
(PDF) Rural Producers Collectives in India

Rural Producers Collectives in India


The fact is that under the rules of this system, food ows though the global economy from areas of poverty and hunger toward areas of wealth and abundance. And food is being homogenized into an unhealthy global diet consisting largely of processed fat, sugars, starch, and carcinogenic chemical residues, which is decient in ber, protein, vitamins, fruits and vegetables. "Sustainable Peasant and Family Farm Agriculture Can Feed the World." Page 3. La i Via Campesina. 2014 Contrary to claims by proponents of economic growth and the industrial agriculture-food system, corporate food production continues to fail in both, reducing hunger as well as providing safe and nutritious food. The World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimate that based on 2015 statistics, there are about 795 million (79.5 crore) hungry people in the world, 98% of who live in developing countries. Three-fourths of the world's hungry people live in rural areas-concentrated in Asia and Africa-and depend almost completely on agriculture for food, employment and income. The FAO has also calculated that half of the world's hungry are from small-hold farming communities; another 20% are from landless farming communities; about 10% depend on shing, herding and forest resources, and 20% live in slums in and around cities, many of who ii are migrants from rural areas. Though telling, these statistics do not include the swelling numbers of refugees displaced by natural disasters and eeing wars and armed conicts. Majority of those who are hungry are food producers themselves. This is especially shocking since most of the world's food is produced by small-scale food producers, and the food needs of much of the world's poor are met through local, small-scale food production. Women are widely acknowledged as the world's primary food producers and providers and yet, because of a combination of social, cultural and structural factors, face greater hunger and experience iii deeper and longer-term effects of malnutrition. Research by La Via Campesina (LVC), ETC Group, GRAIN, Focus on the Global South, International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and others show that peasants, sherfolk, pastoralists, forest communities and indigenous peoples produce an astonishing amount and iv variety of food using less than a quarter of the world's arable land and other resources. This production nurtures and enables biodiversity, protects ecosystems , conserves water, strengthens local economies and builds genuine resilience to natural disasters and climate