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2020, La questione romantica. Rivista interdisciplinare di studi romantici
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La questione romantica. Rivista interdisciplinare di studi romantici Nuova Serie Vol.12, n.1-2 (2020)
Textus 3 (2022). Co-edited with Diego Saglia. , 2022
This special issue of Textus assesses the current state of British Romantic studies in Italy – a tradition that has long been at the forefront of innovative scholarly and theoretical developments within literary criticism. Italian Romanticists have helped not just to shape the newest historicisms and formalisms, but also to bring adjacent arenas of study – text and media, body and affect, ecology and anthropology, identity and geography – into dialogue with literary studies and with one another. Their arguments, moreover, have been sustained by a frequently comparatist, insistently internationalist, vision.
Journal of Popular Romance Studies
This paper investigates two popular historical novels, Marina Fiorato's The Glassblower of Murano (2008) and Anne Fortier's Juliet (2010), in order to shed light on a discourse of pure origins and unbroken continuity that concerns 'Italy' as a cultural construct. Within both narratives, 'falling in love in Italy' occasions the appropriation of a privileged relation with history and the past, a notion often contrasted with the displacement and rootlessness that seem to characterize the modern places, people and lifestyles of England and North America. This essay proposes an exploration of the notion of romantic love as one of the forces reconnecting displaced and fragmented Anglo-American souls with a supposedly timeless and unbroken society. From a point in time when the dialectics of history have been allegedly transcended, Anglophone popular narratives portray Italy as a space of timelessness and pre-modernity, where the experience of romantic love carries within it the promise of a new identity.
Il libro affronta in un’ottica interdisciplinare il tema della valorizzazione del Patrimonio culturale materiale e immateriale, portando ad esempio alcuni casi emblematici che hanno come contesto l’Italia e la Giordania. La valorizzazione comprende tutte le funzioni gestionali connesse al patrimonio, in quanto si fonda sulla conoscenza, si persegue attraverso interventi di conservazione e promozione, e si realizza in un innalzamento delle modalità di utilizzazione e fruizione “ in forme compatibili con la tutela”. Partendo da questo presupposto gli autori presentano alcuni casi di interventi di nuova sistemazione di collezioni di oggetti, di possibile recupero e valorizzazione di tradizioni culturali connesse a Patrimoni architettonici e archeologici, di sperimentali metodologie di fruizione del patrimonio culturale attraverso l’informatica e la cybernetica, di progetti di sviluppo turistico legato a culti religiosi altrove abbandonati all’oblio. In ogni caso il tema della valorizzazione pone in gioco importanti fattori sui quali si fonda l’identità stessa di una collettività, la sua capacità di elaborare la memoria sociale e di prefigurare il proprio futuro. Il volume si presenta con testo bilingue e 40 fotografie.
Like Tilottama Rajan’s Dark Interpreter, The Genealogy of the Romantic Symbol reflects dissatisfaction with M. H. Abrams’s logocentric intellectual history on the one hand and Paul de Man’s deconstructive rhetorical analysis on the other. But the nature of its subject determined that Genealogy could not be a work of specifically literary theory. Thus the book’s principal methodological models came from the discipline of conceptual history. While sharing with much of Rajan’s work a basic concern with the systematic organization of knowledge in the Romantic period, Genealogy recounts how the Romantic concept of the symbol reacts to the modern transition from theoria (philosophical contemplation premised on the truth of self-evidence) to theory (the questioning of the truth of self-evidence).
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The paper throws light on the various cultural nuances revolving on and about the age of romanticism.It also unmasks several intriguing voices that debate over the misconceptions revolving around the concept with the view to highlight the era's significance and underpinnings in the literary canon.
In The Prince Niccolò Machiavelli waxes Machiavellian on the relative advantages of being loved and feared. He writes about'men', but he addresses ungendered human emotions:
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