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The author discusses their ongoing efforts to publish a supplementary catalogue on Byzantine silver stamps, particularly focusing on the Sion Treasure's significance and their struggles with copyright issues at Dumbarton Oaks. Despite multiple attempts to gain approval for publication, the author has faced continuous rejection, prompting a plan for alternative publication routes. The latter part of the document details an academic lecture regarding the Islamic-Byzantine frontier and includes announcements of other scholarly activities pertaining to Byzantine studies.
Archaeological excavations at Cape Chirakman / Bizone, Kavarna 2016–2021., 2022
Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance seront adressés à la Rédaction: Musée d'Histoire Nationale et d'Archéologie, Piaţa Ovidiu n o. 12, code 900745, Constanța, Roumanie, Tél.
American Journal of Archaeology, 2005
AJA 104 (2000) 3-24. Guidelines for AJA authors can also be found on the World Wide Web at Contributors are requested to include abstracts summarizing the main points and principal conclusions of their articles. Manuscripts, including photocopies of illustrations, should be submitted in triplicate; original photographs, drawings, and plans should not be sent unless requested by the editors. In order to facilitate the peer-review process, all submissions should be prepared in such a way as to maintain anonymity of the author. As the official journal of the Archaeological Institute of America, AJA will not serve for the announcement or initial scholarly presentation of any object in a private or public collection acquired after 30 December 1973, unless its existence was documented before that date or it was legally exported from the country of origin. An exception may be made if, in the view of the Editor-in-Chief, the aim of the publication is to emphasize the loss of archaeological context. Reviews of exhibitions, catalogues, or publications that do not follow these guidelines should state that the exhibition or publication in question includes material without known archaeological findspot.
The author has granted a nonexclusive license allowing Library and Archives Canada to reproduce, publish, archive, preserve, conserve, communicate to the public by telecommunication or on the Internet, loan, distribute and sell theses worldwide, for commercial or noncommercial purposes, in microform, paper, electronic and/or any other formats. L'auteur a accorde une licence non exclusive permettant a la Bibliotheque et Archives Canada de reproduire, publier, archiver, sauvegarder, conserver, transmettre au public par telecommunication ou par I'lnternet, preter, distribuer et vendre des theses partout dans le monde, a des fins commerciales ou autres, sur support microforme, papier, electronique et/ou autres formats.
American Journal of Archaeology, 2007
The articles in these Proceedings have all been subjected to peer-review. The programme and abstracts from the 15th seminar can be viewed on the seminar website: Museum Tusculanum Press Birketinget 6 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark The vigneee on the cover is taken from the allegorical representation of Professor Arnas Magnaeus/Árni Magnússon's scholarly activities which adorned the oldest series of publications of the Arnamagnaean Commission 1773–1809. Contents Preface ix GGGGGGGGG MMM GGGGGGGGGGGG: Árni Magnússon's initial collection 1 BBBBB ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓ: Text and picture: Digital archives and the presentation of the past 21 MMMMMM J. SSSSS: White gloves, required – or not? 37 AAAAAAA MMMMMM, NNNNNNNN PPPPPPPP AAAAAAAAAA VVVVVV: Fiiing a quart into a pint pot at the Sir John Soane's Museum in London: A new library management and conservation survey tool for historic libraries 53 CCCCCCCC CCCCCC .: Thermographic analysis of hidden texts and i...
This is the fourth instalment of comments on the ICZN proposed amendment on electronic-only publication, which would allow publication of nomenclatural acts on exclusively electronic media to be valid and available. The proposed amendment is available in the BZN 65: 265-275, several other sources, and online at http://www. We have sought input from all stakeholders in this process, including taxonomists, publishers, archivists, database experts and the wide range of users of nomenclatural information. The IUBS has approved the principles underlying the proposed amendment.
Archaeology at Goce Delcev University (FacultyES) in Shtip, Macedonia. RIHA welcomes original contributions that match the aims and scope of the journal and have not been previously published anywhere else, or are not on the way to be published elsewhere. The International Editorial Board (IEB) of the journal welcomes original articles in the fields of (but not limited to) history, archaeology, anthropology and ancillary disciplines. The journal will be published in hard copy and online.
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