
(PDF) Archaeology of Peasantry in Northern Iberia. Medieval Landscapes

Archaeology of Peasantry in Northern Iberia. Medieval Landscapes

During the last 15 years a deep renovation on the study of medieval landscapes has taken place in the north of the Iberian Peninsula as a consequence of the boost of preventive archaeology, the execution of large projects and the development of integrated geo- and bioarchaeological researches. In this context it has been possible to build up a holistic approach to landscapes that has meant the overcoming of the traditional limits of individual sites and the incorporation of the analysis of the productive spaces and the systemic relations between different kinds of available records. The aim of this communication is to briefly present the theoretical and conceptual bases the GIPYPAC has been working on in different areas of the north-western Iberian Peninsula, integrating both applied research on preventive contexts and investigations focused on the transversal analysis of palaeoenvironmental records. For doing so, two case studies from Madrid and Basque Country will be analysed and a synthetic comparative discussion between these two examples will be done, assessing the implications in historical and heritage terms. Emphasis will be specifically put on peasantry as a key agent in the modelling of historical landscapes.