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Analyses of curriculum achievements present that teaching of 11th grade geography course should be done greatly in conceptual level in knowledge dimension and heavily in the understand level in cognitive process dimension. It revealed that, through analysis results, achievements of dimensions of higher-level (meta) knowledge and congitive process were unsufficient. In the curriculum, place should be taken to achievements which appear in the stages of higher-level knowledge (procedural and meta cognitive) and of congitive process (apply, analyze, evaluate and create), which would enable students to carry out more mental activities. The applied in-service training seminars which would enable teachers to improve themselves should be given to them. In order to provide applicability of achievements of curriculum of 11th grade geography course, teacher guidebooks should be firstly prepared, which explain how process of teaching and learning would be constructed (structured) according to each achievement, and they should be opened to access for teachers of geography course. We expect that our study will contribute to next studies. DALI
This paper aims to discuss the theory and practice of assessment of the results of geography learning at the senior high school in Indonesia. Geography consists of three components, the subject matter studied, skills, and perspectives. The subject matter learned in geography is a summary of the essential knowledge, is the foundation of standard geography. This subject matter is the basis of the use of the skills of geography. Geography education is the application of geography in education. Based on the syllabus curriculum, the principle of assessment used in the subjects of geography is based on class or authentic. In general when examined, geography skills with the learning process of the curriculum there is conformity between learning outcomes assessment of theoretical subjects of geography in Indonesia is in compliance or already measure aspects of geography skills. Based on several researches in terms of practice, geography skills assessment of learners on the subjects of geography in Indonesia is affected by the competence of teachers, the learning models applied by the teachers, learning materials are used, as well as the motivation of the teachers to the students related the importance of mastering the skills of geography.
By using the principle of Multipt Accut Approach (Learning Approach that develops all the potential learners) in this cycle I already shows mastery has increased, but the mastery that has been achieved it actually still needs to be improved again. This can be seen from the number of students who have achieved a mastery score of 65 or more. In table 4.2 can be obtained that only 63.27% of students who achieve mastery of 65 or more. While a group (class) said to be complete if the lowest 85% of students who achieve the score of mastery of 65 or more. The causes are still less students who achieve a mastery score of 65 or more, among which are active students are still dominated by certain students. Those who are active are generally also active at previous meetings. In this second cycle, the average score of student mastery is increasing. The average was increased from 66.92 achieved in the first cycle to 73.84 in cycle II. It shows that students' mastery of teaching materials in cycle II is also increasing. Students' mastery of teaching materials in cycle II is quite high according to the category used. Increased mastery of students is an indicator that indicates that the form of learning that is done by using the principle of Multipt Accut Approach (Learning Approach that develops all potential learners) and diversity in the second cycle increasingly provide better results. Increased mastery of students is supported by the increasing median of the mastery scores achieved from the test results at the end of cycle II. In the second cycle median student's scores have reached 74.00. Median of that shows that from 49 people who took the test at the end of cycle II, can be obtained 24 students who achieve the highest mastery 74.00 and 30 students mastery of the lowest 74.00. The increase of median is in accordance with the results of observation at the time of learning took place. Where the students' attention in following the lessons is better than in the previous cycle. Students who do not understand the subject matter under discussion are given direct guidance. While who already understood about the subject matter being discussed, given the opportunity to express his opinion. Increased mastery of students is also marked with the emergence of responses related to the lesson material during the learning process takes place. The response generally indicates that the lesson material that has been discussed is understood and the students are able to know the relationship with the knowledge already possessed. In this last cycle, seen the average score of mastery of students still shows an increase. Increasing the average score of mastery that gives an indication that the mastery of students on the subject matter is also increasing in cycle III. herefore, the form of action performed on this cycle gives better results than the actions in the previous cycle. Increased mastery of students is also marked by the increasing number of students who achieve a mastery score of 65 or more. Students who achieve a score of 65 or more mastery as much as 85.11% and this shows that student mastery of learning materials in cycle III is very high. In addition, the class that became the subject of research has been completely classical in this last cycle. Forms of action performed on this cycle, can also bring students towards a change in attitude that is more supportive of the ongoing learning activities. Students in this cycle are more open in expressing their opinions. Even when randomly assigned to give answers, no more students can not answer correctly. Almost at every meeting there are no more students who can not follow the lesson. This is in line with student responses made at the end of cycle III. From those responses no more students are expecting an improved learning activity that has been done. From the results of achievement in the first cycle on average the results that can be achieved by students amounted to 63.63. (64%) It is still under the Assessment standards standard which has been listed in the new academic year amounting to 75 (75%). So from the results of the learning process needs to be improved in cycle II and still stated Not Completed or Not Yet Successful. And from the results of achievements in cycle II on average the results that can be achieved by students of 73.1. (73%) It is still under the Assessment standards standard which has been listed in the new academic year of 75 (75%). So from the results of the learning process needs to be improved in cycle III and still stated Not Completed or Not Yet Successful. And From the results of achievements in the third cycle on average student achievement of 83.6. (84%) It is still under the Assessment standards standard which has been listed in the new academic year of 75 (75%). So from the results of the learning process No need to make improvements in the next cycle and still declared Completed or Successful.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan petunjuk praktikum pendidikan IPA berbasis Pedagogical Content Knowledge . Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa IPA semester III yang mengikuti mata praktikum pendidikan IPA. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar validasi produk petunjuk praktikum pendidikan IPA dan lembar observasi kegiatan praktikum. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan didukung oleh data kualitatif yang berupa saran perbaikan dari penilai ahli, teman sejawat, dan guru IPA. Hasil penelitian pengembangan ini menghasilkan produk petunjuk praktikum yang layak digunakan setelah dinilai oleh ahli materi, teman sejawat, guru IPA, dan mahasiswa dengan rata-rata baik.
