
(PDF) Religion and Reconstruction in the Wake of Disaster

Religion and Reconstruction in the Wake of Disaster

Whether they are one-off, or part of cycles, disasters have exerted profound long-term cultural impacts on societies around the world. This essay explores diverse aspects of post-disaster recovery as a reflecting the ways in which individuals and communities navigate tensions between desires for return to the pre-disaster status quo ante and other agendas of reconstruction in terms of projects for 'development' and improvement of previous social, economic, and political conditions. We argue that understanding religion in post-disaster contexts must involve more than simply looking at how local actor selectively engage and interpret established doctrinal repertoires to make sense of tragedy and loss. Rather, we must also look to how both the trauma of catastrophe and the profound social disruptions of contemporary reconstruction projects come to reshape the ways in which religion and its place within society becomes reconceptualized and diversely deployed in post-disaster contexts.