
(PDF) En torno al debate Estado-Mercado

En torno al debate Estado-Mercado

The roles of state and market have become a topic of the utmost importance under debate in economics. The argument that the one shouldn't get involved in the other's development can't be supported -it is a false disjunctive syllogism which doesn't stand up to close examination. Assumptions being made the most to refer to the antagonism of state to market have even considered markets to be inherently efficient, stressing that a minimal state redistributing wealth is responsible for achieving equity. This paper presents different views held by representatives of disparate schools of economic thought. Arguments for a more dialectic view on this topic are employed as conclusions. keyworDS: marxist political economy, state, institutions, market. RECiBiDO: 5/10/2016 aCEPtaDO: 2/12/2016 CLaSifiCaCióN jEL: P16, P26, B14, B25 Silvia odRiozola GuitaRt • HeNRy ColiNa HeRNáNdez ECONOMÍa Y DESaRROLLO RNPS: 0009 • iSSN: 0252-8584 • año xlviii • vol. 158 • N. o 1 • eNeRo-juNio • 2017 • PP. 245-269 […] cada tantos siglos hay que quemar la Biblioteca de Alejandría. El Congreso, Jorge Luis Borges