
(PDF) The Spirit as Agent of Renewal: The New Testament Testimony

The Spirit as Agent of Renewal: The New Testament Testimony

1989, The Ecumenical Review

By "renewal" in this context I understand any act or process whereby the Holy Spirit intervenes in the lives of believers to transform, invigorate, and regenerate the human condition and the condition of creation as a whole. I take "creation" here to refer to both human beings and the sum-total of subhuman nature, animate and inanimate, though, as will become clear from the paper, most of the discussion will centre around the human creation. This paper examines the role of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers as evidenced in the New Testament. More specifically, an attempt is made to find out how the Spirit as presented in the New Testament influences and transforms the lives of believers and the church. The final section describes how some African Christians today see the role of the Spirit in their lives. The Holy Spirit in the Synoptic tradition a) Baptism with the Holy Spirit and withfire: In Luke 3:16 (par. Matt. 3 : l l) John the Baptist contrasts his baptism with that of Jesus: "I baptize you with water... but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."' This statement has been variously interpreted by biblical scholars. However, one interpretation which seems to face fewer objections than the others is that Jesus' baptism will have a twofold character, accomplishing for those people who would accept it both a purification and a refinement. Evidence for this can be found in a number of Old Testament passages in