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468 pages
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This PhD thesis deals with eight issues in the History of 19th-Century Basque Grammaticography. The work undertaken is within the area of Linguistic Historiography; and more exactly, it deals with the history of grammatical ideas about the Basque language. This dissertation has two main parts: Chapters 1 through 5 examine the work of several 19th-century bascologists (Astarloa, Humboldt, Darrigol, Bonarparte, and van Eys). Chapters 6 through 8 introduce the analyses that some grammatical topics received throughout the Basque grammatical tradition, mainly in the 19th century (the identification of the article, the so-called "unique verb" theory, and verb-object agreement).
Gómez, Ricardo, 2007, XIX. mendeko euskal gramatikagintzari buruzko ikerketak, (Doktorego Tesiak Saila), Bilbo: UPV/EHU. ISBN: 978-84-8373-918-1., 2007
Gómez, Ricardo, 2006, “"Aditz bakarraren" teoria xix. mendeko euskal gramatikagintzan”, Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo"40:1/2, 377-407., 2006
In this paper I try to explain how the so called "theory of the only verb" was formulated and used by several Basque grammarians in the 19th century. That theory was first coined by the authors of the Grammaire génerale et raisonnée (1660) and stated that the only verb is "to be"; the rest are a combination of "to be" and aditional information.
Gómez, Ricardo, 2001, “Objektu-komunztadura XIX eta XX. mendeetako euskal gramatiketan”, in B. Fernández & P. Albizu (arg.), Kasu eta komunztaduraren gainean. On Case and Agreement, 167-194. Bilbo: UPV/EHU., 2001
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Euskal gramatikagintza zaharraren historia laburra:XVII-XVIII. mendeak Ricardo Gómez
Fontes linguae vasconum, 2005
E zer baino lehen, Rafael Karasatorre Bidaurre ikerlari etxarriarrari eskerrak eman nahi dizkiot, berak eman baitzidan duela urte pare bat, gutxi gorabehera, dokumentu hauen berri. Rafaelek emandako datuekin ez zitzaidan batere zail izan Nafarroako Artxibategi Orokorrean (NAO hemendik aurrera) dokumentu hauek bilatu eta, bertan, euskarazko testuak aurkitzea. Bihoakio, berriz ere, hemendik nire eskerrik zintzoena. 1 1629 urtekoa dugu dokumentu hau eta ondorengoa dio bere edukia eta egitura azaltzerakoan: El convento de San Agustin de Estella (agustinos calzados), sobre libranza de 100 ducados y
Gómez, Ricardo, 2009, “Eredu latindarraren eragina euskal deklinabidearen xix. mendeko deskribapenetan”, Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo" 43:1/2, 405-421., 2009
This paper explores the traces of the influence of the Latin grammatical tradition on the 19th-century descriptions of the Basque declension. For the purposes of the paper I describe that influence according to the following features: (1) the two-way distinction between singular and plural, with no mention of the indefinite number or mugagabe, and (2) the adaptation of the Basque case system to the six Latin cases. In the first decades of the 19th century, authors like Astarloa, Humboldt and Darrigol proposed some new ways of describing the Basque declension, which achieved a considerable success. Nevertheless, the weight of the Latin model remained strong, and it is clear that most of the 19th-century Basque grammarians who followed the Latin model were directly influenced by Larra men di: Garay de Monglave, Blanc, Lardizabal and Ribáry. However, some of the authors discussed here do not reveal such an influence: Hiriart and Gèze.
