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Dve decenije reforme kaznenog zakonodavsta: iskustva i pouke, 2023
Проф. др Дарко ДИМОВСКИ * БЕНЕФИТИ КОРИШЋЕЊА Е-ПРАВОСУЂА У КРИВИЧНИМ СТВАРИМА Апстракт: Информационе и комуникационе технологије као основа е-правосуђа треба да омогући побољшање рада правосудних органа, уз повећање степена поверења грађана у њихов рад. С тим у вези поставља се питање како е-правосуђе треба да допринесе овим циљевима у кривичним стварима. Полазећи од овог питања, аутор је у наставку рада представио начине на које е-правосуђе треба да резултира побољшању рада правосудних органа у кривичним стварима. Неке од тих побољшања већ имају нормативну основу у праву Републике Србије, док је за неке неопходно, поред иновирања законских текстова, уложити додатна средства како би се то остварило.
Eski çağlardan günümüze kadar, milyonlarca insan çeşitli nedenlerle yerinden edilmiş ve başka kabilelere, başka gruplara, başka devletlere sığınmak zorunda kalmışlardır. Özellikle 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısına kadar, uluslararası toplum bilincinin tam olarak oluşmamış olması ve devletlerin kendi vatandaşları üzerindeki egemenlik yetkilerinden dolayı, insanların kendi devletlerinde gördükleri zulümlerden kaçıyor olması, uluslararası alanda korunmaya değer görülmemiştir. 2. Dünya Savaşı sonrasında, oluşan yeni uluslararası toplum düzeni ile, artık bireyler de uluslararası toplumun koruma alanına girmeye başlamıştır. Özellikle savaş yüzünden yerlerinden edilen ve herhangi bir korumaya sahip olmayan gerçek kişilerin durumu uluslararası toplumda rahatsızlık uyandırmış, bu yüzden bu kişilerin korunması adına yeni çalışmalar yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Öncelikle, Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından kabul edilen İnsan Hakları Evrensel Bildirgesi ile bireylerin hareket serbestileri ve başka bir devlete sığınma durumları hak temeline oturtulmuştur. Daha sonra 1951 Mülteci Sözleşmesi’nin kabulüyle, “mülteci” kavramı tanımlanmıştır. Ayrıca, bu Sözleşmede, mültecilerin korunması bakımından temel ilkeler ve mültecilerin uluslararası alanda sahip oldukları haklar düzenlenmiştir. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From ancient ages up to now, millions of people was displaced with various causes. Especially, until the second part of the 20th century, people were escaping from their country due to the persecutions practiced by their states, but because of states’ sovereign authority on their citizens and none of the awareness of international community, this situation was not seen worth as preserving in the international arena. After 2nd World War, with new international community order, the individuals has no longer started to enter under the protection of international community. Particularly, the state of individuals who have been displaced because of war and have been none of protection, has aroused discomfort in international community. Thus it has started to conduct new studies for protection of individuals. At first, with the Universal Decleration of Human Rights adopted by United Nations, the freedom of movement of individuals and the state of individuals seeking asylum in other countries, is based on a merit basis. After that, with adoption of 1951 Refugee Convention, the term of “refugee" has been formed. Furthermore, in this Convention, the basis principles regarding protection o refugees and the rights of refugees in international area have been regulated.
Зборник радова са XX међународнoг научног скупа „Правнички дани – Проф. др Славко Царић“ ,,ДВЕ ДЕЦЕНИЈЕ РАЗВОЈА ПРАВНЕ МИСЛИ“ 06. - 07. октобар 2023. године у Новом Саду, у организацији Универзитета Привредна академија у Новом Саду Правни факултет за привреду и правосуђе у Новом Саду, 2023
Miklós Sugár (1897, Subotica – 1945, Theresienstadt), a pioneer of psychoanalysis in Yugoslavia/Serbia, was born into a Jewish merchant family in Subotica. His life ended under unclear circumstances in the Theresienstadt concentration camp at the end of World War II. This paper is an attempt at interpreting his views on law and criminal law according to the development of the philosophy of psychoanalysis, following the key arguments of Jacques Lacan, Louis Althusser, Deleuze and Guattari. In his writings on law, criminal law, and war industry, Sugár adheres to the Oedipal scenario but is aware of the actions of so-called “apparatuses” and “war machines” that replace the family scenario of the Oedipus complex. Sugár defends the ideal of law and the need to preserve it. According to Sugár, promoting the rule of law is the most effective defence against the penetration of violence into the general consciousness. Society cannot survive solely through coercion, but it also requires a certain “psychic disposition.” Therefore, in addition to the repressive apparatus, an ideological apparatus is necessary, and the boundary between them is not always clear. The task of the ideological apparatus is to create the psychic disposition, and its model and source are found in the relationship between the child and the father. However, Sugár collides with the limits of his own thinking since the Oedipal structure produces