
(PDF) Hausnarketa zenbait euskal literatura-ikerketez

Hausnarketa zenbait euskal literatura-ikerketez

2019, Santazilia, E. et al. (arg./eds.), Fontes Linguae Vasconum 50 urte, pp. 467-484. or.

This article analyzes the state of Basque Literary Studies. With that aim in mind, after commenting on the impact of Liter-ary Theory and Criticism in the Basque academic context, I have made a diagnosis of the different fields of research therein. Among others, we have reflected on the studies that have been carried out and the dissertations that have been defended in fields such as Translation Studies, the His-tory of Literature, Literary Canon Studies, Gender Studies and Memory Studies. To conclude, I have pointed out some chal-lenges that Basque Literary Studies will have to face in the future.