
(PDF) Inclusion Classrooms and Teachers: A Survey of Current Practices

Inclusion Classrooms and Teachers: A Survey of Current Practices

2010, International Journal of Special Education

This study investigates the current state of inclusion practices in general education classrooms via survey of 71 inclusion teachers currently serving as special educators across the state of New York. Specifically, small group instruction, co-teaching, oneto-one instruction, and planning support are explored in relationship to class size, number of students with disabilities, and severity of disability. The qualifications, strengths, and professional development experiences of inclusion teachers based on their reported years of teaching experience, preparatory course work, and professional development opportunities are examined. Finally, information on common forms of assistance including consultant special education teachers, teacher assistants, and classroom volunteers are documented. Quantitative analysis of survey responses indicate great variability among the inclusion practices employed in general education classrooms. Co-teaching, though frequently cited as the most beneficial model of inclusive practice, emerged as the least documented method of instruction, with the utilization of consultant teacher models emerging as the most prevalent. Endorsement of the use volunteer support was found to be the second most common support mechanism employed within inclusive classrooms. Few differences in the types of supports employed were found across population densities. Findings highlight the heterogeneity of current inclusion practices, and bear implications in terms of future research examining the qualifications of support staff assisting students with special needs, such as volunteers, and the overall efficacy of inclusion practices in general. Adherence to federal mandates in the United States calling for the education of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment has resulted in a decades-long drive toward the development of educational programs allowing for the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom to the maximum possible degree. Conceptually, the absolute least restrictive environment as per IDEA 2004 refers to the education of students with disabilities in the general education environment (IDEA, USDOE, 2004). Inclusion, by extension, has been inferred to include educational service provision in the least restrictive environment, contingent upon student strengths and needs, encompassing a substantial continuum of possible supports (Murwaski & Swanson, 2001). Bringing services and support to the student in the general education classroom, as opposed to removing students from learning experiences with same age peers, is largely viewed as the hallmark of inclusion. However, agreement regarding the nature of inclusive practices may be more elusive, as competing theories regarding what constitutes inclusion, as well as the realities of implementation, have yielded a wide variety of inclusive models documented in extant literature (Ryndak, Jackson, & Billingsley, 2000). Further complicating ambiguity is the degree to which districts implement conventional inclusive practices in their classrooms versus best inclusive practices (Scruggs, Mastropieri, & McDuffie, 2007; Volonino & Zigmond, 2007). Certainly, the inclusion of students with mild, moderate, multiple, and severe disabilities in a general education environment requires a significant amount of thought and planning. The implementation of instructional practices matching the needs of students with and without disabilities can be a daunting task, contingent upon not only the inclusive model selected, but also educator facility in working with diverse learners (Shulte, Osborne, & Kauffman, 1993). In many instances, special educators with unique knowledge of best practices for students with disabilities may