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Abstrak: Tren Baru Studi Sejarah dan Sastra Terhadap al-Qur'an. Dua buah karya yang dipublikasikan ilmuan Inggris dan Amerika pada tahun 1971, Hagarism oleh Patricia Crone dan Michael Cook, dan Quranic studies: sources and methods of scriptural interpretation oleh John Wansbrough merevolusi studi baik sastra dan sejarah al-Qur'an maupun masa awal Islam. Tidak satupun dari kedua karya ini mendapatkan pengakuan signifikan dari kalangan ilmuan Islam dan menuai protes keras baik dari ilmuan Barat maupun Muslim. Tanpa memfokuskan pada kedua karya tersebut, artikel ini mengeksplorasi keilmuan Barat terkini dalam kebangkitan dan upaya mereka menakar hubungan antara pendekatan sejarah dengan sastra terhadap al-Qur'an secara tegas menekankan kedua pendekatan ini bukan menjadi ancaman bagi Islam. Pada akhirnya ada potensi signifikan untuk menciptakan pembicaraan kreatif antara Muslim dan non-Muslim tentang karakter dan pesan al-Qur'an yang menyertai munculnya karya-karya oleh berbagai ilmuan yang menulis dalam bahasa-bahasa Barat dalam kurun waktu 30 tahun terakhir. Abstract: Two works published by English and American scholars in 1977, Patricia Crone and Michael Cook, Hagarism and John Wansbrough Quranic Studies: Sources and Methods of Scriptural Interpretation revolutionized both historical and literary studies of the Qur'an and early Islam. Neither work achieved significant agreement among western scholars of Islam and met with strong protest from both western and Muslim scholars. Rather than focusing on these two works, this article explores some recent Western scholarship in their wake and attempts to weigh the relationship between historical and literary approaches to the Qur'an, strongly affirming that neither are threats to Islam. The artificiality of the distinction of literary and historical is also an important argument. In the end there is significant potential for a creative conversation between Muslims and non-Muslims about the character and message of Qur'an that attends to efflorescence of work by a wide range of scholars writing in western languages in the past thirty years.
Diya Al-Afkar: Jurnal Studi al-Quran dan al-Hadis, 2021
The development of the study of Qur'a> n in line with the rise of Islam in the middle ages, the west sought to understanding Islam. As the entrance to understanding Islam through the study of Qur'a> n. The first western study of the Qur'a> n was the translation of Qur'anic text into Latin and Other European Languages. Then it developed into another study of Qur'a> n. This paper answers how the origins of the study of Qur'a> n among Western scholars. And how the dynamics of the study of the Qur'a> n in the West occurred. this article got to the point of discovering that, there are three models of Qur'anic studies that are popular and developed among Western scholars. first, studies that seek To find Jewish-Christian influence in Qur'a> n. Second, a study that completes the chronological sequence of verses of Qur'a> n. Third, studies that discuss the mismanagement or certain aspects of Qur'a> n.
As the center of Islamic civilization, the Qur'an receives numerous intellectual responses both from Muslim and Western scholars within history. One of the prominent names of Western scholars who deals very much with the Qur'an is Jane Dammen McAuliffe. This article discusses the ontological view of the Qur'an of Jane Dammen McAuliffe, within a context of a new growing interest of western scholarship to see the Qur'an. Applying phenomenological and analytical methods of analysis, the articles ends in conclusions: [1] Muslims' views on the Qur'an tend to be theologically oriented, while the Westerns have resulted some polemical conclusions [2] however a new growing interest in the West, in which Jane Dammen McAuliffe belongs to, sees the Qur'an as a scripture, that emphasizes the importance of relation between the text and human's belief in the text; the Qur'an and Muslims. Abstrak Sebagai pusat peradaban Islam, Al-Qur'an telah menerima sejumlah respons intelektual baik dari kalangan sarjana Muslim maupun sarjana Barat. Salah tokoh utama sarjana Barat yang mengkaji Al-Quran adalah Jane Dammen McAuliffe. Artikel ini membahas pandangan Jane Dammen McAuliffe terhadap sisi ontologis Al-Quran. Menggunakan metode fenomenologi dan analitis, artikel ini sampai pada kesimpulan: [1] pandangan Muslim terhadap Al-Qur'an cenderung bersifat teologis, sementara sebagian sarjana Barat menghasilkan teori yang polemis; dan [2] meskipun begitu, telah muncul kecenderungan baru di Barat, termasuk Jane Dammen McAuliffe, untuk melihat Al-Qur'an sebagai scripture (kitab suci), yang menekankan sisi relasi antara kitab tertentu dengan komunitas manusia yang mengimaninya; relasi antara Al-Qur'an dan Muslim. Kata Kunci: Al-Qur'an, Jane Dammen McAuliffe, kitab suci, relasi.
