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2019, Kashmir Reader
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A more spiritual and mystical construal or version of the development of the personality of the individual came as an outcome of socio-political advancements, with the result, liberal education came into being which garnished the notions of education in general and higher education in particular. In the Greek-Roman periods, the education of the able, at liberty, or open man was considered liberal education as juxtaposed to the slave or the craftsperson who serve the world empowering the free intellectuals, the upper class, and aristocracies to dedicate their leisureliness for the growth and development of their cognizance and intelligence. By looking at the feudal social setup of Medieval Europe, we find that the liberal education at the tertiary or higher level consisted of the learning of grammar, language rules, sentence structure, logic, reasoning, and magniloquence or rhetoric, mathematics, particularly arithmetic and geometry, astrophysics, and music. In light of this liberal view of education, we can discover the perception of higher education as a path of learning; the resourceful and innovative practice cum consumption of free time or leisureliness reasonably different from merely providing an approach and way to make a living or improve the standard of living and to develop a responsible citizen (eGyanKosh., 2018).
Recording Verification Maintenance of own data Identification help RINSE App --Group ID (to enable filtering of records by project, working group or similar) Manually Possible (on iRecord) Fact sheets, image gallery including confusion species Recorder name V Recorder e-mail address V Species name O C Location based on gps A Photo O Plant cover (low = < 1 m2, medium = 1-5 m2, high = 5-50 m2, very high = > 50 m2) O C Number of individuals (animal records) (1, 2-5, 6-20, 21-100, >100) O C Explanatory notes V KORINA App --(Intended) -(Intended) --Manually -(Intended) List of small images, link to fact sheets Recorder name O Recorder e-mail address O Species name O C Location based on gps A Name of the location A Photo O Surface area (cover) of recorded plant O C Explanatory notes V KORINA Website based recording -Add new sighting based on existing sighting Record absence of a previously reported population -Manually Possible Fact sheets Recorder name O Recorder e-mail address O Species name O C Location by manually clicking on a map O Name of the location O Photo V Surface area (cover) of recorded plant O C Status (wild, cultivated) V C Vitality V C Explanatory notes V
The summer of 2015 was the first of three planned years of excavations at the early Christian cemetery at farm Keflavík on Hegranes in the region of Skagafjörður, North Iceland. The excavation is the third phase of Skagfirska kirkjurannsóknin (Skagafjörður Church Project) and is a collective effort of the Skagafjörður Heritage Museum and the Fiske Center of the University of Massachusetts Boston. The collective project goes by the name Skagafjörður Church and Settlement Survey (SCASS). The excavation season started on the 6th of July and finished on the 14th of August. The first two weeks were spent cleaning the surface and removing a 20th century rubbish heap overlying the western part of the cemetery, the actual cemetery excavation extended over four weeks. The report contains the preliminary results of the excavation in the summer of 2015.