Teaching is an impressive job to all research minded teacher for the exploration of the human potentials for the assurance of self-development with the help of self enhancement through self-realization of won state of spirit and also both mental state and emotional state. Effectiveness of good curriculum depends on the arts or skills to apply of corresponding teaching personnel. In pedagogical research, models of teaching are a variable of experiment for developing better and efficient teaching tools. William Gordon has developed synectic model of teaching to develop the ability of creation something new or creativeness among the learners. In present study, an application approach has been followed for assessing the effectiveness of the corresponding teaching model as per the objective of that model. An experimental design has been considered for carrying out the concerned study. Exploration capacities of the school going students, on the basis of some predetermined instructional objectives, have been recorded in this study. For determining the required instructional objectives, researcher has followed the study approach of Benjamin Bloom. In this study, five fundamental instructional approaches have followed; those are comprehension, analysis, synthesis, evaluation and creation respectively. In the case of creation all other abilities (related with understand, analysis, synthesis and evaluation) can play a vital role; -this has been considered by the researcher in the current study. Recorded responses have been analysed and also interpreted one after one.
Seminar Nasional Ilmu Pendidikan dan Multi Disiplin 3 (SNIPMD 3). ISBN: 978-623-6566-35-0, 2020
Pedagogic Competence is an educational science that teaches teachers to educate students as well as well, and a teacher must have. Communication is one of the many pedagogic competencies. Communication is a process carried out by a person or persons when conveying information. Educator communication with students has an important role in preparing and the learning process, therefore communication skills are one of the competencies that an educator must possess. An educator must master good communication applications so that the learning process takes place effectively. Teacher communication can lead to students' understanding of the subject matter delivered. The purpose of this study is to examine, see, describe and explain how the teacher's communication skills increase student motivation and to see that there is no effect of teacher communication skills on student learning satisfaction. This study uses a quantitative approach using descriptive analysis methods with analysis through the help of the Google application where this application is useful for analyzing questionnaires quickly and widely via a link that is brought to the research subject. From the research results obtained that the ability of teachers to develop positive attitudes in learning activities there are still teachers who are less sensitive to give proper appreciation for the beliefs made by students and there are still teachers who seem to differentiate students from other students, while the ability of teachers to prove flexible and open in learning activities that are not applied so that students do not understand the material being taught, as well as an increase in the increase in the ability of teachers to appear passionate and earnest in learning activities.
Jurnal Biotek
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) adalah pengetahuan tentang materi dan bagaimana cara mengajarkannya. Guru menggunakan buku pegangan sebagai acuan pada saat pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran berlangsung. Oleh karena itu, buku guru harus sesuai dengan komponen PCK. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui persentase kemunculan komponen PCK dalam buku guru kelas VIII SMP pada materi sistem. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif dengan subjek penelitiannya dengan memilih bab yang masuk kedalam sistem organ yaitu sistem pencernaan manusia, sistem peredaran darah manusia, sistem pernapasan manusia, dan sistem ekskresi manusia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dianalisis menunjukan bahwa kemunculan komponen PCK di dalam buku guru adalah orientasi pengajaran IPA 24,8%, pengetahuan tentang kurikulum IPA 46,3%, pengetahuan tentang pemahaman siswa 53,6% dan pengetahuan tentang strategi pembelajaran IPA 54%.
Ozet Hayat boyu ogrenme modellemesinde cografyanin anahtar oldugunu savunan bu calisma, elimizdeki okul programlarini standartlar bakimindan birkac ulkeyle karsilastirip tartismayi amaclamistir. Karsilastirma yapilan ABD, Ingiltere ve Avustralya gibi ulkelerdeki cografya ogretiminde, 18 standardin tanimlarinin yani sira, standartlar arasindaki baglantilarin olmasi ve butunluk dikkat cekicidir. Turkiye’de uygulanan cografya ogretiminin iskeletini olusturan 11 yillik programda ise standartlar net degildir. Dunya, bolge, Turkiye konulari arasinda kitalar-okyanuslar olcegindeki kategoriler atlanmistir. Ozellikle Matematik-Fen siniflarindan mezun olan lise ogrencilerinin cografya dersi aciginin fazla oldugunu soylemek mumkundur. Ilk ve ortaogretimdeki cografya ogrenme kategorilerine cercevesinde standartlarin belirlenmesi geregi uzerine odaklanmis olan bu calismada mevcut mufredatin bunu saglamaktan uzak oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Uzun sureli ogrenme, Cografya mufre...
Scholaria: Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2021
This study aims to discuss about teachers competence as well as solutions in giving teachers professional development program, especially in IR 4.0 era. Teachers are an important part in education system since they hold important role in increasing the quality of human resources. In addition, the demand on teachers professional development is also escalating in order to match the advance of technology, especially in Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). Unfortunately, it was found that there are still a lot of problems faced by teachers. Those problems are related to how they do their teaching as well as improving their competence to fit the need of students who are mostly milennials generation. Some problems of teachers that are identified such as the low quality of teachers competence, abundant task ini composing teaching documents and administrative jobs, the difficult curriculum content that must be implemented and many more. One of the solutions offered is joining online teachers development programs available via social media. Another solution is improving pre-service teachers education.
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