
(PDF) What happened in Room 103 at Aredhiou

What happened in Room 103 at Aredhiou


Aredhiou Vouppes is located in the rural hinterland of LBA Cyprus. Current understanding indicates this to be a farming site and a key nodal point within the island's economic network, supporting copper extraction in the hilly flank zones. Large-scale agricultural production is illustrated by the material culture, which includes large numbers of ground stone tools as well as significant quantities of pithos sherds, alongside impressive storage facilities and workrooms. Room 103, however, stands out from the other buildings at Aredhiou, as well as those identified at other contemporary sites for its architectural features: a large open floor space (c.7.5 x 5 m), the sunken floor cut into the bedrock and the massive rubble construction. The special nature of this room is further indicated by the objects recovered within it, which are distinct from the more usual utilitarian objects found elsewhere on the site. This paper will focus on how this space was used and incorporated within social action at Aredhiou, drawing upon spatial distribution and discard analysis, but also exploring peoples' embodied experiences of this space and likewise examining the material entanglements of the objects used (and abandoned) in Room 103. Through these analyses, this paper aims to demonstrate that Room 103 room was a place for gatherings and played an important role in ceremonial action at the site, where esoteric knowledge was revealed, shared and enhanced through manipulation of the senses; and as such it played a significant role in social reproduction at