
(PDF) Advances in Horticultural Crops

Advances in Horticultural Crops

2018, Weser Books No 78737, Aussere Webserstr.57 02763 Zittau, Germany e-mail : Website :

This book “Advances in Horticultural Crops” has been design to provide overall understanding of all aspects related to the study of horticultural crops. In this book up to date enlarged, comprehensive and advanced book. It cover both the aspects of the subject such as brief and descriptive.This book provides an over view of the concise and clearly expressed principles and practices in horticulture crops. The aim has been to present a complete and modern view of the horticultural sciences. Keeping the aforesaid points of view, I have made an attempt to compile the latest information an all facts and all the facets of horticulture based on my experience in this subject. The literature consulted to compile this book has been duly acknowledge to augment the wider acceptability and full utility of this book some chapters with modifications have been incorporated from literature survey scientists and officials ,who helped me during this period . These might have been few errors in spite of best efforts made through carefully proof reading. We are especially thankful to everyone who help us for completing this book. We are thankful to our editors who have toiled along with me in editing the voluminous treaties. We hope that the book is useful and interesting to readers, teachers and students and would create in them the urge to know more about recent researchers going related to environment protection. We also thanks International publisher Weser Books, Germany for taking keen interest to publish the book. Dr. Joginder Singh