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This report presents findings from one-on-one interviews with eleven teachers from minority and public schools, examining their approaches and needs regarding inclusive education. Central to the study are two research questions addressing the opportunities teachers create for inclusive practices and the specific needs they express to enhance such education. It highlights that while teachers focus on various forms of inclusiveness, systemic support and resources from school administration remain lacking, ultimately affecting their ability to effectively implement inclusive education.
International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 2019
This research was conducted in order to determine the present situation, as experienced by teachers from different branches, serving in secondary schools of the Ministry of National Education in Aksaray, regarding inclusive education. In the literature search, ERIC & Taylor Francis database was searched over keywords. The articles related to the problem situation of the research were selected and included in the article. In addition, the sources I have access to have been used while writing the literature and these studies have been included in the bibliography. More specifically, a total of 22 teachers from six different branches serving in secondary schools of the Ministry of National Education in Aksaray Central District (Turkey) participated in the present research, which combined a qualitative research method and a case study. Purposive sampling and convenience sampling among nonrandom sampling types were used in order to select the research participants. The selection criteria...
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2018
Inclusive education is a contested domain with positions ranging from strident opposition through cautious support to strong advocacy. Some stakeholders have taken a middle-of-the-road position because while they endorse the human rights discourse that makes inclusion a global imperative, they are caught up in a dilemma between their aspirations and the realities at school level which leave them uncertain of exactly what gains and losses might be involved in a total commitment to inclusive education. This paper reports on the findings of a study that investigated perceptions of selected primary school teachers on inclusive education in order to gain an understanding of the connection between learner support and experiences in the inclusive classroom. In-depth interviews were conducted with 9 teachers at two schools in a site-based study augmented by responses to questionnaires administered to 59 teachers across four schools in one of the district municipalities in South Africa. The study, informed by a realist philosophical perspective, adopted a mixed methods approach and a convergent parallel design. Teachers' commitment to a human rights discourse was evident. The pragmatic realities which, in teachers' experiences, constitute the major impediments to thorough-going and successful inclusive classroom practice are time, class size and insufficient training.
International Journal of Inclusive Education, 2008
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Journal of Educational Sciences Research
Despite special classrooms and educational programs being developed for special needs students in the 19 th century, it is now believed that the inclusion of special needs students with mainstream students is the more effective option. The aim of this study was to examine the views of elementary school teachers about inclusive education. Data was collected through interviews and the data analyzed using the content analysis method. Five teachers from a state school in Gaziantep, Turkey, participated in the study. It was found that when families were interested in special needs students, their teachers also shared that interest. The study also found that parents and teachers lacked detailed knowledge about inclusion, as well as measurement and evaluation not being satisfactorily conducted.
Žurnal Sibirskogo federalʹnogo universiteta, 2021
The paper presents a part of the research data from a broader piece of research focused on teaching effectiveness in inclusive forms. It analyses the opinions of the teaching staff at different types of schools on the existing barriers and teachers' needs related to inclusive education. The research involved N=1.216 teaching staff (98 % teachers) working in Slovak schools. A questionnaire developed by the authors was used and respondents filled it in anonymously in electronic form. The results clearly indicate persistent issues in the inclusive practice, which are in line with the findings of other nationwide Studies, i. e., missing multidisciplinary teams at schools, too many students in a single form, lack of teaching and specialised staff, limited offer of educational programmes focused on further education.
International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 2021
The goal of inclusive education is to educate students with special needs in regular schools in a social, psychological and academic sense, and to ensure integration with peers. The objective of this study aims to determine the current situation of inclusive education from the perspective of subject teachers' experiences and competencies. In this research, a descriptive research model has been applied. Research is easily accessible from the sampling method used for sampling. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 84 subject teachers in the academic year 2014-2015. The content analysis method was used to analyze the data obtained in the study. The findings of the study revealed that without adequate support from experts, subject teachers with inadequate experiences and qualifications are trying to provide education to inclusive students with their own efforts.
This study aims at finding out 1) the comprehensions of Islamic Elementary School Teachers (MI) in Salatiga to inclusive education; 2) their perceptions; and 3) their attitudes to the inclusive education. This is a survey research. The primary data collection method used in this research was questionnaires, besides structural interviews. Based upon the calculation of the questionnaires, the writer found out that 1) the teachers’ comprehension to inclusive education is still low (88.1 %) and only 4.7 % feels having a little knowledge about it. In addition, 50.02 % have negative perceptions, and are only 21.46 % who have positive perceptions to it. Even though, 43.89 % have positive attitudes and 37.81 have negative attitudes to the inclusive education. Keywords Comprehensions, Perceptions, Attitudes, Inclusion"
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2023
Inclusion in education is considered as an approach where education is provided to physical and cognitive disabilities as well as to the human diversity with regard to ability, language, age, culture, gender, and of human differences. Here needs the Special needs education as a phenomenon by which students experience difficulties in learning, both included in and excluded from the forms of schooling. In this way, policy of inclusion is difficult to implement as teachers are not sufficiently well prepared and supported to work in inclusive ways. The responsibility lies on teachers for creating schools in which all children can learn and feel they belong. The role of teachers are crucial where they help in promoting, participation and reducing under achievement, especially with children perceived as having difficulties in learning. Though there are some barriers to the development of successful inclusive schools, yet the way of overcoming these difficulties is only to reconsider the roles, responsibilities and identities of teachers. Certain practices implemented for enhancing Inclusive Education like suitable Support and services to special needs pupils, well-deliberated Educational Programme, addressing them with disabilities in teacher preparations. The paper also suggests by providing the role of teacher education thereby enhances the development of teacher's skills, knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs.
This article is about the fact that all children, despite their physical, social, intellectual and other characteristics, should be included in the education system and brought up together with their peers. And as foreign experience shows, it will take a lot of time to implement the goals, and most importantly, the participation and interaction of all adult participants in the educational process working with a child with special educational needs, because only under condition it is possible to solve the problems of inclusive education. Inclusive education is a progressive way of learning that has great prospects in modern society, and this gives hope that every child with disabilities will be able to realize the right to receive a quality education adapted to their abilities and needs, find their place in life and realize your life chance and potential.
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