Front Cover: The image is fully adopted from the image in the article of A Taqr³ § for a Nineteenth Century Indonesian Manuscript The focus of this journal is to provide readers on understanding of Indonesia and International affairs related to religious literature and heritage and its present developments through publication of articles, research reports, and books reviews. Heritage of Nusantara specializes in religious studies in the field of literature either contemporarily or classically and heritage located in Southeast Asia. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines. Abstract In several studies related to the development of Qur'anic studies, especially in the field of interpretation, implicit questions remain unanswered on current connectivity and the authority of science in the Qur'anic studies as well as the capability of a person in compiling commentary or interpretation of the Qur'an that has an effect on Islamic society in...
This review essay examines current trends in the field of Quranic studies, as expressed in recent introductory works on the Quran, which in turn reflect developments in more specialized publications. A prominent characteristic in this body of scholarship is an increased emphasis on approaching the Quran as a literary text, as conceived within the structures of textual criticism. Much of this work strives to bypass the autochthonous exegetical corpus developed by Muslim authorities and read the Quran on its own terms, as a text best situated within a sectarian milieu of late antiquity. Particular attention is given here to the configuration of literature as a secular category of analysis and the implications it bears for this growing field.
The Qur'an and Adab The Shaping of Literary Traditions in Classical Islam Edited by Nuha Alshaar, 2017
Though there have been many studies on the Qur’an’s import ance in tafsīr (Qur’anic comment ary), there are compar at ively few which look at the recep tion of the Qur’an in other forms of liter at ure. This volume seeks to rectify the gap in the schol ar ship by placing the Qur’an in its broader cultural and liter ary contexts. It explores the rela tion of Arabic (and Persian) clas sical liter ary tradi tions (adab) to the Qur’an from pre-Islamic times until the fifteenth century CE, focus ing on the various ways in which the clas sical liter ati (udabāʾ) engaged with the Qur’anic text, linguist ic ally, concep tu ally, struc-tur ally and aesthet ic ally, to create works that combined the sacred with the profane, thereby blur ring the bound ar ies between formal tafsīr and adab. Through a detailed intro duc tion and a series of case studies, the volume rethinks the concept of adab and the rela tion of scrip ture to human istic tradi tions in clas sical Islam and ques tions the general clas si fic a tion of adab as belles- lettres. It explores the reli gious aesthetic found in differ ent types of adab works – poetry, liter ary criti cism, epistles, oratory tradi tions, antho lo gies, ‘mirrors for princes’, folk lore and mystical/Sufi liter at ure. The key themes of the contri bu tions are the inter tex tu al ity between pre- lslamic poetry and the Qur’an, and the innu mer able approaches to the Qur’an by clas sical authors and poets. Discussed here are the various cita tion tech niques employed in the udabāʾ’s borrow ing of Qur’anic language, concepts and stories. The chapters explore how the use of these tech niques reflect a hermen eut ical involve ment with the Qur’an and how the choice of these tech niques was deter-m ined by the liter ary conven tions of the partic u lar genres and contexts within which the udabāʾ were working, as well as by their authorial inten tion, and theo lo gical and ideo lo gical outlooks. Also high lighted here is the link between the func tions ascribed to Qur’anic quota tions in a specific text and the need to convey a partic u lar message to specific audi ences. Collectively, these contri bu tions by leading schol ars offer a new, inter dis cip lin ary approach to under stand ing the inter ac tion of the liter ary tradi tions of clas sical Islam with the Qur’an. Conversely, the analysis of these liter ary works enhances the under stand ing of the Qur’an’s recep tion during the period studied. Students and special ists in the field of Qur’anic Studies, Literature and Religion will welcome this volume.
Journal of Qur'anic Studies 16:3, 2014
This article is based upon an MA dissertation submitted in 2006 to Loughborough University. A number of amendents, have have been made by the author. These include deleting the chapter on research methodology, adding a section on ‘pre- Islamic writing tradition’, and adding two appendices. The difference between this and the original version is the additional footnotes
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