Gómez, Ricardo, 2008, “Euskal gramatikagintza zaharraren historia laburra: XVII-XVIII. mendeak”, in X. Artiagoitia & J. A. Lakarra (eds.), Gramatika Jaietan. Patxi Goenagaren omenez, (Supplements of ASJU, 51), Bilbao: UPV/EHU & Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, 329-349., 2008
Euskal gramatikagintzak ez du corpus zabalegirik, inguruko tradizio handienekin (espainola, frantsesa, ingelesa, etab.) konparatuz gero behinik behin. Baina Europako esparruan ez da inondik ere makalenetakoa, ezta berrienetakoa ere; kontuan har bedi hiz kun tza askok ez zutela gramatika idatzirik izan . mendea iritsi arte (norvegiera eta bulgariera, kasu). 2 Nolanahi ere den, Europako hainbat hizkun tzaren lehen gramatika-lanak Berpizkunde garaian idatzi ziren, euskararenekin bateratsu. Izan ere, Berpizkundean Aurouxek (1994) "bigarren iraultza tekniko-linguistikoa" deitu duena abiatu zen: alegia, munduko hizkuntzen gramatizazio masiboa. 3 Aurreko garaietan hiz kun tza arrunten gramatikak idaztea oso noizbehinka gertatzen zen: Goi Erdi Aroan Irlanda eta Islandiako adibide bakanak ditugu, eta . mendean galesa eta proventzala. Aldiz, . mendetik aurrera, bai Europako hiz kun tza nagusiak izan nahi zutenak (italiera, gaztelania, frantsesa, portugesa, alemana, ingelesa), bai hiz kun tza "apalagoak" (hungariera, poloniera, euskara bera) eta baita lurralde berrietako hiz kun tzak ere (nahuatla, kitxua, guarania…) gramatika eta hiztegien bitartez deskribatu eta arautu ziren, . mendea arte luzatuko zen prozesu batean.
Anuario Del Seminario De Filologia Vasca Julio De Urquijo, 2013
Fontes linguae vasconum: Studia et …, 2005
E zer baino lehen, Rafael Karasatorre Bidaurre ikerlari etxarriarrari eskerrak eman nahi dizkiot, berak eman baitzidan duela urte pare bat, gutxi gorabehera, dokumentu hauen berri. Rafaelek emandako datuekin ez zitzaidan batere zail izan Nafarroako Artxibategi Orokorrean (NAO hemendik aurrera) dokumentu hauek bilatu eta, bertan, euskarazko testuak aurkitzea. Bihoakio, berriz ere, hemendik nire eskerrik zintzoena. 1 1629 urtekoa dugu dokumentu hau eta ondorengoa dio bere edukia eta egitura azaltzerakoan: El convento de San Agustin de Estella (agustinos calzados), sobre libranza de 100 ducados y
This essay begins with a survey of the concepts Uliterature", "oral", upopular" and /ttraditional" as used by various different researchers in their studies. of Basque oral literature, since it has not always been accorded the status ofliterature, and the terms Utraditional" and .upopular" have receive~ varying interpretations which have allowed them to encompass such distinct forms as both oral and written uherso-larism" and its related genres, as well as the various orally transmitted genres. In the early stages ofresearch into the Basque oral genres, one finds attempts to defend this phenomenon from a literary standpoint, and efforts to set it above mere folklore. Don Manuel Lekuona, one ofthe most outstanding of these figures, was much more active in this repect than others, and even more so than Azkue ofthe most important collators ofthis kind oforal genre. The essay continues with a more detailed examination ofresearch carried· out in this field during the 20th century, which starts by comparing it with the previous century's contributions. This shows that a geographical shift in this type of research took place around the turn ofthe century, since such work was in the 19th century almost entirely restricted to the French Basque Country, whilst the next century opened with the appearance in the south ofsuch great figures as Resurreccion Marfa de Azkue, Father Do-nostia and Manuel Lekuona, wose work then spread all over the Basque Country.· This is followed by a survey ofthe development of research into tradition as it has evolved from the Civil War up to the present day. It becomes clear that the scholars of Basque literature (Mitxelena, Vi-llasante and Sarasola) have practically ignored this part ofour culture until very recently. By way ofconclusion, it is pointed out that the last few years have seen an increase in specialisation in research on tradition, which has produced studies devoted exclusively to the ballad, to lyric poetry, and to other genres, amongst which the traditional folk tale has received, and continues to receive, the least attention. o. Hitzaurrea Euskal Herriaren ahozko tradizioko literaturak gure mendean merezi izan dituen ikerketa eta ikertzaileen inguruan mintzatzerakoan*, ezer baino lehen artikuluaren beraren izendapena osatzen duten him elementu hartuko ditut ardatz, «literatura», «ahozko» eta «tradizionala», berba horien jiran gorpuztu bait da geroago aipatzen den «ikerketa» horren izaera. Azken berba horrek, bestalde, pisu nabaria izango d~ nere azalpenean, ahozko generoen artean tradiziozkoak eta tradiziogabeak bereizteaz gain, lehendabizikoek eramango dutelarik azalpen horren hari nagusia. Zentzu hone
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