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25 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
The discourse surrounding the French Revolution details the transition from the Old Regime's corruption symbolized by Versailles to the rise of the Directory, which struggled to establish legitimacy amid political turmoil. The parlements played a pivotal role in challenging royal authority, advocating for traditional liberties, while the Directory's fears of open elections led to authoritarian tactics that ultimately undermined its own credibility. This political instability culminated in Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power, marking the end of the revolutionary era.
Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales (English edition), 2016
iksad publishing house, 2022
According to Historians Robert Darnton and Francois Furet, revolutionary ideas were spread into French political culture through pornography and porous state borders, while Jergen Habermas mentioned about French public sphere that helped to allow social change discussions among the periodical press, learned societies etc. that was created due to cultural changes of commercialism and consumerism in France. Class struggle was made due to a toothless monarchy that could not advocate and represent millions of people, which finally created a power vacuum. Social mobility was another reason for class struggle, through which Bourgeoisie was beginning to feel self-confident in their merits and self-privileges while the poor class was showing protested the feudal landlords (anti-seigneurial) by their bad attitude. The French monarchy was in a deep financial crisis due to the worldwide conflict with England due to the seven-year war (1756-1763). France lost its colonial power throughout the world and surrendered against the British allied group. Public debt was in full swing, making the monarchy disrespectful, suspicious, unskilled, and less confidential. The crisis in France finally created Enlightenment as one of its narratives for the French Revolution. It raised the right of people sovereignty mentioned in Rousseau's Social Contract long ago. The paper's objective is to discover the socio-economic-political consequences, of course, while the outcome is to achieve in-depth knowledge about French Revolution. Books and academic journals are information sources for a paper's methodological process. The feature question is, what are the discredits of French monarchies that brought the Revolution in 1789?
[Brackets] enclose editorial explanations. Small ·dots· enclose material that has been added, but can be read as though it were part of the original text. Occasional •bullets, and also indenting of passages that are not quotations, are meant as aids to grasping the structure of a sentence or a thought. Every four-point ellipsis. .. . indicates the omission of a brief passage that seems to present more difficulty than it is worth. Longer omissions are reported between brackets in normal-sized type.-The division into Parts is not in the original, and is purely for ease of management on this website.-The section-headings are not in the original. Each marks the start of a new topic but not necessarily the end of the preceding one.-This work was written in 1790, three years before the executions of the French king and queen and the 'reign of terror' that followed.-In the last paragraph of this work Burke says that his life has been mainly 'a struggle for the liberty of others'. So it was. His opposition to the French revolution was one of the four main political battles in his life, the other three being support for the American colonists, for the Irish, and for the people of India (see page 25).
Modern state system mostly began with the French Revolution. Up to the mid eighteenth century, most of countries in the world were governed by monarchs. But French revolution opens a way for new and modern state system, which makes it more important than any other revolutions in world politics. This revolution is not only important for political development; it is connected with the philosophical development of that era also. Those days French people were inspired by Voltaire and Rousseau, specially with Rousseau’s “Social Contract”. It discussed about society’s laws belonging to the citizenry, which inspire the French people in bringing change. Through French Revolution people can see revolution beyond a political perspective and more into philosophical.
In this study will focus on the reasons and the consequences of the French revolution. We know that the French revolution is one of the most important event in the modern history of Europe. As a political science student, it is very important to know about the context of the French revolution which has a great impact on the political science discipline. Therefore, the causes and consequences behind the French revolution can be explained in social, economic, political perspectives. However, this paper will explain the four political causes of the French such as absolutism, inequalities of right, the influence of enlightenment scholar and bankruptcy of the government.
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