
(PDF) Remembrance–Toward Righteousness and Reparations

Remembrance–Toward Righteousness and Reparations

2020, The Ecumenical Review

This article explores "remembrance" as the first part of a planned three-part paper titled "Remembrance, Righteousness and Reparations," intended as a conceptual framework and spirit guide of accompaniment for the World Council of Churches' pilgrimage of healing, justice, and peace. This first part focuses on remembrance to counter the dis-membering, trauma, and woundedness inflicted by systems of acts of White supremacy, racism, patriarchy, and male privilege. Parts two and three of this paper offer righteousness and reparations as additional conceptual frameworks and spirit guides: righteousness to recentre and deepen our understanding of justice in a world fraught with human suffering, violence, and evil; and reparations to covenant and bind a process of truth-telling, reckoning, and reconciliation in the face of the consequences and legacies of the transatlantic slave trade system upon people of African descent.