
(PDF) J. M. Coetzee’s Complicated Migrations

J. M. Coetzee’s Complicated Migrations

2016, Poetica

Kai Wiegandt (Berlin) J. M. COETZEE'S COMPLICATED MIGRATIONS In this artieie I read J. M. Coetzee's novel Slow Man as arefleetion on how nationality infleets migrant identities and how migration ean result in a erippling of the seifthat the novel emblematieally duplieates in the amputation ofthe protagonist's leg after an aeeident. Diseussions of relevant passages from Coetzee's Diary 0/ a Bad Year and Here and Now eomplement my reading in whieh I show that Rayment's life in Australia is presented as a seeond, redueed stage of his life, a metaphorieal afterlife.