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Studie byla publikována roku 2011 v knize ,,Slánské rozhovory 2010 : Česká husitská reformace historie, osobnosti, teologie, umění" / The study was published in 2011 in books ,,Slánské rozhovory 2010: The Czech Hussite Reformation of History, Personalities, Theology, Art."
Archaeologia historica, 2020
The paper assesses three immovable artefacts yielded by archaeological research into Úštěk Castle. The main objective was their dating and the determination of their possible function.
Comments on the Origin of the Stations of the Cross Made by Dušan Jurkovič on Mount Hostýn and the Problems of Their Renewal The new Stations of the Cross was the only implementation of Jurkovič's grandiose architectural and urban concept of the entire pilgrimage area on the top of Mount Hostýn in 1903; however, it did not completely adhere to Jurkovič's design and it was not supervised by him. This study summarises a number of yet unpublished facts that occurred during the construction and that were discovered during the expert supervision of the restoration of Köhler's mosaic paintings installed on this Station of the Cross which began in 2009 and is still in progress. Although only a fragment remained of Jurkovič's idea, it is an exceptional undertaking that is beyond any structures of this kind which have been built in the Czech lands.
Archaeologia historica, 2019
Existuje jen málo jednoznačně nedokončených staveb hradů z druhé poloviny 13. století. I když lokality tohoto druhu většinou zůstávají bez výraznějších archeologických nálezů, či dokonce zděných konstrukcí, je opuštění staveniště samo o sobě jevem, který si zasluhuje pozornost. Téměř vždy postrádáme písemné prameny zdůvodňující marné vynaložení prostředků i lidské práce, a tak se badatelé uchylují k nepřímým informacím, z nichž na prvním místě stojí zprávy o majetkových transakcích (prodej či připojení dotyčného území k většímu celku), nebo úvahy o osobních důvodech na straně stavebníka (smrt, přesídlení apod.). K zajímavým výsledkům ale také může vést průzkum starých cest, pokud se podaří zjistit, jaké komunikační souvislosti měla nedokončená hradní stavba.
Zprávy památkové péče
Slovo a smysl, 2019
SYNOPSIS "Da steht Präsident T. G. Masaryk", or Richard Meszleny/Messer and His Masarykian Reflections The philologist and art critic Richard Meszleny/Messer (1881-1962) showed his familiarity with Masaryk's work for the first time (as far as we know) at the end of 1919 in connection with his interpretation of Rilke. He later mentions Masaryk as one of the key figures representing the heights of Czech culture in the September 1924 issue of the magazine Die Wahrheit, and in the following years he would repeatedly return to artistic portraits of Masaryk as the basis for interpreting his personality.
Czech Sociological Review, 2010
Archeologické rozhledy
The article evaluates the results of systematic metal detector surveys from the borderland between east Bohemia and northwest Moravia over the past fifteen years, supplemented with a geophysical survey of early medieval hillfort near Mařín (Svitavy district). The conducted surveys have produced imports of Byzantine and Carolingian origin (strap ends, loops, spear tip) from the 7th to 9th century, with cast ornaments of the Late Avar type from the 8th century occurring in the greatest numbers. The spatial distribution of early medieval artefacts outside the traditional settlement territory shows ties to defunct roads preserved in the form of sunken lanes.
Památky archeologické, 2020
The central Bohemian hillfort-type site in Tismice is one of the largest (20–22 ha) in Bohemia from the Early to Middle Hillfort period (8th–9th century) and has been studied for years using non-destructive methods. The study, which presents the results of the complete geophysical survey of the site as well as the results of small-scale trenching from 2013, is focussed on an analysis of non-ferrous metal ornaments (c. 170 pcs., mostly belt and horse harness decorations) and analyses of evidence of craft production – jewellerymaking, metalsmithing and metal casting (ingots, blanks). It presents the earliest evidence of work with gold in early medieval Bohemia (2018 excavation) as well as natural science radiocarbon and magnetic absolute dates, which supplement dating on the basis of Carolingian coin and imports. The internally divided hillfort was an elite residence (gilded ornaments, spurs, coin) and for a short time served as a supra-regional centre that not only received and redis...
Hrdlicka's museum of man is a small university museum on Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague which was designed and opened by Czech-American anthropologist Ales Hrdlicka and other scientists in 1937. This article presents revitalization project of the permanent exhibition, new concepts in our work with visitors and use of new media theories and educational theories in museum practice. Museum presents story of human evolution, human variability, ontogeny a pathology. Students of primary and high schools are used to visit our museum regularly since 1950 – museum visit is an important part of biology curriculum. The exhibition has to meet visitors expectations, satisfy their needs as well as reflect current state of scientific knowledge. --- Museum in our understanding is a part of communication process where the institution is a partner to a visitor. With regard to current museum and educational theories we are trying to design our museum as an open and creative space...
This paper introduces a newly begun research project conducted by the Silesian Regional Museum (Slezské zemské muzeum) in Opava which aims to thoroughly document folk architecture in the regions affected by coal-mining and industrial activities, i.e. the region around the cities of Karviná and Ostrava in Czech Silesia. Field research and the concurrent archival research will focus on previously undescribed log houses, some of which are currently under threat. The methodology used in this project and described in this paper is based on previous research conducted in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, with special focus on interdisciplinary cooperation.
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Petr Brandl - mistr barokní malby, 2013
Archeologické rozhledy, 2023
Zprávy památkové péče
Acta Musei nationalis Pragae. Historia litterarum, 2016
Średniowiecze Polskie i Powszechne
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum
Museologica Brunensia, 2020
Historica Olomucensia
Časopis pro právní vědu a praxi, 1998
Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo, 2015