the object of criticism, the war machine, which has a foot in both camps. Sugár Miklós (1897, Szabadka - 1945, Theresienstadt), a jugoszláviai/ szerbiai pszichoanalízis úttörője, zsidó kereskedő családban született Szabadkán. Élete tisztázatlan körülmények között ért véget a második világháború végén a theresienstadti koncentrációs táborban. E dolgozat megkísérli értelmezni a jogról és a büntetőjogról vallott nézeteit a pszichoanalízis filozófiájának fejlődése szerint, Jacques Lacan, Louis Althusser, Deleuze és Guattari legfontosabb érveit követve. A jogról, a büntetőjogról és a hadiiparról szóló írásaiban Sugár ragaszkodik az ödipuszi képlethez, de tudatában van az úgynevezett “apparátusok” és “hadigépezetek” tevékenységének, amelyek az Ödipusz-komplexus családi képletét helyettesítik. Sugár védelmébe veszi a jog eszményét és annak megőrzésének szükségességét. Sugár szerint a jogállamiság előmozdítása a leghatékonyabb védekezés az erőszaknak az általános tudatba való behatolása ellen. A társadalom nem maradhat fenn pusztán a kényszer révén, hanem bizonyos “pszichikai diszpozícióra” is szükség van. Ezért az elnyomó apparátus mellett szükség van egy ideológiai apparátusra is, és a kettő közötti határvonal nem mindig egyértelmű. Az ideológiai apparátus feladata a pszichikai diszpozíció megteremtése, és ennek modellje és forrása a gyermek és az apa közötti viszonyban található. Sugár azonban saját gondolkodásának határaiba ütközik, hiszen az ödipális struktúra hozza létre a kritika tárgyát, a hadigépezetet, amely mindkét táborban megveti a lábát.
Туляков В. А. Уголовный кодекс для потерпевших / В. А. Туляков // Новітні наукові дослідження держави і права. – 2011 : зб. наук. праць. / за ред. С. В. Ківалова, В. О. Тулякова, О. В. Козаченка. – Миколаїв : Іліон, 2011. - Т. 1. - С. 13 - 15
Glasnik Advokatske komore Vojvodine, 2010
Члан 6. Европске конвенције гарантује право на правично суђење које је од фундаменталног значаја у демократском друштву и које има централно место у систему Конвенције. Циљ и сврха заснивају се на принципу владавине права, на коме су таква друштва изграђена и заснована. Сходно Преамбули Конвенције, ово право такођер одражава део заједничког наслеђа држава потписница Конвенције. Члан 6. Конвенције је одредба на коју се подносиоци представки најчешће позивају. Као и у случају другах одредаба Конвенције многи појмови који се користе у члану 6. ст 1. имају "аутономно" значење и понекад захтевају другачије тумачење од тумачења која нуде унутрашњи закони. Другим речима номенклатура коју даје домаћи закон није одлучујућа. Док члан 6. ставови 2. и 3. садрже конкретне одредбе којима се предвиђају додатни процедурални стандарди који се односе само на лица која су оптужена за "кривична дела", члан 6. став 1. се односи како на "грађанске" тако и на "кривичне поступке". Важно је имати на уму да Европски суд за људска права нема право да сходно члану 6. наложи обнављање судског поступка пред националним судом нити да замени утврђено чињенично стање или национални закон закључцима националних судова, нити утврђује да ли је казна одговарајућа. Суд овај поступак назива доктрином "четврте инстанце" јер не жели да буде прихваћен као суд више инстанце у жалбеном поступку.
It can be important for counselors to take clients' individual and cultural differences into consideration while providing counseling services. First of all, it would be a valuable source for counselors to understand to what extent that clients' individual and cultural features such as ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, disability, belief system, spirituality, etc., influence their mental health. Furthermore, another prerequisite of providing more effective counseling services is that counselors are expected to be aware of their own personal, cultural, and professional values that might affect counseling relationship and clients as well. In this regard, counselors are expected to have essential competencies/attitudes to respond to the needs of the clients, who have individual and cultural differences and promote the quality of their services. Multicultural counseling competencies, social justice competencies, and homosexuality attitudes are the core competencies of the counseling profession that every counselor should possess. The purpose of this study is to examine the level of school counselors' and counselor candidates' level of multicultural counseling competencies, social justice, and homosexuality attitudes. The research sample consisted of 108 school counselors and 292 counselor candidates. Correlation analysis, independent samples t-tests, and One-Way MANOVA were applied in the data analysis. No significant differences emerged between school counselors' and counselor candidates' level of multicultural counseling competencies, social justice, and homosexuality attitudes. One-Way MANOVA was conducted to examine if there was any significant difference among school counselors and counselor candidates in terms of gender. Research findings show that there was a significant difference in the awareness subscale in favor of male counselor candidates. There was also a significant difference in the knowledge subscale in favor of male school counselors.
