
(PDF) Data Dating. Love, Technology, Desire

Data Dating. Love, Technology, Desire

2021, Intellect

Data Dating is a collection of ten academic essays accompanied by works of media art that provide a comprehensive insight into the construction of love and its practices in the time of digitally mediated relationships. The essays come from recognized researchers in the field of media and cultural studies. INTRODUCTION Introduction: Dating (the) Data and Other Intimacies Ania Malinowska and Valentina Peri 1. WIRED LIMERENCE (feat. Deep Love by Antoine Schmitt) Technology, Commerce and the Intimacy Revolution Lauren Rosewarne 2. LOVE INFO-STRUCTURES (feat. Glaciers by Zach Gage) Romance in a Time of Dark Data Lee McKinnon 3. MEDIATED MATCHMAKING (feat. A Truly Magical Moment by Adam Basanta) Fast Love. Temporalities of Digitized Togetherness Ania Malinowska 4. EMOTIONS WITH THE MACHINE (feat. Ashley Madison Angels at Work by !Mediengruppe Bitnik) ‘Emotoys’: Ethics, Emotions and Empathic Technologies Andrew McStay and Gilad Rosner 5. SELF-FASHIONING DESIRE (feat. Kill Your Darlings by Jeroen van Loon) The Greatest Love of All: Recognition, Self-Love and the Imaging of Desire Derek Conrad Murray 6. DIGITAL ONSCENITIES (feat. Peeping Tom (Porn Version) by Thomas Israel) The New Onscenity. Navigating Digital Desires in the Twenty First Century Pornoscape Lynn Comella 7. LIBIDINAL TECHNO-SCAPES (Webcam Venus by Addie Wagenknecht and Pablo Garcia) The Proxemics of Digital Intimacy Kyle Machulis 8. TOUCHLESS EMBRACES (feat. VR Hug by Tom Galle and Moises Sanabria) Virtual Hugs and the Crises of Touch David Parisi 9. SOUNDS OF FEELING (feat. Digital Synaesthetic E.E.G. Kiss by Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat) I Can Hear Your Feelings Andrew Blanton 10. INTERFACES OF EMOTIONAL SURVEILLANCE (feat. Face Messenger by Tom Galle and John Yuyi) Timestamp Anxieties Kristin Veel and Nanna Bonde Thylstrup