
(PDF) A No-Regret Option? South Africa's Nuclear Future.

A No-Regret Option? South Africa's Nuclear Future.


Policy Briefing 228 SAIIA ATOMS FOR DEVELOPMENT POLICY BRIEFING Recommendations • Improve nuclear governance, expertise and skills. This includes revising and updating the 2008 Nuclear Energy Policy, and implementing recommendations by the IAEA and INIR. In addition, Eskom should be restructured and a skills audit conducted to determine the state of nuclear energy training and education. • Address wasteful expenditure, mitigate budget constraints and reposition the NECSA group of companies to regain and improve their share in the global radioisotope market. This would include increasing parliamentary oversight over spending, instituting criminal proceedings for those implicated in state capture, and increasing transparency in all future nuclear proposals. • Manage expectations and improve public education on nuclear education, including clear and timely communication on realistic nuclear ambitions and their costs, involvement of civil society in decision-making processes, and continued public consultation on the country's nuclear future. • Maintain aging infrastructure and improve nuclear safety to ensure the continued safe operation of nuclear reactors at NECSA's Pelindaba facility and the Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant. In addition, update nuclear legislation, with a special focus on safety and security aspects. South Africa has embarked on the initial phases of a nuclear build programme to mitigate its energy insecurity. These ambitions have been on the post-apartheid government's agenda for 25 years. Despite its practical commitments to international norms, such as the peaceful use of nuclear energy, nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, domestic nuclear governance in the country remains poor, fragmented and outdated. It may not be able to meet the demands of or realise future nuclear plans. South Africa should manage expectations in general and vis-à-vis nuclear energy in particular, pursuing this option only if it is financially viable, especially amid the current COVID-19 pandemic and its economic fallout .