key element in the War of Independence against the British. In the sixteen hundreds, Suffern ś name started to be heard in the region; and in the seventeenth century, that of Claudius Smith, the famous bandit (whose hideaway, a hidden cavern a few miles away, he had once visited, gripped, or rather, possessed with enthusiasm). In our century, at the urging of philanthropists like Harriman, Perkins and Torrey, the area finally became a National Park.
Juan García y Juan Montaño: territorios distintos y narrativas complementarias desde la memoria afrodescendiente, 2013
Ecuatoriano, periodista e investigador de la comunicación. exeditor de Chasqui. Ha publicado: El monstruo es el otro: la narrativa social del miedo en Quito (2005); Medios y movilidad humana. Pautas para informar sobre hechos migratorios (2009); Representación de la cultura afroecuatoriana en los textos de educación básica en el Ecuador (2010); El club de la pelea: gobierno y medios, un entramado de fuerzas y debilidades (2011); Ecuavoley: la ovación voluntaria (2011) y ensayos periodísticos y académicos. Profesor de la Facultad de Comunicación Social de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Doctor en Literatura Latinoamericana por la UASB-Sede Ecuador.
Rilce. Revista de Filología Hispánica, 2016
Eduardo Alfonso Hemán (1894-1991) es muy conocido como pionero del naturismo en España, pero de entre los múltiples temas de estudio que cultivó en su muy larga vida, resulta destacable el que nombra como historia comparada de las religiones. Se repasará la figura de Prisciliano en esa obra y la autoidentificación con ese nombre por parte del autor analizado.
Grial (Vigo), n. 180, 2008
A presenza e importancia de Prisciliano en Ramon Otero Pedrayo e Vicente Risco
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Portal Digital de Historia de la Traducción en España, 2020
Revista de Historia Naval nº 31, 1990
Cuadernos De La Catedra Miguel De Unamuno, 2009
Anuario Filosófico
Diccionario biográfico de parlamentarios españoles. 1820-1854.- Madrid: Cortes Generales. Edición digital, 2012
Studia Philologica Valentina, 2015
Moralia. Revista de Estudios Modernistas 10 (2010-2011), pp. 50-69