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Lecture on the results of the Alberese Archaeological Project given at the Material Culture Studies Winter School at the Department of Archaeology of Siena (branch of Grosseto). The Winter School is organized by the University of Sheffield in partnership with the John Cabot University at Rome. The students attending the course come from the University of Queensland (Australia)
SOMMARIO Saggi Ilaria Caloi, Breaking with tradition? The adoption of the wheel-throwing technique at Protopalatial Phaistos: combining macroscopic analysis, experimental archaeology and contextual information Elisabetta Borgna, Gaspare De Angeli, Ordinary people in the flow of history. Tomb 6 from the Trapeza cemetery, Aigion, and the Mycenaeans in Eastern Achaea Manolis I. Stefanakis, Evidence and some speculations on Bronze Age presence at wider area of Kymissala, Rhodes Germano Sarcone, Statue arcaiche in terracotta da Efestia (Lemno) Paolo Persano, L'amazzone tardo-arcaica dagli Horti Sallustiani: riesame di una scultura greca a Roma Federico Figura, Il destino di un vaso. La lekanis del Pittore di Berlino, dalla bottega al Persephoneion locrese Tommaso Serafini, Telesterion: contributo alla definizione di una tipologia architettonica e funzionale Barbara Carè, Bones of bronze: new observations on the astragalus bone metal replicas Paolo Storchi, Ricerche sull'urbanistica dell'antica Calcide Paolo Carafa, Paesaggi di Magna Grecia Anna Anguissola, Sara Lenzi, La policromia degli elementi non figurati nella scultura greca e romana. Proposte per uno studio del colore di puntelli, sfondi, basi Filippo Coarelli, Tessalonica, Segni e il culto isiaco Jessica Piccinini, The Roman Agora of Apollonia in Illyria: a space for the imperial cult Antonella Merletto, The forica of Kos in the peristyle typology of Roman public toilets Niccolò Cecconi, L'edificio di od. Misaraliotou ad Atene e il suo contesto urbano Simona Antolini, Silvia Maria Marengo, Yuri A. Marano, Roberto Perna, Luan Përzhita, La prima attestazione del culto dei santi Cosma e Damiano nell'Epirus Vetus dagli scavi della fortificazione di Palokastra (Valle del Drino, Albania) Maria Cecilia D'Ercole, Measures, prices and values of salt in ancient societies Massimiliano Santi, La Scuola e il Possedimento Giacomo Fadelli, L'esplorazione dell'isola di Gavdos di Antonio Maria Colini e Doro Levi (agosto 1925) In ricordo di Dina Peppa Delmouzou Giovanni Marginesu, Segreti di bottega e trasparenza amministrativa. Il caso della fusione del bronzo nell'Attica classica Daniela Marchiandi, Ancora sul peribolo di Menyllos ovvero la microstoria di una famiglia di Halai Aixonides Enrica Culasso Gastaldi, Kabirion di Lemnos: le iscrizioni rinvenute nell'Esedra e nel quartiere tardo-romano Manuela Mari, Un regno e le sue "capitali". Frammenti della storia di Anfipoli in età ellenistica Adalberto Magnelli, Per una ipotesi di rilettura dell'accordo fra Gortina e Festo, ICr iV 165 (240-222 a.C.) Francesco Camia, Sacrificare agli imperatori: una dedica su altare a Settimio Severo da Filippi (CIPh II.1, N.24) Scavi e ricerche Creta Eleonora Pappalardo, Urne figurate da Priniàs (Creta). Il "Protogeometrico B" tra Dark Age e alto arcaismo Lemno Riccardo Di Cesare, Il santuario arcaico dell'acropoli di Efestia (Lemno): l'Edificio con stipe. Seconda relazione preliminare (scavi 2019) Carlo De Domenico, Dario Anelli, Rossana Valente, La basilica del porto orientale di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione preliminare delle ricerche del 2019 Rossella Pansini, Luca Passalacqua, Le cave orientali di Efestia (Lemno). Relazione delle attività del 2019 Ilaria Trafficante, Il teatro di Efestia (Lemno): scavi 1937 e 1939 Argolide Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Panagiota Galiatsatou, Salvatore Medaglia, The submerged "Villa of the dolia" near ancient Epidaurus. The preliminary results of the first excavation and conservation campaign Panagiota Galiatsatou, Barbara Davidde Petriaggi, Angelos Tsompanidis, The 2018 underwater survey in Hormos Agiou Vlassi (ancient Epidaurus): preliminary results Megaride Emeri Farinetti, Panagiota Avgerinou, Ricerche nella Megaride occidentale Atti della Scuola: 2019 (E. Papi)
Multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research in Landscape Archaeology, 2016
