
(PDF) Set of Second Millennium BC Unbaked Clay Objects from Tell Arbid

Set of Second Millennium BC Unbaked Clay Objects from Tell Arbid

2013, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean

A collection of over 60 small objects of unbaked clay was found in a Khabur Ware period layer at Tell Arbid. The assemblage included a variety of object types: “spools”, “tokens” and discs (some decorated with the same cross-and-dots motif, some with punctuations), tetrahedrons, round model tables and others. The objects were found in situ and had clearly been used together as a set. Parallels for individual objects and an overview of interpretations of other sets of unbaked clay objects from Northern Mesopotamia and neighboring regions are considered in an attempt at establishing the function of the discussed assemblage. However, its interpretation remains open to discussion.