Theory and practice of jurisprudence, 2021
The article is devoted to a discussion of the notion of the prisoners’ rights protection. The author proceeds from the fact that the prisoners’ rights protection is a specific activity with a multidimensional impact on penal enforcement relations. The article addresses several points which together make it possible to formulate the notion of the prisoners’ rights protection. The author considers that the prisoners’ rights are of positive value (desirable value) and include not only status rights, but also other prisoner’s rights which, given their special status, have a special or complicated procedure. Moreover, fundamental to the understanding of the content of the prisoners’ rights protection is the assumption that the prisoners’ rights protection are a humanitarian value, as they contribute to the development of legal awareness and an understanding of the value of the law as a tool for protection. The researcher suggests that the prisoners should be regarded as a representative ...
Шүүгчийн ёс зүй ба Банглорын зарчим, 2019
Банглорын зарчим нь 2002 онд 81 орны Ерөнхий шүүгч нарын саналаар батлагдсан, олон улсад хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдсөн зарчим. Үүнээс хойш Монгол улсад даруй 10 гаран жилийн дараа батлагдсан шүүгчийн ёс зүйн хэм хэмжээнд Банглорын зарчмууд хэрхэн тусгалаа олсон эсэхийг судлан, дараах хүснэгтээр дэлгэрэнгүй харьцуулалт хийх оролдлого хийлээ.
Sećanje na dr Jovana Ćirića - putevi prava, 2024
In addition to the differences that exist between the issues they regulate and the goals they strive for, labour law and criminal law do have common points where they meet. This is primarily manifested in legal consequences of a crime commited at work or in relation to work. It represents a valid ground for dismissal, without a prerogative of employer to independently evaluate if the conduct of an employee constitutes the act of committing a crime, and to dismiss him/her for failing to comply with workplace discipline, if it is established that his/her conduct constitutes the act of committing a crime, in a accordance with “blanket reference” technique in the definition of a disciplinary offences. On the other hand, relationship between labour law and criminal law is examined in the light of functions of criminal santions in the world of work, as well as in the light of the EU standard of effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions. Finaly, the authoress sheds light on the ex lege termination of employment when an employee is sentenced to jail or some other criminal sanctions, as well as on the issue of convictions with specific sentences or for specific crimes as obstacles to employment.
Századvég Publishing House, 2021
Қылмыстық заңдарды конституцияландыру туралы сөз болғанда қылмыстық құқық кепiлдiктерiн конституциялық насихаттау мен толық қылмыстық құқықты конституцияландыру арасында ерекшелiк жасалуға тиiс. Соңғысы қылмыстық құқық теориясындағы бірқатар лауазымдарды ілгерілету және қылмыстық құқық бұзушылықтардың түрлі нормативтік құқықтық актілерін конституциялық емес деп жіктеу арқылы қолдауға болады. Егер бұл бастама сол елдің конституциялық сотында көпшілік дауысқа ие бола алатын болса, онда заң шығарушы көпшілікті айналып өтіп, белгілі бір бағытта қылмыстық құқықты қалыптастыруға болады. Осыған байланысты Канаданың Жоғарғы соты, атап айтқанда, қылмыстық құқықты кеңейтілген конституционализациялауда әріптес екенін дәлелдеді. Сондықтан конституционализацияны неғұрлым қарапайым ауқымда талдағаннан кейін нақты талдаулар Канададан басталуы тиіс. Сонда талдауды осы салада үлгі болған немістермен жалғастырған жөн, дегенмен германиялық конституциялық судьялардың шешімдерінде қылмыстық құқықтың белсенді профессорларының интеллектуалдық өнімдеріне қарағанда, күшейтілген конституциялауды табу аз екенін алдын ала атап өткен жөн. Алайда олар Еуропаның бірқатар елдерінде, соның ішінде Венгрияда қылмыстық-құқықтық ғылымда ықпалды болғандықтан, мұқият қарау керек. Сайып келгенде, мен бұл бөлімді мажар қылмыстық заңнамасында пайда болған конституциялық күш-жігерді зерттей отырып аяқтаймын.
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Права потерпілих від насильницьких злочинів в Україні: міжнародні стандарти та національні практики / Орлеан А., Павлюковець Т., Крапивін Є., Лотюк Д., Човган В.; за ред. В. Човгана. київ: «видавничий дім «Артек», 2020. 206 с.; іл. ISBN 978-617-7814-75-6, 2020