This paper presents the research method applied to the Archaeological Map of Italy-Forma Italiae project, comprising to date the Ager Venusinus project (completed) and the Ager Lucerinus project (ongoing). The methodology of the project is based on the extensive and systematic survey of the entire selected district. The countryside is systematically searched by groups of students and researchers in different seasons, time of the day, weather and visibility conditions, and status of cultivation of the ground. The GPS georeferenced data are integrated in a GIS specifically realised. The results of the research projects relating to the territory of the Luceria's colony, in Apulia, starting from the area of the medieval site of Montecorvino, in the Daunian district is presented. So far the part of the vast territory of Lucera studied concerns the area NorthEast of the ancient Latin colony. Discussed here are studies conducted on the western area, towards the Daunian subappennine and in particular focused on the territory of the municipalities of Lucera, Pietramontecorvino, Motta Montecorvino, and Volturino. This area, in fact, is the object of research that includes the whole of the Fortore River valley. The data emerging from recent surveys show a large population over the time-span from prehistory to the High Middle Ages. The settlements of the Neolithic and Bronze ages, so far identified, are placed on vast plains; on the northern sector of the territory, it is possible to catch a glimpse of traces of a village characterised by the typical C shaped ditch, with huts located inside. A very interesting part of our project regards Dauni and Samnite settlements in the period preceding the arrival of the Romans and the Romanisation of the area. The most notable transformations in the ancient landscape were undoubtedly produced by the Roman intervention that gave birth to the new colony and the planning of the village centre, which consequently led to the reorganisation of a vast territory and the division of the rural area into a dense network of small properties assigned to the settlers.
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 320, 2014
The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary results of the fourth archaeological season (August and September 2013) at the river port of Rusellae (Spolverino, Alberese – GR). Our research focused on some previously discovered rooms of the manufacturing complex, as well as some new spaces, and revealed the existence of storage facilities in Room II and VIII and a series of new workshops dedicated to the production of iron and lead ingots. More generally, the excavations illuminate a shift in the economic axis in Central Italy during the second half of the 2nd century AD, when agriculture was progressively replaced by artisanal productions – through until the late 5th century, when the complex was abandoned.
Journal of Public Archeology, 2019
Cultural heritage visitors are not a public of mini art historians or bonsai archaeologists. This is exactly why each and every cultural heritage destination can and should become a place for emotions and learning experiences, helping the values of tradition to become part of a people’s identity, reinforcing it, making it solid and anchoring it firmly in the bay of knowledge. Today, more than ever, where traditional cultural institutions are experiencing a slump never seen before, where the language of advertising has become such a part of our rationale that, in the west, it has deleted our hypothetical, deductive approach to dialectics, cultural destinations -especially in peripheral locations- are central to an area’s development, like a kind of frontier. What they need is a new way to draw in an increasingly general public, so as to cease being just a place for specialists. They need a strategy, a direction in line with the territory, as well as the necessary expertise. Decisions behind a territory’s cultural growth are political rather than just technical. This means that we need a ground-up review of the relationship between culture and society, making sure we have competent structures able to work in an international setting. We need more than mission statements if we are to change things; only the work of the right people can do this.
