
(PDF) Archäologie im Rheinland 2018

Archäologie im Rheinland 2018

2019, Archäologie im Rheinland 2018

edited with Marcus Trier "Archäologie im Rheinland" is the popular archaeological yearbook of the LVR-State Service for Archaeological Heritage and the Romano-Germanic Museum Cologne. A unique overview of the most important excavation and research results of the previous calendar year is given in a generally comprehensible and richly illustrated way. With contributions from the Earth's History to the time of the Cold War, the publication provides fascinating insights into one of the most rich archaeological regions in Europe: reader-friendly divided into the chapters General Contributions, Earth History, Prehistory, Roman Empire , Middle Ages, modern times and public relations. An overview map of all the sites and timelines of the earth's history and archaeology facilitates the thematic access, info boxes explain technical terms and help to answer emerging questions. A large part of the sites and finds are published only in this series. The authors are specialists in archaeology, paleontology, history, geology, archaeobotany and archaeozoology. "Archäologie im Rheinland" is intended for interested laypersons, but also for scientists who want to discover the rich archaeological heritage of the Rhineland.