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the article discusses hermeneutic not as an art or technique of understanding and interpretation but as movement of understanding, and hence the attention to a coming to form, a coming to word, a coming to thought. This attention is described as the work of imagination through which hermeneutics introduces a "tiny trace" or a "comma" in consolidated meanings, opening a path for a transformative understanding.
Debates Do NER, 2019
How might we read, interpret, or understand Saba Mahmood’s use of the term hermeneutics? Does an anthropologist read this term differently than a theologian, than a literary scholar, than an historian? The interpretative site in Mahmood’s work is less in the text (whether Azazeel or the Danish cartoons, for example) than the conditions of its reception, the terms of response, and competing frames of intelligibility. And one can see how Mahmood’s delicate engagement with body (situations, sensibilities, and conditions) and mind (interpretation, response, and critique) has especially critical implications for the place of thinking, interpretation, and ultimately, hermeneutics.
International Yearbook for Hermeneutics, 2015
This essay demonstrates how the imagination enters into the act of interpretation and understanding in Hans-Georg Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics, despite the fact that Gadamer does not thematize the imagination as such. It is first shown, through an analysis of the imagination in Aristotle’s De Anima, how the imagination has an interpretive function in any act of apprehension. It is then shown how this interpretive function of the imagination occurs in relation to both the formation and bringing forth of meaning in an act of hermeneutic understanding. The argument is strengthened by noting a similarity between Gaston Bachelard’s poetics of the imagination and Gadamer’s hermeneutics.
The practice of interpreting texts is complex, and the problem is made worse when texts seem alien to the reader. How can we overcome barriers to understanding? Where do we start, and what must we do? And what is hermeneutics anyway? This beginner's handbook on hermeneutics provides a simple approach to textual interpretation, introducing a method that is holistic and humane, focused on listening and openness. We must take account of our presuppositions, analyze literary and historical-grammatical contexts, and organize our thoughts based on the meanings we discover. And then we must act, verifying or falsifying what we have found. This open content book is an essential guide for students as they interpret texts of all kinds, and is meant as a companion for writing and research. Helpful notes are provided for key concepts, and each step of the process is briefly explained, along with questions for further analysis.
This Paper is a synthesis of different Philosophers and their Hermeneutical Concept and a Reflection Paper applying their concept into reality.
Hermeneutics is derived from the Greek word ερµηνευειν (hermeneuein), meaning to interpret, and its derivative ερµηνεια (hermeneia) meaning interpretation.
European Scientific Journal, 2013
The study aims at a revision and a re-appraisal of Eliade's allusive theory regarding the prerequisites and the necessity of reconfiguring the study of religion as a new integrative reasearch area relevant for the understanding of human mind. Special emphasis will be laid on highlighting, in a critical manner, the methodological framework envisaged by Eliade for the development of this new 'Phenomenology of the Mind', with a special focus on his approach indicating towards a 'creative hermeneutics'. Terms and concepts such as 'perspectivism', 'creativity', 'scientific discourse' are revisited in the light of the new methodological framework under discussion.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods
This paper is an illustration of the application of a hermeneutic phenomenological study. The theory of meaning and interpretation, drawing on philosophical hermeneutics and the work of Gadamer and Heidegger, and its alignment with phenomenological thought is presented. The paper explains and aims to make visible how key concerns in relation to the fusion of horizons, hermeneutic understanding, hermeneutic circle and hermeneutic phenomenological attitude were implemented. The purpose is to provide practical guidance and illustrate a fully worked up example of hermeneutic phenomenological work as research praxis. This present paper makes a case that hermeneutic phenomenological work is detailed, lengthy, rigorous and systematic in its own philosophical and theoretical frame. It articulates the philosophical and methodological alignment of hermeneutics in a specific hermeneutic phenomenological study and makes visible the work of hermeneutic phenomenology. It concludes by sharing key ...
Armenian Folia Anglistika, 2019
The present paper deals with one of the intricate problems of philology – the question of reading and understanding a work of verbal creativity. The paper aims at emphasizing the methodological value of the hermeneutical approach to the study of literature which comes into being due to the presence of three basic components: imagination, language as a code between the writer and the reader, and the expected ability of the reader to share the author’s emotions and thoughts. Proceeding from the basic statements of hermeneutics and Schleiermacher’s theory of hermeneutical circle in particular, as well as considering the results of our former investigations we come to the conclusion that understanding verbal art is a complex process which is achieved step by step. To provide a reliable mechanism for the application of the hermeneutical approach the investigator has to take the following steps: 1) reveal the correlation of language and speech with the help of the linguostylistic method o...
The historical overview covering Schleiermacher and the disciplinary status of translational hermeneutics was written by Cercel, the sections on important concepts and research within the paradigm of translational hermeneutics was authored by Stolze, and Stanley wrote the last three sections dealing with language games, a concrete research project and the role of phenomenology in research. The text was geared towards providing some background information on translational hermeneutics, a field which has bearing not only on the practice of translation but also on research in TS. From the vantage point of translational hermeneutics, research in translation studies takes its point of departure from the translator’s perspective: The guiding question is one centered on how a translator deals with the texts he or she has to translate.
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Anglican theological review, 2005
Internationales Jahrbuch für Hermeneutik , 2010
The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 2007
Studia Paedagogica Ignatiana, 2015
Journal of the Philosophy of Education, 1999
Periódico Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies., 2019
Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 2015