Italian Post-Medieval archaeological research was first carried out in 1960s in the city of Genoa, as part of a wider urban archaeology programme investigating archaeological evidence, methodology and stratigraphic continuity. Only in the 1970 (Pavia) and in the 1980, other Italian towns (Milan, Rome, Naples, Siena, Pisa etc.) were subjected to Post-Medieval archaeological excavations. Italian PMA has been almost entirely urban (80% of Italian PMA in a 1997 study), with a particular emphasis on finds and ceramic studies. A systematically survey of Italian PMA, tidied up according to regions and subjects, including an European outline, has
CONTENTS JOSEPH W. SHAW – MINOAN ARCHITECTURE: MATERIALS Introduction Abbreviations Credits Chapter I – Stone A) Building Stone Limestone Gypsum Sandstone Schist Conglomerate Other Stones B) Quarryng and the Transportation of Stone Sandstone and Limestone Quarries Gypsum Quarries Transportation C) Tools for Building Double-axes Adzes Axes-adzes Picks and Double-adzes Hammers Saws Stone-cutting with Saws Drills Chisels D) Masonry Foundation Rubble Walls Ashlar Walls Orthostates Coursed Ashlar Masonry Techniques of Building Examples of Coursed Ashlar Walls Plaster on Ashlar Façades Mason's Marks E) Special Uses of Cut Stone Column Bases Stone Drainage Channels Chapter II – Wood A) Types and Evidence B) Chief Uses of Wood in Architecture C) Wooden Clamps and Dowels Wooden Clamps Round Dowels Square Dowls Chapter III – Sun-dried Mud Brick and Terracotta A) Sun-dried Mud Brick Composition and Technique Evidence on Sites Sizes B) Terracotta Pipes Channels and Catch-Basins Flooring Tiles Chapter IV – Lime and Clay Plaster Composition and Early Uses Later Uses and the Preparation of Lime Plaster Tarazza Ceiling and Roofs Calcestruzzo Appendixes A) Metal used in Building B) "White Earth" or Asprochroma C) Analyses of Plasters D) Column Bases: Stone Types and Sites E) Column Bases with Mortises F) Stone "Ceremonial" Hammers G) Six mortised Blocks from Knossos H) New Window Sills I) Dimensions of Mud Bricks J) Terracotta Pipes, Channels, and Catch-Basins Atti della Scuola List of Illustrations General Index
SOMMARIO E. Papi, Introduzione Προκόπιος Παυλόπουλος, Σημεία ομιλίας του Προέδρου της Δημοκρατίας κ. Προκοπίου Παυλόπουλου κατά την έναρξη του συνεδρίου «Αθήνα-Ρώμη 117-2017 μ.Χ., αφιέρωμα στον Φιλέλληνα Ρωμαίο Αυτοκράτορα και Αθηναίο Άρχοντα Αδριάνο» E. Greco, La SAIA tra 2000 e 2016: ricordo di una direzione SAGGI V.E. Dimitriou, Evidence for metallurgical activities at the south slope of the Athenian Acropolis during the Final Neolithic. A preliminary report S. Vitale, J.E. Morrison, The Final Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Pottery from the site of the Asklupis in the northeast Koan regione G. Baldacci, Low-relief potters' marks and the phaistos disc: a note on the "comb" sign (N. 21) A. Sanavia, An overview of the Protopalatial Impressed Fine Ware from Phaistos and some comparisons with the Phaistos disc S. Antonello, I vasi duplici minoici S. Todaro, Forming techniques and cultural identity in Early and Middle Minoan Crete: multi-layered vessels from a pottery production area at Phaistos A. Greco, G. Flouda, The Linear B PA-I-TO Epigraphic Project M. Camera, Nuovi dati sulle fasi più antiche di Kyme eolica M.R. Luberto, Il motivo dei cavalli alla mangiatoia e l'iconografia del tripode tra Grecia e Italia: alcune considerazioni sulle attestazioni in Magna Grecia L. Mancini, ΘΕΣΠΡΟΤΙΚΑ ΙΕΡΑ. Il contributo del paesaggio sacro alla conoscenza di un ethnos epirota R. Di Cesare, Il ritratto di Temistocle, dal Cinosarge a Ostia G. Marginesu, Polis e scrittura pubblica. Per una semiotica dello spazio epigrafico nell'Atene classica A. Cavagna, Le monete di Tolemeo III nel Peloponneso: circolazione monetaria, tipologia e strutture ponderali C. De Domenico, Produzione, committenza e distribuzione dei laterizi nei cantieri pubblici di Corinto in età ellenistica e romana F.G. Cavallero, Il tempio di Marte in Circo e il suo architetto greco M.C. Monaco, Korai, imagines clipeatae, statuae ducum triumphali effigie nel foro di Augusto: nuove ipotesi N. Cecconi, Il basamento presso l'angolo nord ovest dell'Olympieion di Atene E. Culasso Gastaldi, A. Themos, Nuovi frammenti dell'Edictum Diocletiani: i testi di Lemno e di Sparta a confronto G.E. Cinque, Suggestioni egizie: rilettura di uno schizzo di Giovanni Battista Piranesi M. Barbanera, «Fidia è il barocco della Grecia». I modelli classici dell'Atena di Arturo Martini nella Città Universitaria di Roma SCAVI E RICERCHE N. Cucuzza, The Minoan villa at Kannià: preliminary report on a new project D. Palermo et alii, Priniàs. Scavi e ricerche degli anni 2006-2010 F. Longo, The fortification walls of Phaistos: some preliminary considerations G. Lepore, Scavi recenti nella città di Phoinike (Albania meridionale) Atti della Scuola: 2017 (E. Papi)
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