Özet Müzik türleri içerisindeki ayrıcalıklı yerini kaynağını yöresel ağız farklılıklarında bulan kişiliğinden alan, yarınları ağız farklılıklarından doğan tavrını korumasına ve değişime karşı direnebilmesine bağlı olan Türk halk müziği verimlerinde varlığını sürdüren yöresel ağız özelliklerinin dilbilimsel yasalara bağlı olarak ses bilgisi, şekil bilgisi ve söz varlığı ölçütleri ekseninde Türk Dil Kurumu Çeviriyazı İşaretleri/TDKÇYİ ile transkript edildiği, müzikolojik yasalara bağlı olarak ise etnomüzikolojide dilbilimsel yaklaşımlar-performans/icra gösterim teori ekseninde yapılanan sözel/sanatsal bir performans türü olarak tanımlanan türkülerin kuramsal/icrasal altyapısında varlığını sürdüren Türk halk müziği yöresel ağız özelliklerinin de Türk Dil Kurumu Çeviriyazı İşaretleri/TDKÇYİ ile transkript edildiği, diğer dünya dillerinde de var olan bu gerçeğin yerel/evrensel standartlarca varlığı-kullanılabilirliği çeşitli alanlar üzerinde tescillenmiş olan Uluslararası Fonetik Alfabe/IPA sesleri aracılığıyla notasyona aktarılarak aslına en uygun şekilde tekrar tekrar seslendirilebileceği dilbilimi-müzikoloji kaynak ve otoritelerince tespit edilerek onaylanmıştır. Türk Halk Müziği Fonetik Notasyon Sistemi/THMFNS ulusal/uluslararası platformlardaki dilbilimsel/müzikbilimsel uygulamalara paralel bir uygulama başlatabilmek amacıyla İTÜ SBE Türk Müziği Programı yüksek lisans tezi kapsamında ilk temelleri atılan, İTÜ SBE Müzikoloji ve Müzik Teorisi Programı doktora tezi kapsamında geliştirilecek olan, ses bilgisi/şekil bilgisi/söz varlığı ölçütleri ekseninde yerel/evrensel ilintilerle birlikte Standart Türkiye Türkçesi/STT (bir toplulukta bölgeler üstü anlaşma aracı olarak tanınıp benimsenen, konuşulan lehçeler/ağızlar içerisinde yaygınlaşarak hâkim duruma geçen, dil türleri/kullanıldığı saha içerisinde en geniş işleve sahip olan yerel/sosyal tabakalara has izler taşımayan, ağızlar üstü/norm oluşturucu/varyasyon azaltıcı standart/prestij varyant/standart dil), Türk Dil Kurumu Çeviriyazı İşaretleri/TDKÇYİ (Anadolu diyalektolojisi üzerine yapılan kapsamlı derleme çalışmaları aracılığıyla derlenen yöresel ağız metinlerinin kuramsal/icrasal altyapısında ses bilgisi/şekil bilgisi/söz varlığı ölçütleri ekseninde varlığını sürdüren yöresel ağız özelliklerini transkript edebilmek amacıyla kullanılan transkripsiyon işaretleri)-Uluslararası Fonetik Alfabe/IPA (ses değerlerini uluslararası standartta yazıya dökebilme, tüm dillerdeki konuşma seslerini örnek bir biçimde kodlayabilme, dillerin doğru telaffuz edilmesini sağlayarak çok sayıda transkripsiyon sisteminin doğurduğu karışıklıkları önleyebilme, her bir ses için ayrı bir sembol geliştirebilme amacı ile işaret ve simgelerden oluşturulmuş standart alfabe türü) sesleri üzerinde yapılanan notasyon sistemi örneğidir. V. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmaları Sempozyumu/UMÇS 18 kapsamında sunulacak bildiri aracılığıyla: sesbilimsel/müzikbilimsel yasalar ekseninde yapılanan ses/konuşma özelliklerinin Türk Halk Müziği Fonetik Notasyon Sistemi Veritabanı/THMFNS V’nına aktarım/adaptasyon süreçleri UCLA Fonetik Laboratuvar Arşivi Türkçe Dil Veritabanı/UCLA FLA TDV model örneklemi üzerinden gerçekleştirilecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: UCLA Fonetik Laboratuvar Arşivi Türkçe Dil Veritabanı/UCLA FLA TDV, Türk Halk Müziği Fonetik Notasyon Sistemi Veritabanı/THMFNS V. Abstract Turkish folk music has a priviliged place in music types due to regional dialect varieties. The future of Turkish folk music depends on protection of its attitude originating from dialect differences and its resistance against change. Turkish folk music regional dialect properties are transcripted by Turkish Linguistic Institiution Transcription Signs/TLITS depending on linguistic laws in axis of phonetics, morphology and parole existence. On the other hand, depending on musicological laws, regional dialect properties of Turkish folk music which is a verbal/artistic performance type structured in axis of linguistic approaches in ethnomusicology-performance/display theory are also transcripted by Turkish Linguistic Institution Transcription Signs/TLITS. It is determined and approved by linguistic/musicology source and authotrities that this reality which is also present in other world languages can be transferred to notation and vocalized again and again in accordance with its original through International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA existence and usability of which have been registered by local and universal standards through the notification that will be submitted. Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System/TFMPNS is a notation system example which aims to initiate a parallel application to the national/international linguistic/musicological application foundations of which were laid under the scope of ITU ISS Turkish Music Program post graduation thesis, which will be developed under the scope of ITU ISS Musicology and Music Theory Program doctorate thesis, which is configured in phonetics/morphology/vocabulary axis of together with traditional/international attachments based on Standard Turkey Turkish/STT (the standard language/standard variant which is recognized and adopted in a community as a means of agreements among the regions, gains dominant position by becoming widespread spoken dialects and has a large function among language types and usage areas is in a position of means of communication among speakers of different dialects)-Turkish Linguistic Institution Transcription Signs/TLITS (transcription marks used to transcribe local oral features existing on the axis of phonetics/morphology/lexicon criteria and theoretical/performance infrastructure of local oral texts, which is collected through the comprehensive compilation work on Anatolian dialectology)-International Phonetic Alphabet/IPA (standard alphabet type consisting of signs and symbols which is developed with the aim of redacting sound values in international standards, encoding speech sounds of all languages in an exemplary manner, preventing confusion engendered with numerous transcription system by providing correct pronunciation of languages and developing a separate symbol for each sound) sounds. Through this announcement which is to be presented article within the scope of 5th International Symposium On Multidisciplinary Studies/ISMS 18: transmission/adaptation process of voice/speech features structured in phonological/musicological legislation axis to Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System Database/TFMPNS D will be carried out within the frame of UCLA Phonetic Laboratory Archive Turkish Language Database/UCLA PLA TLD model sample. Key Words: UCLA Phonetic Laboratory Archive Turkish Language Database/UCLA PLA TLD, Turkish Folk Music Phonetic Notation System Database/TFMPNS D.
Condé-sur-Marne, «Le Brabant» Un habitat du Néolithique final dans la vallée de la Marne 82.95 83.60 83.69 83.56 83.98 8 4 .0 0 8 3 .9 0 83. 80 83 .70 83.60 83.50 83.40 83 .30 83 .2 0 83 .1 0 83 .0 0 82.9 0 82 .8 0 8 2 .7 0 82.60 82.5 0 1 2 3
Rapport de sondages 2018 sur le site de la villa de Châtillon - La Roche (69). Sous la direction de J. RAMONA et R. GUICHON. Avec la collaboration de Emma BOUVARD-MOR, Emmanuel BERNOT, Thomas CERISAY, Aurélie CRAUSAZ, Aline COLOMBIER-GOUGOUZIAN, Nicolas DUBREU, Stéphane GAILLOT, Marie LAFONT, Chloé LANDRIEUX, Marjorie LEPERLIER, Claudia LOZANO, Nicolas MANZONI, Clémence MÈGE, Kevin PERRY.
A)Las máquinas que efectúan trabajos de torneado reciben el nombre de tornos, empleándose en la industria diversos tipos, que se distinguen entre sí por la forma, tamaño, potencia, precisión, etc. Se emplean para la mecanización de cuerpos de revolución, como poleas, manguitos, pernos, etc., pero en general son máquinas de múltiples aplicaciones y muy versátiles en su utilización. B) De los diversos tipos de tornos, el fundamental es el llamado torno paralelo, cuyo conjunto está compuesto de cuatro partes principales: 1. -Bancada; 2. -Cabezal fijo; 3. -Cabezal móvil o contra cabezal; 4. -Carro porta-útil.
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Proceedings of the 9th …, 2008
Rapport final d'opération archéologique, fouille préventive., 2014