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A collection of scholarly studies in Hebrew on different aspects of one of the great hasidic masters, Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Halevi Epstein of Kraków (1751-1823), and his posthumously published seminal work: Maor Vashamesh (Breslau, 1842). This multi-disciplinary volume will include a variety of perspectives on the Maor Vashamesh and the author’s place in hasidic thought and history, presenting a mosaic of a central hasidic leader who has thus far not received sufficient scholarly attention. Proposals should be no longer than one page and should include: (1) name of author, (2) academic affiliation, (3) abstract of proposed article, and (4) brief biographical statement. Proposals should be emailed to Deadline for submission of proposals: December 13, 2017. Final articles in Hebrew on the basis of accepted proposals to be submitted by June 1, 2018. Articles will be subject to double review before acceptance. A more detailed Hebrew version of this call is available.
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